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Just sitting in the inferno of Arizona trying to learn the ins and outs of making a good mod.

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Why I've Been Inactive

Kody94 Blog

If you've been reading my blog, (which you probably haven't, you monster) then you are probably wondering why I haven't posted in three months. The truth is, I'm lazy. The Truth: Part 2 is that I've been busy setting up a clan for Garry's Mod with my brother and my brother-in-law. So I've been very busy. That's all.

Week 2

Kody94 Blog

Ok, so it's been 8 days, whatever. My blog, I can do it how I want. :P
So last weekend I take a trip to Phoenix with my family and I catch a cold, making my trip incredibly miserable. So I get home and recover, and I'm back on my feet, but I don't feel like doing anything productive, so I decide to play Day of Defeat: Source. While playing that I encountered a troll who was spouting heresy about console games being better than PC games. He then proceeded to say something interesting that really made me think. He said that console gamers had more skill than PC gamers (specifically First Person Shooters) due to the use of thumbsticks rather than a mouse and keyboard. Of course, he hadn't much room to talk as his KDR was 3-19.

But he had a point (kind of). So I dusted off my old xbox and fired up Halo 2...and failed miserably. So I started studying (as in playing all of my console FPS games) thumbsticks and FPS games. After a few hours of frustration I came to a conclusion: Console gamers have no more FPS skills than PC gamers. They have a different kind of skill that is based around the thumbstick layout. Trying to compare PC games to console games is about as sensible as comparing driving a car and driving an airplane. Pilots have a totally different skill set than race car drivers, but that's not to say either one is superior than the other.

Although I'm too busy (lazy) to further test or develop this "theory", I believe it's at least fairly acceptable. The best way I can see this theory being tested is to have a player with an xbox controller and a gamer with a keyboard and mouse setup fight on a PC game (xbox 360s use USB ports, right?) and see who is better. If I'm correct, depending on the skill of each gamer, the outcome will be about even scores. Maybe. Or I'm just rambling about something that I don't know anything about. :P

Anyway, back to what's been going on recently. I've been obsessed with The Guild II...outstanding piece of workmanship. Unfortunately yesterday I had a weird bug (in real life) that made me sick for a day. This morning I feel as healthy as an ox (a very hungry ox), though, so no need to worry. :P
And that's all that has happened this last week.

Kody out.

Hello World!

Kody94 Blog

Indeed, this is my first blog post! I've recently decided, why not? I've been "modding" games since I was about nine years old. The reason I put modding in quotations is because my first experiences of modding included creating levels for Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds by Lucasarts. I discovered it one rainy day while cooped up in the house, and by the end of the month my friend and I were exchanging challenges with each other that we designed in the level editor. I was hooked.

Then my family got a shiny new xbox for Christmas one year and I sadly drifted from the PC gaming/modding scene until I was about twelve, and I purchased The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind at Best Buy for $10. I discovered the SDK and officially entered the modding scene. I made cities and quests, and soon learned how to retexture models and write basic scripts. I released two (fairly low quality by my current standards) mods when I was thirteen. After that any mods I created were locked away on my hard drive, never to see the light of the Internet.

Today I am fired up and ready to mod more than ever. I have been learning how to use Hammer for about a year and a half, I'm learning very basic programming (mostly Lua, Morrowind scripting, HTML, JavaScript, Expression 2 (Garry's Mod), and minuscule amounts of C++), and I've very recently delved into the world of modeling.

So that's my modding background. Hopefully you'll hear a lot more from me from now on, and maybe even see a media release or two!
