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Oh, it's about to get all Baghdad and shi-

Comment History
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Caste Wallpaper

It's clearly ashes.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ The Hive

We're expanding beyond the scope of the leak. Far beyond, in fact.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Manhack Arcade WIP

Replace "******* core logo" with "******* troll checkerboards cuz i r clevar lul", and you have an insight into your mind.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Half life visitors REDUX

Wow, another mod made entirely out of stolen models.

Good karma+4 votes
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Poke646

Gordon had no gun training.

Let's be honest: a technician surviving with nothing but nailguns and pipebombs is on the same ground of realism as a physicist surviving with nothing but a HEV suit and submachine guns and grenades.

Good karma+2 votes
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Let´s be honest here

What a disaster.

Good karma+4 votes
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Blue Shift extreme

Wow, damn near everything in this mod is stolen without credit.

Good karma+5 votes
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Manhack Arcade WIP

The sign is from the leak, and if I recall correctly, makes an appearance in the retail game.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Breakable walls

Somewhat similar to that, but overall much easier on low-end PC's.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Manhack Arcade WIP

Guess what? Rooms tend to look pretty damn blocky. You want round walls? Go play Katamari.

Good karma+2 votes
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Welcome to C λ S T E

Nah, we're not surprised. I figured something like that would eventually happen, sadly.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Manhack Arcade WIP

That's one of the greatest ideas I've ever heard.

Let there be "Combine Core Hopes: Cybernetic Destrov"

Coming November 1st.

Good karma+3 votes
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Old weapons

If it was stolen, then yes, one would give a ****.

It is, however, taken from the leak.

Two separate things.

Good karma+3 votes
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Welcome to C λ S T E

Sadly, it would appear that all three of you are guilty of not reading the mod's description.

We're completely remaking the maps from scratch in the retail SDK.

The screenshots may show some areas that look similar to Valve's originals, but we've made quite some progress since then, and those are only a few areas.

And we're the only ones attempting to do any kind of multiplayer or coop.

Good karma+3 votes
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ CλSTE Co-op

It was a testing session for the platform. We decided to muck around and use cheats to see if it could handle it.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Manhack Arcade WIP

Yes, that is one of the Lenin signs.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Manhack Arcade WIP

The screenshot is pretty old. We've made some progress since then.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Manhack Arcade WIP

Haha, yeah.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Welcome to C λ S T E

In a nutshell, it's a reference to a Resistance spray that appears in the leak and the retail game.

The long explanation might be told later on in development.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Welcome to C λ S T E

Except that's not what we're doing. At all.

Good karma+2 votes
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Manhack Arcade WIP

What, the Combine Core? Nah, we'll use it wherever we want.

Good karma+8 votes
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Manhack Arcade WIP

Your words hurt us greatly, dawg. I will now begin to weep for this poor WIP picture.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Breakable walls

DRM? What DRM? I assume you mean DMM, which has nothing to do with this.

Good karma+1 vote
VicariousReality - - 24 comments @ Manhack Arcade WIP

greatest VAB ever

Good karma+1 vote