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Ondayo. LLC started as college experiment between four friends to compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup. Through the experience the four decided to take their project one step further and to enter as a contender in the video game industry. We are looking to build games centered around co-op and ethnically diverse character pieces. Here is where we'll show you all the progress on our first game, Ataxia!

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Just letting you all know that by July 27th we’ll be unveiling the new face of the project! I want to thank you all again for your patience as we try to navigate through this very trying but enjoyable process known as game development. Come the 27th we’ll be really campaigning for assistance in helping create a proper prototype and bare bones alpha that will be playable. It’s been very difficult and very costly trying to get this far. With a lot of the progress coming out of pocket I am only able to provide what I can afford. Which unfortunately isn’t very much but I want this. I am willing to do what it takes to get this off the ground and to show that I am truly thankful for the effort that my team puts in to get as far as they have. So, the 27th. The new face of Ataxia is unveiled. Hopefully I will be able to secure the additional talent needed to build this Alpha in a reasonable time frame but until then I continue to stay the course and work steadily towards completion. Stay Tuned.

Yet Another Update

OndayoLLC Blog

Our Kickstarter is hopefully going up JUNE 30TH!

We will working like mad to make sure everything is ready for that day. I know we've not been showing you a lot of our most recent work or even our most recent builds but there is good reason. We want to make sure we can put together something that truly represents all the time and effort we've put in and debut it where we feel it will be most impacting. Especially if all goes well, it will be live with a playable public build. Also, our game site www.ataxiathegame.com will be up soon. (Currently under construction) but there you will be able to find out even more about the game and see some of the changes we've kept under wraps.

I apologize for the long silence but it's been real crazy. Whoever said making a game is easy has made too many flappy bird clones. I am confident we will make our deadline but as you may know, shit (stuff) happens. Oh and be sure to keep your eyes glued to E3 this year. I know we will be , sparingly of course, haha. If you are in the South Florida Area you may see some of the Ataxia team at best buy trying out the new smash bros.

June 30th or Bust!

Recent changes

OndayoLLC Blog

Hello Ataxia fans, we've got some news. As you may or may not know we are hoping to Kickstart before the end of June. We've had to make a lot of considerations to the game mechanic and of course the manner in which we display our content. We do have some interesting bit of news to share though.

We've Abandoned sprites:
Yes, it was a difficult change for us but it is something we may revisit at a later date. What we have decided to go with is 3D models. This does not mean that the original model will change. We will still be creating a side scroller but the game space will be set more in 2.5D.

Art Changes:
We'll be doing tiny character redesigns to better aid in the creation of models. This changes will only effect clothing so the main cast will still be recognizable.

Kickstarter Details:
Toward then middle of June we will share with you more details as to what it will contain, a sample of some of the incentives, and of course our most up to date concept of Ataxia.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to work to make Ataxia something truly exceptional - Devon Nicholson

Development Update

OndayoLLC Blog

We'll be working around the clock to prepare our Kickstarter for June. We will be holding off on our updates for a while as we work on building, cleaning, and fine tuning our material. We'll be discussing our list of changes and adjustments to help make Ataxia what we want to be. We've had a lot of hurdles to jump over to get this far and still more ahead of us. Wish us luck!

Recent Update

OndayoLLC Blog

So I’ve been quiet with updates on the page for a while. My apologies. Trying to play catch up has proven rather difficult but I have some good news. We’ve made some decent progress in the alpha stages of development and after taking some to look back we noticed that we had some changes to make. Nothing major, just a few aesthetic details that will go a long way into the final development of Ataxia. I hope to share with you something soon before the June scramble. - Devon Nicholson.

We are currently streaming the development of Ataxia's Official Cover Art


Be sure see all of our other updates

Here on Tumblr: Officialataxia.tumblr.com

And here on Facebook: Facebook.com

We really appreciate all the support we've gotten up until now and we'll only need more as we approach our June date. We are working around the clock to handle a recent set back in development but not to worry. We plan to make our deadline as promised.

So pro bono is essentially working for free. This and other terms like it are usually synonymous with indie game development. Often times there is never enough time, money, or resource available to keep a project above water. People often shy away from working for free. If it's not going to turn a profit, what's the point right? Well, I would agree with you if you were disconnected with the project at hand. Why spend sleepless nights, tireless hours, and energy on something you don't love? That's madness. I am currently unemployed, a college graduate, going to school, trying to find a way out of my parent's house, and in my part time, working on "Ataxia." I don't get paid to organize, plan, write, and direct all the components of this project. You know what? That doesn't bother me one bit. Sure, I may not be a parent, but I do manage my own responsibilities. I am not being spoon fed anything, I refuse to be babied. If I end up on the street tomorrow, that's my own problem. I'm not the people's champion, I'm just another college statistic . I don't know what I will do, but I know I love game design. I love my team, and I loved working on this. Everyday of my life goes into this. There is not a moment where I am not thinking about this game; What it needs to be great, how much better can it be, and what I can do to make sure this thing has the polish and presentation needed to perform well.

The above is all fine and dandy, but what is this really about? Well, it's about the interim. It's about the struggles of the in between as I try to get this thing off the ground. I've come in contact with some rather peculiar life situations. I've been cheated out of the little money I have. I've had ideas stolen only to turn around and be used elsewhere, it's been pretty chaotic. I don't like to complain about my life situations but it doesn't mean I don't have them. I've had to make hard sacrifices, deal with emotional distress, financial struggles, self doubt, whatever you can think of, but I cannot let those things stop me. I have an obligation to my team and myself to make sure this game and the many to come after that are a success. I cannot guarantee it, but I will damn sure work toward it.

I do my very best to present myself as a professional and someone who accountable. I hope those of you following this game will hold me to it. I gave my word that this kickstarter would come out in June and I plan to stick to it.

- Devon Nicholson

Members of our team, working on Ataxia, come from a various set of disciplines and that knowledge and experience goes into our game to ensure our character's moves feel real and familiar to those who practice them.

The three most notable styles in the game come from our characters, Kay, Mika, and Sable.They use Boxing, Taekwondo, and Eskrima respectively.

Dex is our unique character to where he doesn't have a traditional style. We wanted to play with rarely used territory and a weapon who's historical purposes haven't seen any practical reiterations. We are talking about the Yo Yo.

We've spent a lot of time thinking about how to properly display and curtail the character's movements to be as clean and smooth as possible.

If Kay does a punching combination, you should see him pivot and shift.

If Mika throws a roundhouse or a front snap, we want you to feel the full range of motion. Sable's moves should be quick, fluid, and precise.

Dex's moves should consider, distance, tension, and timing at all interfaces.

Just the little things to aid the gaming experience.

As a practitioner it is my duty to commit to the accuracy and uniqueness of each style. - Devon Nicholson

We have some more art pieces in the works! Everything from promotional, teaser, and environment. I have no tentative date of when I would like to have them all uploaded but I would like to think sometime middle of march. As for the voice cast, we are in our final week to accept auditions. Once the 28th hits, all auditions will close and we will be making our final decisions. Thank you all for your patience and we will announce with winners in march.

February Update

OndayoLLC Blog

I am excited that by the third week of February our Audition count has come out to almost 40. I am excited by how many of you have been interested in lending your talent to our game. We are getting closer and closer to completion and we are all very excited for June. Auditions will continue from now until the end of February so if you are interested feel free to visit our thread on the matter located here: Ataxia Auditions !