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I am a person who causes many problems by accident and enjoys playing games, but also knows allot about the weaponry of and used in world war 2 and the korean war.

Comment History
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Desert Conflict - Advanced Weapons

when will you release this!!!! this looks amazingly fun!!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

great job guys! you really went the whole 9 yards on this one! and great detailing! so does this mean your almost ready to release a beta?

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

so youre saying there will eventually be a beta test then? and you will pick and choose people to participate, or will it be a public beta if you have one...

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

sorry repeated comment

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

not completely dragon hunt... the king tigers Armor was not well suited to hold against the power of the IS-2's shell, and the IS2's armor was shaped so that the shell would bounce off of the front.

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Go to school man, if you dropped out go back, if your dislexic, get a life, if you are a retard, take some medication and come back when you can spell!

Good karma-4 votes
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

so this mod is almost done... wow im beyond happy! ive waited forever to see this thing! i hope you did what Kmod did with the realistic damages!

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Hotshot if they added any more range to those snipers and or mortars youd be looking at more of a cannon than a sniper and more of an arty peice than that of a mortar... and the PPSH looks sweet what are you talking about man its litterally as realistc as you can put it into an overhead RTS game, so think before you comment...

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ My trip to south caroloinas patriots point

ITS A TOILET ON A CART........... HOW RANDON CAN IT GET ON AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER?!?!?!?!?!?! the world will never know...

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

i can totally agree with you on that one man, most people need to use proper grammer and for christ's sake they made this cool thing called a spell check too!

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ sgtjoez

the CD

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ BLITZKRIEG MOD v1.40 Open Beta 2 for COH ToV

the flak 88 is labeled correctly the "Anti Tank, Anti Air, Artillery cannon" and yes the flak 88 could fire artillery indirect and direct support. they were much more able of ripping through the front lines of infantry and hitting american encampments than mortars, as they can be traced quicker and the shell has a very predictable blast area... another thing i found quite interesting when i actually watched called a "documentary" and actually read this cool new thing they call a "book" on WW2 tactics and weaponry, the 88mm flak shell is called a "flak" shell because of the fact that when it explodes, metal peices fly from the shell... if you want some good information actually check out those new cool things i mentioned earlier, the documenteries can be found on this new thing called the "history" channel and the "books" can be found in a new place called a "library"... have fun!

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

btw im no good at mapping yet with the world builder (im still getting used to the layout) but if you have some community members who would like to write me out a tutorial... i learn better when reading. so if you can get a community member i can use some pics i took from a recent trip to moscow ive got and some pics from online to make a couple of moscow and stalingrad maps for you guys!

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

this mod is gonna turn out great... if it goes on hold or dies we all might as well curl up and die... this mod looks awesome... these are all feed backs from some pals of mine who were over here checkin it out! all my friends who have this game and have heard of this mod would go homicidal if you cancel! in other words GOOD WORK! KEEP IT UP! AND DONT LET THIS MOD DIE... EVER!

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Katyusha

their fire rate is beyond realistic for that specfic vehicle, the katyusha was used by the russians during WW2 to pin down germ panzer advances on stalingrad and in moscow to push them back.

Good karma0 votes
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ RotS - Mod 0.4.5 Full

i installed it and it gave me a .bat file labeled ROTS i double clicked it and it opened the file and imediatly shut out without loading the game. how do i fix that?

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Black Hawk Down

exactly! just allow it to be accessed anywhere!

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Black Hawk Down

seal team 6 defensive ability camo?

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ piper647

im having a problem with downloading HW2 to my comp it freezes up at the music.big file in download, any easy home fix?

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Phoenix Rising

i cant get it to run at all... i mean at all...

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Battlestar Galactica-Colonial Wars

im having trouble downloading it any more detailed instructions than those included with the read me?

Good karma+1 vote
sgtjoez - - 22 comments @ Special Operations

how do i download it?

Good karma+1 vote