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SRRD is a hybrid of Strategy Railroad Logistics, RTS resources and base build, and Tower Defense. The setting is fictional, but with a historic middle 20th century feel. The First Release is available now as a set of single-player missions in Campaign I. For Campaign II there will be new features centered around a more interactive build-able world on each level. .

RSS Features
Railside Turrets, and Enemy Unit Difficulty Level

Railside Turrets, and Enemy Unit Difficulty Level


Intro to the Turret Carrier and defenses deployed directly by rail car. Plus, how the enemy units were designed with level of difficulty in mind.

SRRD: Defending your HQ

SRRD: Defending your HQ


A variety of defensive turrets can be built by base structures.

SRRD Gameplay: Feeding the Machine

SRRD Gameplay: Feeding the Machine


Keeping the Mill and Factory producing is the key to Victory.

SRRD Gameplay: Collecting Your Resources by Rail

SRRD Gameplay: Collecting Your Resources by Rail


SRRD gameplay basics: How to start collecting resources for your Mill and Factory.