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Comment History
PPoe - - 14 comments @ Enderal

Sorry to ask this question once again, Im unable to find or remember the right answer now: Is it possible to start playing the german version and later transfer the saves to english one and continue playing?

Good karma+2 votes
PPoe - - 14 comments @ Enderal

Your philosophy is exactly right. The gaming industry proves it. Look at Witcher 3, delayed, but come out perfect, and the development is realtively open to fans. Plus they are customer friendly: no DRM, can choose between distributing services etc.. And fans are happy.
Compare it to the Ubi with AC: Unity.. Unfinished game, unsitisfied fans.
Take your time!
(Altought the fan in me wants to scream: Hurry, hurry I cant wait!!:-) )

Good karma+2 votes
PPoe - - 14 comments @ Enderal

Im so excited about this.. Nehrim was awesome and Enderal seems to be even better. Cant wait. And its free..
Keep up the good work!
Resist the temptation to go outside! =)

Good karma+5 votes
PPoe - - 14 comments @ The Duel Mod

MAybe change the mod shortcut to avoid mistaking with TDM - the Dark Mod

Good karma+3 votes
PPoe - - 14 comments @ Enderal

I was somehow hoping in at least one video per month.. Is there some timeline? And keep that great work, Im super excited about this project, Nehrim was awesome and Enderal is rising the bar once again.

Good karma+5 votes
PPoe - - 14 comments @ Malware, Malware, Malware...

I wish you good luck and i hope for more screenshots, or even some video.=) My anticipations are extremly high, Nehrim was a blast.

Good karma+1 vote
PPoe - - 14 comments @ Enderal

Nehrim was amazing in case of dungeons.. Every dungeon offered a story, unique design or other clever ideas to make it interesting. Oblivion was rly bad in this, swithcing 4 types of dungeons all again..

But skyrim was good, I remember a few pretty unique dungeons. Of course, some dungeons was just variations on the same theme, but it was much better than oblivion.

Good karma+4 votes
PPoe - - 14 comments @ The Dark Mod (Standalone)

We hope so, but we are still missing some key assets. (Like animations of skeletons and zombies)
In the meantime, you can play several missions without Doom3 already, check thedarkmod.com forums..

Good karma+3 votes
PPoe - - 14 comments @ The Dark Mod (Standalone)

Thank you for kind comment. It is always a big pleasure to see people enjoying the mod.=)

Good karma+2 votes
PPoe - - 14 comments @ CzechDeath

Ahoj, uz jsi rozchodil ten darkmod? Rozhodne stoji za vyzkouseni. Dokonce je i v cestine (sice ingame nema znaky pro ščř atd, ale myslim ze je nekdo dodelava, nebo je to alespon v planu).
Jestli mas porad problemy se spoustenim, napis na forum www.thedarkmod.com a urcite ti nekdo poradi.

Good karma+1 vote
PPoe - - 14 comments @ The Dark Mod (Standalone)

I hope that youll have a great time with this mod. If youll need some help, wisit our forums (http://forums.thedarkmod.com/)

Good karma+3 votes
PPoe - - 14 comments @ The Dark Mod (Standalone)

Yes,you need. But that is not big problem, you can buy DOOM3 really cheap now. And this mod is definitely worth it=)
Ihope you will be enjoing the mod soon.

Good karma+3 votes
PPoe - - 14 comments @ St. Alban's Cathedral Images

The cave is trully beautiful..

Good karma+1 vote
PPoe - - 14 comments @ St. Alban's Cathedral "Released"

Great mission, everyone should try this one.

Good karma+3 votes