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Comment History
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Halo 2

Some guys just made a patch modifying Halo 2 to work with Windows XP and directX 9.0c. They also made one for Shaodowrun as well! Flips off Bill Gates... :P

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Cube 2: Sauerbraten

yeah, this game is awesome, love deathmatch instagib! XD Can't wait for the Eisenstern RPG mod!

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Magic Bomb

These should be called Naphtha Bombs (historically) if these are supposed to be the explosives the Persians had, there users are called Naphtha Throwers. Unless the novel had called them something different and your going by that. Just my two cents...

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Battlefield 2142

You know I didn't like this one as much as BF2. The basic version only has 6 maps (IIRC) and two factions. Then the northern strike expansion has a couple extra vehicles and 3 more maps. Contrast this with BF2 w/ its expansions, 4 main factions, 6 special forces factions, a butt-load of vehicles and over two dozen maps. The graphics & sound aren't that big a step up from BF2, I haven't noticed much difference in the physics (tho I'm told there are some), and titan mode can be frustrating if no one on the server uses team work, or shares rides up to the enemy titan. All in all it seems like a step down from BF2 in terms of gameplay.

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Standalone Games

These are actually Duke Nukem Forever screenshots, somebody misplaced them here, lol :P

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ X-Coop

This mod is dead for 58 months now and still on here! LOL! :P RIP :dead:

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ BioShock

Sorry to be the devil's advocate here, but it looks like a lot of hype and shock value, and not a lot of game experience. Also if it's just going to be a one-huge city level type game I see only partial mods, no tc's here. Good graphics and sound aside...

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Samurai

yeah this one's in the graveyard :P

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Resistance

good advice sebhael, I got 3DSMax & blender myself, blender is free and is a good program, 3DSMax is pay for, but of the 3D modeling programs out their I'd say it has one of the most intuitive interface to learn (maybe it's just me, but most modelling programs seem to be somewhat counter-intuitive to learn from inexperienced or new users). Then you got C++ and away you go. ;) Heh a couple of my friends work at Lynda.com editing tutorials.

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ escape from HELL

This game is teh suck :P

Good karma+3 votes
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Resistance

This game won't even start like your last one! It just crashes, 400mb download just so you can see a title screen? Come on... It's not my computer, my computer can play BF2142 smoothly and other recent games. You could at least use the debugger on FPS creator before uploading this heap on ModDB. LOL :P

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Spongebob Wolf3D

3+ years dead and this mod is still lingering here! LOL

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Orthuberra

Hello, just signed up to the Mod & Addon DB a few days ago, cool site. I like to do 3d models & art in my spare time, I also have other hobbies that aren't relevant here too, and mod games as well, mostly just small stuff I do on my own, but I am inclined to help other modders with there projects as well. You can visit my sites at the signature to see some work I've done so far w/ mods. Feel free to leave a comment or question & have a nice day! :)

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Duke Nukem Forever

10 years and counting...

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Classic Doom 3

This mod made Doom3 worth it.

Good karma0 votes
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Battletech: Spring

Would love to play this one, keep up the goodness!

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ MechWarrior: Living Legends

Massive battlemech combat, no guts, no galaxy! How far has the modeling come along? Do you guys accept freelance contributions? I'm doing a Vega Strike mod right now, but maybe I can squeeze some time in to make a mech.

Good karma+1 vote
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Outbreak Solanum

Zombie survival guide & world war Z, kick@$$!!

Good karma0 votes
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance

The best of the star wars space sims right here.

Good karma+5 votes
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Daikatana

John Romero is gonna make you his b*tch!
Right after he loses his job and company to stupidity.

Suck it down...

Good karma+5 votes
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Second Life

Why is this on here? You can't mod this game, the game is to mod stuff for people in the game! It's not even a game come to think of it. I played it a little back in Nov 06 and was bored to pieces, got some free money of these trees in the game then made some self-replicating boxes & crashed the thing. Haven't bothered since...

Good karma+4 votes
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ Descent 2

Wikipedia is the official site for this game? :rolleyes:

Good karma+2 votes
Orthuberra - - 23 comments @ FirstStrike Update

Great job here, haven't even seen this mod, but it looks terrific! I liked BF2 more than 2142, but with this mod I think I'll start playing 2142 again! 8)

Good karma+1 vote