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The game tells the story about the adventures of a brutal and cynical hero - Russian named Max. He takes revenge on alien invaders who killed all his relatives and friends many years ago.

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Public Announcement

Public Announcement


After careful consideration of the progress and direction of the project, Black Ice Team has decided to finish Max The Revenger at a future date that...

Media release (January 6th 2013)

Media release (January 6th 2013)


Hello ladies and gentlemen! Today our old-school project celebrates one year development.

Media release (November 15th 2012)

Media release (November 15th 2012)


Hello users of internet and other people who read this news page printed on paper. Last month was very hard for our team.

Media release (October 13th 2012)

Media release (October 13th 2012)

News 4 comments

Hello, friends and haters from 21st century! A month later we're back...