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RSS Reviews

Space Engineers

Early access game review

When i first see SE on steam i was like. Wow this looks cool. Then i added it to my wishlist and moved on. After some months SE was in sale and free to play weekend. I toght "well this is the time to test it", and put it to download. On that weekend i spent like 80% of my time playing SE and i noticed how i was stupid to not have boght this game the first time I have seen it on steam. And it was the first game i ever ever played on a free weekend on steam, and i loved it. Now i am getting close to 1k hours of gameplay on it and it is just the most amazing game i have ever played in my life. Thanks Keen for this awesome game and i really can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us. This game just gets bether and bether with each update. =)



Game review

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Game review