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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 462)
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Seriously? you know little of me and you cant judge based i what i just said.If so, i could probably throw those words back at you.

I rarely visit this page and now i come back, i see some random guy who thinks hes trying to one-up me.Shut the **** up.not like i was really mad or anyhting,it was a simple question.and you didnt even provide an answer.

Good karma0 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Its summertime in highschool, and some colleges get out in like a week, so WTH are the makers of this game doing?

yea just say free time while your at it, but im about to get hostile,cause theres no UPDATE.

i just need an answer.

Good karma0 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

i joined here in 2012, and i watched it all up until now. Now that im looking back, ive been watching this for 3 whole years.Wow.

Good karma+2 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ PSvita works too

Yea me too.But you did an outstanding job on making it work on psvita.
Im guessing during the finishing of the build,you can set some options for people on vita so they can play like its call of duty? both hat buttons fully functional,etc..

Good karma+2 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ TDM on Anstieg with entfile (READ DESCRIPTION!)

WOAH you did nacht der untoten!

Good karma+2 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Cause of War 1944

Yeah Mabuse, as long as people find out about these fun *** homebrew games, some people will want to go back and buy the psp just for these.

And now since people have found a way to play these through the vita, it will prolong our interest on crafting homebrews on handhelds.No need to waste this game.

Good karma+4 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Cause of War 1944

Ladermom and I still play on psp.

Good karma+2 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Cause of War 1944

I still play on PSP and PC. i play on my legit PSP sometimes when im leaving the house.

Good karma+2 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Solitude Reborn

Nope,not even close.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Final Panzerfaust Ingame


Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Cause of War 1944

i came to see how this game is... and its...its...its...Great.

I feel like i can come from zombie mode on nzp to cause of war multiplayer considering there both based on ww2.

Good karma+3 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

no, im serious though, your pretty smart and funny,what do you actually work on?

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

thankyou, mg 4 ever,for letting me know that.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

no, you just need to move back immediately. and remember your spacing between you and the zombie so you can lunge properly.pretty easy to get away with.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

i just posted my youtube vids last night. i got to round 18.its in four parts it gets hard because of the waypoints and the zombies always circle around you.they are so smart.

Heres my link: Youtu.be

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Jackhammer is not exporting bsp files.i have the zhlt tools, and hlbsp as the executeble.Should i use Txqbsp?

Ive been using the valve hammer instead and it works, but i feel im gonna run into another error.

And in Nzp when i test out a map, it tells me it cant load my texture.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

whats funny is that 1.0 doesnt want to act right with my texas.wad texture file.i was testing out perk-a-colas in which im pretty sure they do along with the pap machines.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

ehh,i guess i can deal with the controls buttons as directionals.thanks yawl!

Btw i redownloaded jackhammer,might throw out a map or two...

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

I still cant believe theres a release...Even if its partial.

But anyway,theres not much in the control options for controls, i used to set my analog stick to moving instead of turning.Instead of asking you to fixing that in the next release,could i just replace the cfg files and it still work?

Good karma+2 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

the movie home alone.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Merry Christmas little fella,We know your in there all alone... now be a good little fella and open the door...

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Hey, remember that gift you offered to offer me for Cod Waw Steam version? well i want it.

Good karma+2 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Well,I already apologized,but thankyou jas. But he was studying for finals and he finshed them,but im afraid next semester will roll around and he wont be able to finish it himself.therefore being another pause in this game.

I mean we have this belief and very exciting feeling that it would be released on christmas day/eve,but in reality,im getting the feeling that the changelog will be everlasting.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Apologies for me no apologizing,And apologies for me being a dwouchebag

Good karma0 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Right now i am pulling my hair out...What im guessing is that Jukki was just studying for finals and he just now finished them and he is now on the game.

Now i understand why he could post anything yet. and yet i made all of this commontion while he was gone...i feel horrible and horrific.

I let you all down...****** gun*

Good karma0 votes
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Okay,i dont get why people still say that though.I socialize with my friends all the time but when im at home and i have just a minute i could use looking on the site,i use it.and its not like we even use up 3 minutes trying to look at the page.I mainly come to this site before i go to sleep.doesnt take me a lifetime to do or say something.

Im just trying to understand.it really doesnt make any sense and i get the feeling that you guys just have been joking around.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Jukki is always online, and im guessing he doesnt have any time on his hands to put himself busy or appear offline.

I just really feel like they have some time somewhere that they refuse to use on nzp.I have no clue why i feel this way.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

No,whining wont solve anything,but leaving the game will be a benefit and a pleasure of mine.

Still,it doesnt make any sense.how do they have the time to chat for like 3 hours,but they cant get any work done?Its simple.They are lazy.No one gets worked that hard except God.

Why cant you guys just admit that they arent managing their time?

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

Senior, im starting to believe that all psp games never finish releasing.theyre bound to do that.Solitude is dead,and i dont even see solitude reborn progress,so im assuming thats dead.I bet in this month,no pictures for Cow,Solitude,Nzp,or the others have even been posted.

Im really done with this.Im throwing in the towel.You guys can waste your time. when you respond to this i will reply to you once more and then im never coming back.

Good karma+1 vote
SuperNovae6 - - 462 comments @ Nazi Zombies: Portable

lol mabuse probably did."people like me should be buried alive." i think i said something i wasnt supposed to. only reason i talk stuff random or nzp related is to keep this forum alive. i probably deserve getting banned. But thanks jas!

Good karma+1 vote