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raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Yeah, it's usually that one, no problem.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Some cheats can cause it, are you using any?

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raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision v1.08b

The difficulty increase mostly happened by removing some of the advantages that the player had over cpu. It was done to create an even playing field, not out of any desire to make the game harder, and some changes were even done to make it easier.
We could say that the only battle that was made harder on purpose was the nybeth fight in chapter 1, to make it more obvious that the battle is optional.

The general advice to make the game easier is to explore your tools, use a well rounded team, use buffs and debuffs, maybe use some consumables.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

I can't remember if it was an oversight or I did it on purpose to make it do less damage. It isn't very important either way but I could make it consistent

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raics - - 1,291 comments @ Equilibrium

Yeah, if you see no recruits it probably means your rank is still not high enough.

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raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Herbal extract is used to craft the kirin blowgun, I don't think it's used for anything else but I might add something at some point. I've been planning to go through crafting one more time and simplify it even further, so I might get rid of the ingredient, but that would take a lot of work because I'd have to remove everything that isn't used anymore from enemies.
Lifegiver crafting is an error, in this patch it's possible to craft it with balefire arcana, but that isn't intended and will be fixed.

Parry and deflect are generally referred to as 'parry skills', and overpower seems to work on deflect too.

It would be nice if it was possible to restrict access to some arcana so random enemies can't use them, at least until you obtain them yourself, but the current mechanics don't allow it.

Racial skills are specifically restricted to classes that aren't available to that race, because the way they work on the defensive side is bugged and can't be fixed. For anatomy it means it's available only to non-human classes, like juggernaut, familiar or monsters. It isn't a perfect way to circumvent the issue, but it's either that or scrape them, and players chose to keep them in like this.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Not really, grinding new classes is fast enough with the exp redistribution code, and some players also find a bit of grinding between story missions relaxing. Those that don't want to level new classes are welcome to use the class level code generator from the website.
You don't really need to grind anything else, I suppose not even classes if you use the starting ones and maybe a few extra, but that's no fun.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Sure, a lot of things have been added or reworked, equipment, spells, items, abilities, most special characters got a class of their own and so on.

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raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Heal2 and Allheal2 arcana locations, changes to summons are different, level requirement change for heals2 and summons1, AoE size for galaxy stop and grim dawn, and cheaper arcana.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Depends at which part of the game. Early on you gain levels too fast so rare items would get outgrown too soon, and gear matters a lot so if they had the kind of power that would last you a long time, they would be far too strong. However, you can get some optional characters with unique classes, you can unlock some classes sooner and so on.
At final chapter, however, you unlock a lot of optional content, and that's where most of the unique gear is. The general rule in the mod is that you don't need grind for special drops, if there's anything notable, that enemy will always be present and always drop the item.

Good karma+2 votes
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Thanks, I'll check what's wrong

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ Equilibrium

SPAS-12 wasn't in Fallout 1/2 or Tactics. The way they're set up in the mod is you're getting one pump action, one double barrel, one semi-auto (spas-12), and three fully auto shotguns, so you have yet to find those three.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ Equilibrium

Yeah, mentioned that further down the page, the .exe file is where the perk changes and some other fixes are, so you should use the one provided.

Good karma+2 votes
raics - - 1,291 comments @ Equilibrium

BOSCHE always worked for me, I can't really think of anything else.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ Equilibrium

Unfortunately, I can't think of anything. I never heard of the game not filling the whole screen when the aspect ratio is correct, that's what it should do by default. If it's something about your specific setup, dunno what you could do, maybe try to reset all driver settings to default, do a full driver cleanup, update them. Maybe it's even your monitor settings so that could be worth checking too.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ Equilibrium

I just apply the high res patch, select any widescreen resolution, like 1280x720 and it covers the entire screen. If you don't see any widescreen resolutions it's possible that steam reverts the patching of the exe file. It should be possible to prevent that, but I have the GOG version so I can't help with the details.

Another reason to prevent that is because certain fixes are applied to the main exe file, and that's also where the perk changes are, as weird as that sounds. So if you let steam revert it, you won't have any of those changes.

Also, you should start BOS.exe directly if you can and use the one provided with the mod, don't use the launcher.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Sorry, I don't have a save like that, you can try asking in the discord

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Unfortunately, no, a lot of changes from here just wouldn't work in reborn.

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raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

If you mean the blue/green blinking square at the bottom right before the game shows the grid to choose your team for the battle, yeah, I see it too. If no settings are making a difference, there isn't much we can do, maybe it gets fixed in next version.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Hi, maintaining two versions of the mod while I'm still working on it would be a pain, but it wouldn't be too hard to make a cwcheat that removes the part where the item user warps out. I'll probably make one these days.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

It seems they wanted to streamline the game and make it more accessible. PSP Tactics Ogre has a lot of elements which are a product of game development trends at that time, and this mod also tries to remove a lot of those elements.
So, Reborn tried to reduce the time you spend tinkering with your team and just let you play. They've put most of their effort in improving that part, so there weren't really that many changes to classes and abilities.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Unfortunately, Spanish version doesn't exist, only EU English and USA English, which are exactly the same. There's also the Japanese version which differs a lot and this mod isn't compatible with it.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

No problem, hope you enjoy it.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

I can't share the iso image, that's piracy, however I have a more detailed guide for the second installation method that I'm using to update the image on android. There's a text version and a video version here:

Good karma+2 votes
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

I'm not done with the mod so I wouldn't be up to keeping both versions up to date, but this wouldn't be hard to do with a cwcheat code. That aside, maybe something else would be a better idea, global stat growth is a bit tedious and puts races with lower class selection at a disadvantage, especially those with no class change, like flying monsters and golems. So, if you just want to be able to farm stats more easily, a code that increases stat gains from monster food to something like 10 points a pop and stocks the store with a 100 pieces for each monster at 10 goth a piece would probably be more convenient.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

You can't find it on romhacking.net? The link there was working a few days ago.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

No problem, cheers.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

You have a problem then, you're missing the battle data changes, that's why there are no special units, some drops are where they shouldn't be and vice versa. Enemies also don't have the proper skill and gear setups.
So, it either isn't patched well, or you have data install from vanilla game. You added the data install fix that was also in the zip?

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Thanks for trying it out and taking the time to comment. Criticism is useful but knowing that someone somewhere enjoys your work also helps to keep the project going.

Good karma+1 vote
raics - - 1,291 comments @ One Vision

Sure, they aren't as cheesy in their current form.

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