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I am an italian anarco-syndicalist, with a stupid and really sad ^^ passion for some, few - very few - video-games, especially if they can be changed, modded. Between a revolt and the other (in the head or in the streets), between a readings and the other, willingly I lose a few hours with a games that amuses me. [And... I'm sorry guys, I do not speak English, I know just a few words and the most common and easiest syntactic structure :L ].

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 57)
Teseo - - 59 comments @ EFT Interface For Grok's Body Health System : update 1.2

The shape of the skeleton has always seduced me... I tried to activate this mod several times (in Vanilla 1.5.2 etc. with BHS Redux [2.0.2]) but nothing. Maybe it is not compatible with mod updates involved in its features. In any case it's a pity -.-

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Temporal Anti-Aliasing [1.5.2 vanilla]

Thank you LVutner.

Good karma+4 votes
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Temporal Anti-Aliasing [1.5.2 vanilla]

Forgive my newbiesme... how do I recover the mentioned Discord address?

Good karma+2 votes
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

It gives me great pleasure :)

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Sorry if I intervene in this discussion. Everything works for me (to make SSS work I inserted SSS, and all the mods 'connected' to SSS, manually); the game is very very nice like this, but I found that if I insert a mod that requires the cancellation of the shaders the game gives me the classic error, even if after deleting the shaders folder the first time I start the game from the game executable, I close it immediately, and then I start it from MO2 (deleting the shader in fact has never given me any problems); now this no longer applies, if I insert a mod that requires deleting the shaders now gives me the error even when I start the game from the game folder. It's not a big deal since the game is now graphically beautiful and I can insert all the mods that don't require shader camcellation, but I'd still like to fix it (sooner or later I'll probably need to clear the shaders).

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

The same thing happened to me. After trying everything (but there are those who say they solved it by simply increasing the brightness and gamma; this really didn't solve anything for me), after trying everything I solved it by manually inserting Enhanced_Shaders_Color_Grading, ShaderDrivenScopes, Beefs_NVGs, ScreenSpaceShaders, Atmospherics, following the procedure carefully; and then using MO2 to have all the other modifications active. Give it a try. I hope it works for you too (but carefully follow the procedure for inserting the mods mentioned above, this thing is really decisive). The latest version of SSS makes the game beautiful to look at ^^

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Gunslinger PDA Animation

The description is really sparse... -.-


Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Chatty Companions

This message no longer appeared. I do not know what to say.

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Chatty Companions

A message appeared in my partner's dialog box that said, more or less, that if this message appeared I should contact the author on Discord and send him the log. Is it that serious? This message appeared several times among other messages (I noticed it by chance). In case it was a major problem, I actually don't know where to get the log. (I'm fond of this Mod but will disable it if this continues or gets worse -.-).

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Mateba Unica 6 v1.11

I'm touched ;_; ^^ I'll take it in a hurry (even if I've grown fond of your Chiappa-Rhino).

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Do you have a black screen or a very dark game? (If it's the second case maybe I can help) (going back to the previous version is a shame, considering how much the latest version improves and makes the game beautiful).

A small example of how the latest version makes the game (and I'm an 'occasional', perhaps I don't adjust it to the best):

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Project: Golden Autumn

Complimenti Fabio.

Good karma+2 votes
Teseo - - 59 comments @ RE:PACK Tushkano 1.0

Don't worry, these Tushkanos are fun anyway ^^

Good karma+2 votes
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Teseo

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ IgroMan's OLR Zombies 1.1

A small preview of the re-sound would help seduce me/us ^^
be patient :|

Good karma+3 votes
Teseo - - 59 comments @ RE:PACK Tushkano 1.0

They only have one problem, often when they are killed they remain... standing.
See here from 01:48


Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Body Health System reworked 0.4

The latter linked ("EFT Medical Interface") is actually very very nice, and it seems to me there is nothing of this kind for Vanilla; about the usefulness, considering that I can see where I was injured in the HUD silhouette, one could argue; anyway I have always been seduced by the beauty of that image of the skeleton before its real functionality :)

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Body Health System reworked 0.4

Forgive me, I'll try to ask you anyway... :|
Is there a way to bring back the icon (and number of their quantity) of the ammo from right to left in the HUD (i.e. next to the silhouette)?
(I ask only because in the case was a simple thing to do - perhaps through MCM - discovering one day that it was a simple thing, I will say "but why didn't I asked..."; just for this ^^).

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Improved Mutant Footsteps 1.5

Yes, in fact, as I thought. Footsies is an important mod (not hearing a mutant or NPC running 3, 4 mt. away was disheartening), however the sound of its footsteps is really not very seductive (that's a euphemism ^^); if your mod improves them as it seems this mod becomes a absolute must have of the game ^^

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Improved Mutant Footsteps 1.5

Is, let say, 'technically', better to put it before or after Footsies?

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Pizza! 0.3

Yes! Because before having the pizza in the Zone, a modification must be made (inside Hideaut?) in which a wood-fired oven can be built in which to cook it (it's fine for the ingredients, they can enter from outside -.-) and an NPC with the attribute ' he lived in Naples where he learned to make pizza'; otherwise I will never eat a pre-packaged pizza... I'm Italian! This modification could become a diplomatic case... ^^

Good karma+6 votes
Teseo - - 59 comments @ HEADLAMP REANIMATION

You will have solved it, otherwise look for this mod, it should fix the thing:

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Chiappa Rhino 60DS revolver v.1.5

Anyway... I'm using it with the Feyachi RSL-18 scope, and... it's a beautiful gun/mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Body Health System reworked 0.4

Yep, I've disabled the old one now... everything seems to work fine.

However, the ammo icon in the hud has moved back to the right... and if it weren't for the habit of seeing it on the left, next to the silhouette, it wouldn't (and isn't) actually a big problem.

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ RE:PACK Tushkano 1.0

I activated it - along with the diabolic tushkano soundmod from TheTazDJ - but I haven't encountered a Tushkano yet. As soon as that happens I'll let you know if - at least for me - it works in Vanilla ^^

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Body Health System reworked 0.4

So far it works well (at least I think... I'm a bit of a dork sometimes), even better with the latest update, which brought back the ammo icon in the hud from right to left, as it was in bhs - bhs that I didn't disable... since the only negative effect which I recognize (let's say, that I've noticed so far) is the smaller and practically invisible silhouette of bhs in the hud under the similar and a little larger silhouette of this mod. Precisely because the silhouette is in fact almost invisible I have not disabled bhs, and if only because I fear that otherwise problems would arise that would force me to look for patches for bhs in the other mods... ^^

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Project TV

Damn, that would be awesome!
In the meantime I'll try this nice mod ^^

Good karma+4 votes
Teseo - - 59 comments @ RE:PACK Tushkano 1.0

Has anyone tried this in Vanilla? (Otherwise - I downloaded it - I'll try it tomorrow).

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Chiappa Rhino 60DS revolver v.1.5

Moreover, "chiappa" in Italian, in the register, let's say, low, means buttock ^^

Good karma+1 vote
Teseo - - 59 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Changing gamma and brightness hadn't changed anything for me. Better for you ^^ I only solved it in the way described.

Good karma+1 vote