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Hello, I am a 23 year old 3D art and level / game design student that has been studying game art and project management for over 4.5 years in varius vocational schools, I have a some experience in leading teams and i intend to put them to the test by creating my own mod :) Its something i have always wanted to do, so lets try it!

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 91)
Tias - - 91 comments @ Sword

I wish you all good luck with this project.

However dont use ripped material as wips or poster images, seriously its not cool. It also confuses the average viewer.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Recent activity - community redirection?

yeap, but i would say that the teams should mirror eachother as much as possible to get fair balance.

And yes, i can animate aswell :)

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Recent activity - community redirection?

almost, the Udk got some points making it a fair choice. The support for vehicles are much larger than in the cry engine, i would think that vehicles wouldnt even be nessesary in the cryengine, since you cant have those grand scale maps, but with less people it wont matter in the end.
Cryengine from what i have seen can support to 28 people in one go. I would think that is sufficent. 14 people per team. Its almost like two sm squads per team, while in the udk. It can support up to 64 players, so there is a big diffrence and you really cant compare them as they focus on diffrent things.

The gametype in redorchestra is far from fast endings, it could take up to 4 minutes to capture one point on your own, and the cap zones are really large so as soon a enemy enters the cap rate goes -1 player if a friend +1. Also officer class has a +3 cap value. So basically you can cap fast if you teamplay well and over-run the zones. And by killing the enemy inside them increases the cap rate.

When a point is captured it can be used as a spawn, spawning near the capzone (unless contested)

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Recent activity - community redirection?

On that image; the heavy bolter would shoot the storm bolter to shreds :P

Considering the funktions in crysis 2, it would be ideal to reverse engineer that. And yes learning a new engine would be alot of work, but the tradeoff would save alot of time. If the cryengine modkit comes with the source for crysis 2 my best guess would be that it wouldnt be too hard to just tweak the existing game in to a warhammer one. And still get all the highquality funktions you would want.

In the UDK you even have to program your own reload :/ There is nothing left by default in the udk.

However, if cryengine = less players on field but with high quality tactical abilities and character customization. Its really depending on what people would like, most people didnt like crysis 2 because of the hardcore way of playing, but i would choose crysis 2 over teamfortress every day as i like to kill people with pistol to the head with one shot.

There is a gametype that comes to mind, something similar like Redorchestra maybe? There are no markers on the battlefield other than "tactical point" on the map. People go there and secure it. It would be in the shape of a very defendable position, and teams have to cap these parts of the map in a pattern creating a tug of war kind of gameplay, the first to run out of positions looses.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Recent activity - community redirection?

There are scenarios in tabletop that are somewhat "like" this.
Hold a area for X turns or destroy objective in X turns.

But yeah, very tricky.

yes maybe razorback would be better than rhino. The only issue is that the Razorbacks design makes it almost unable to shoot targets near in front.

I had a thought about cryengine 3, its releasing a mod kit for it soon, it would be cool to get the desired weapon menu and addon kit options, and we might even be able to put in classes with that. Since there are no such thing in UDK, i cant reverse engineer that, also crysis2 got most actions and effects you could possibly want for this kind of project :P (orbital bombardment, thunderhawk attack pass, radar scan etc)

As for the gametype, I still have only a vague idea on what would be cool. A nice battlefield - objective based gametype would be ideal. If ya got any new cool ideas, let em at me!

Just remember that it has to be dead simple.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Recent activity - community redirection?

ofc, UDK is the way to go.

Its ok, I dont promise anything yet but i will give it a go atleast. If you find skilled people looking for mod teams send em my way ok :)

Good karma+2 votes
Tias - - 91 comments @ Recent activity - community redirection?

Yes i know, but i already have a job in the game industry, this is just my hobby project, as i cant start a real paid project for it, i will have to do it on my own, i do 40k models for fun so to speak.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Recent activity - community redirection?

Good ideas keep em coming.

I would say it would be SM vs CSM as they are so similar in weaponry and numbers that it gets as fair as you can possibly get in the WH universe.

If you play renegades vs marines, the player count should be something like 5 marines vs 70 renegades or something like that. The melee combat for the renegades would be equivalent to stabb a solid rock with a kitchen knife, and shooting space marines would be the equivalent to trying to kill someone with nerf rifles. (not so balanced)

If i were to bring in vhehicles, it would be a Dread, Rhino and a landspeeder nothing more.

I am not sure about the nodes though, or what the cores would be. Having relics placed out in random locations would seem a tad wierd, usually relics are kept in huge monuments and not some pillar. Also i am personally sick of the flag usage, so i would want to avoid that.

