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Comment History
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Modern Warfare Mod Maps (for 6.0 and onwards)

appearantly dirctory path for MW mappack on installation wizard showing up blank for some people, including me. you may wanna check it out. meanwhile, install mappak on this directory :
steam\steamapps\common\World in conflict
or alternatviely, where 'wic.exe' is located at.

Good karma+2 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ WIC: Modern Warfare Mod

Good to hear that. btw It surprised me that warping SAMs were replaced with FLINT at least 3 years ago. even if still feels like it was yesterday.

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ WIC: Modern Warfare Mod

I just wonder is there any plans for improving S-300's flight characteristic, i'm not a PhD on missile dynamics. but when S-300 compared to Patriot, Iron Dome etc, it's movement seems so inefficient, unrealistic. yes, you raised my eyes on standard for missile a lot! I'm not demanding you to improve them! but just wonder.

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Leopard 2A6 Main Battle Tank

as blahdy mentioned, from the new version 4.7, both faction will be replaced BLUEFOR and REDFOR which are combined forces, instead of US and Russian.

Good karma+3 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Killing, My Friend

Oh, i made a rude question. by the way thanks for letting me know. it's good to see this kind of Hong Kong film themed games. i love them!

Good karma+2 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Killing, My Friend

Don't take this as offense, but this game reminds me of Double Action : boogaloo. are you same guys from that modification?

Good karma+2 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Tank Lovers Group

I don't know how bad or good T-14 will be. but it's good sign for the russian tank crews. that lead designer mentioned crew survivability as first priority in their design. at least the crew won't eject with turret. right? XP

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ 9M113M Konkurs-M ATGM

its called AhnCheat. usually used for development or filming. you can find easily by googling.

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Return of the Tomahawk Cruise Missile.

oh, i noticed that the cruise missile didn't reveal the fog of war on the minimap. i often spammed cruise missile for scout. this tactic won't work T^T

Good karma+3 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Return of the Tomahawk Cruise Missile.

wow. from now on, it wont stupidly crash in the valley, right?
and its movement! it actually flying like a cruise missile! what an improvement! nicely done, what you've worked. hehe. i can't wait for an next version released just for this one.

Good karma+3 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ JTAC & Semi-Active Laser Homing Tutorial

thanks for a kindly and detailed reply. i couldn't expect this from my ignorant question XD

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ JTAC & Semi-Active Laser Homing Tutorial

helpful and cool video! i even didn't know that the missiles from Apache can be guided by JTAC too.

just one question, does hellfire always follow the laser designation as first priority? or only when laser marking is present near the hellfire's target zone?

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Winter dawn

wow.. this scene just perfectly fit with background!

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ New Year update

totally agree with moraman. Ukraine/Russian armors that you made are beautiful. but we also want seeing rivals too. in this new year, i hope some competitive armor could rolling out!

Good karma+4 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ WIC: Modern Warfare Mod

ah, now i see. i thought it could solve the balance issues on armor. so hurried about a bit. couldnt do double check.
i should learn more while serving military service duty. have to join army 4~5 years later XD

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ WIC: Modern Warfare Mod


some of Mi-28N equipped with arbalet radar, which is planned to mounting on Ka-52. but most of Mi-28N has N025 Almaz-280

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ WIC: Modern Warfare Mod

yeah, AT-16 is laser-beam tracking missile. so i thought it cant be leading 2 at once too.
but still Mi-28N has arbalet millimetre wave radar on its top of main rotor.
at least they can find the enemy with it..

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ WIC: Modern Warfare Mod

i heard that Mi-28N has a radar similar to AH-64 apache longbow.
also Mi-28N can lead 2 AT-16 at once.
if they're true, why Mi-28N in mod does not having these ability?

Good karma0 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ MWM 4.0 Development Roadmap

Counter bettery!
artilleryman have to keep moving after fire and trying to destroy enemy WLR.
its my uncle always trained with his K-9!
it will give me thrill while playing support. Haha.

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Modern Warfare Mod 3.2 Released!

how can i measure(or guess) ingame distance?
every single maps have different size so cant figure it out with megamap or minimap..

*Victorious google translator*

Good karma+2 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Modern Warfare Mod 3.1 Released!

Smarter bot
More balanced game play
Better visual effect

Only few weeks are passed since major update...
Contract with devil or something?!

Good karma+4 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ 3.1 Dev Scenes

some useless question : I want to see that E! in my game, what should i do? XD

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ MQ-9 Reaper UAV from MW Mod 3.1 Development

Reaper, predator, F-16, A-10, F22, Su-27, Su-25, tu-142, missiles... etc.

Lots of things to shot down :D

Good karma+2 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ WIC: Modern Warfare Mod

oh, i hope it wont take too long time.
because it means

'there's no longer AWESOME VLS MISSILE! on US faction. (temporary)'

Good karma+2 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ WIC: Modern Warfare Mod

KM-SAM removed for model fix? faction balance issue? or problem with adapting FLINT?

just curious :P

Good karma+2 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ CoH: Modern Combat Patch - 1.008!

whew, thanks for let me know it! even i couldnt find the AMTRAC for a while.

Good karma+1 vote
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ CoH: Modern Combat Patch - 1.008!

umm.. but those picture's title says ; stryker patrol

Good karma+2 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ FLINT Patriot SAM

missiles wont suddenly disappear in middle of the air and show how they moving so beautiful..


Good karma0 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ WIC: Modern Warfare Mod

found an weird bug when i playing as russian air. Tu-95 keep firing cruise missile on friendly infantry units which entered in building. check this video.
from 0:25
it keeps doing same thing since ver 2.5. is this already known?
i didnt check other situation or maps.

and i hope there is some tutorial for russian armor. i felt difficulty on russian armor..

sorry for my bad ENGRISH :D

Good karma+3 votes
Tankmob - - 30 comments @ Modern Warfare Mod 2.7 (now 2.7.1) Released!

I found an weird bug when i playing as russian air. Tu-95 keep firing cruise missile on friendly infantry units which entered in building. check this video.
from 0:25
it keeps doing same thing since ver 2.5. is this already known?
i didnt check other situation or maps.

and i hope there is some tutorial for russian armor. i felt difficulty on russian armor..

sorry for my bad ENGRISH :D

Good karma+3 votes