And the core? what should the core be like? something that makes sense.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Heresy: Tactical Deployment

yes that is true, thats why im not really announcing anything, just tossing ideas atm, If any coder would magically present themselfes to me it could get real.

atm its just wishfull thinking.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Recent activity - community redirection?

Good point, yeah that would perferable. I am no coder, so what can be provided will be limited by the future programmers skills I guess.

what do you mean with chapter rooster? Is it like you should be able to choose what chapter you want your marines to display like? If so, i think that would be a tad too complex to make, i would like to keep stuff simple (really really simple) And keep to one chapter, as the quality of the art can be made with much higher detail.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Uyraell

Thx man it means alot :)

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Direction change

heh no, i wasnt going to sell it, it was free indi project. It was basically a mod, but in the UDK which makes it a game, because the udk dont need a bought game to run it.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Direction change

It never was my game, it was everyones game, i couldnt make money out of it in the first place because that is in the legal document, however games workshop reserves the right to highjack any GW based project, you cant even make youtube animation clips without getting highjacked.

We just pray that they dont find UT40k and highjack that one too.

Good karma+2 votes
Tias - - 91 comments @ Direction change

the reason UT40k looks as it does, is because they have no experienced or dedicated art team, which is reasonable. Imagine the progress they have made without art, and then add new fresh art that i make. what do you get?

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Space Marine

The helmet is prolly the one thing that is right on that marine.

It gives out the right silluette from all angles and i took extra consideration to curves and angles when i made it, it is also just the right size to fit a human head in there. If you look close, the helmet is fairly straight angle, but it follows the angle of the marines torso piece. Giving it a nice smooth look.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Direction change

Yeah, Since they are porting everything to the UDK and after the merge with bf40k they are taking new fresh steps, which allows me to take more part and controll of the graphics that will be made, i will make sure that the quality of the mod will be raised to the standard of Heresy.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ lukaluka94

not much to tell yet man, we have been spraying all sorts of ideas all week, but its gonna get decided thursday.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Heresy: Tactical Deployment

I havent fully given up yet, I am batteling with the options right now to see what can be done to make a warhammer game.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ chaosmaster4

And oh btw. sorry for the late respons, ive been working my *** off in another direction. Yeah its always open, If you want directions you can just add me on msn i think i gave it to you a while ago. ( i am not allowed to have any other I.M's at work )

I hate that i dont get notified on my profile when there are new messages.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Alpha234

yeah its the sucks, but we are going to make a new one, with even better quality, since i am only getting better at this :)

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Tias - - 91 comments @ chaosmaster4

not really, they said to us that they cant stop us from making the game. But they can and will stop us from making a full release, we would get sued and they would sieze the game materials claiming full ownership. Thats what would happen if we continiued, I heard from some other people who had their warhammer based games highjacked by gamesworkshop.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ lukaluka94

They didnt we did, they said to us that they cant stop us from making the game, but they can and will stop us from making a release, we would get sued to the bone and they would sieze the game materials claiming full ownership. Thats what would happen if we continiued, I heard from some other people who had their warhammer based games highjacked by gamesworkshop.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Bad news

Yeah, The only way to get this project through would be to buy a IP license, and to do that we need to establish a company, and if we do that we need a bucket of lisences for all our tools, in the end it just got to a epic scale for just working around it.

We started pitching new ideas and we are getting somewhere. Next project we will make our own ip to make it easyer

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Bad news

Believe me, no ones more sad than us. we put in some real effort in to it, Though i knew that this might happen. Apparently The IP is their most valuable asset, and releasing something free made them shrug, And i wont have them hijack the game and sue us in the process.

The team has decided to start piching new ideas. But it might not be this kind of game.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Heresy: Tactical Deployment

Not at the moment now, the curret version is tactical squad only

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Rhino

Our lead animator Strayferret had a little time on his hands so he gave us this! :)

Good karma+5 votes
Tias - - 91 comments @ Heresy: Tactical Deployment

Its going slow at the moment, I am working abroad and i dont have my machine with me, so i am only coordinating my fellow modders. The level design has made some progress what i understand, and we have got a fairly awesome rhino model ready for bake, gonna post when i have some updates.

I work 12 hours a day now so i dont have much time after work, But i am learning really cool stuff which will improve the mod alot.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Flamer thrower

I think it was only about 1.2 mil, the shape is not that advanced.

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Tias - - 91 comments @ Sven Co-op 4.0 Trailer 1


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Tias - - 91 comments @ Heresy: Tactical Deployment

I just got a fulltime job, so the mod will progress a bit slower. But it wont die i promise.

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