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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 62)
mothmann - - 62 comments @ 5 Minutes RPG

if you count diagonal then square grids technically have 8 attack directions compared to a hex's 6.

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Endless waves

add the ability to buy barricades and walls that the player can drop and build little "forts" or perhaps mazes.

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Star Wars Conquest

Nvm just say the bright text at the top

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Counter-Strike X

why not add napalm, he, and MOLTOV as choices of nades

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Valve announce Alien Swarm

HAHA. they release an update for source engine a month after updating CS:Source to the newest version. ******* off 100's of thousands of players all for nothing now?

and like everybody else has already said> HOLY CRAP FREE??

Good karma0 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Deus Ex - 10 Years of sunglasses at night.

NOOOO! i just looked at my list of all my cdkeys and DEUS EX isn't on it. WHY!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Deus Ex - 10 Years of sunglasses at night.

holy crap. i just went to look for my original cd because of this exact reason. and guess what. I CANT FIND IT!!!!. altho i still have my cd key wrote down. the cd is gone!

Good karma+3 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ TheyDoNotDie R20

Say: Why did you ruin it?

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Party of Sin

why do people act like pc's dont have their own controllers? I remembered i had a gravis gamepad way back in the day that had 4 buttons 2 shoulder buttons and a digital joystick years before snes even came out. I had a motion(tilt) sensing 6 button + 2 shoulder button analog joystick microsoft freestyle controller when around the same time ps1 came out. the xbox controller isn't the only controller available for use on the pc.

Good karma+2 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ NS2 coming to Steam!

3 words... Duke Nukem Forever... but I'm sure thats not the case here.

Good karma+4 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Second Question?

Real time FPS/RPG (dues ex). Make it scientific with mechs and super soldiers. Think crysis meets mechwarrior meets dues ex meets the newest Hulk movie. Soldiers strong and fast enough to actually hurt mechs in a one on one fight. Biological and mechanical upgrades. Multiplayer can be capture the point DOD style gameplay.

also whats up with the akward dancing in the videos.

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Super Adventure Game Land

Didn't enjoy it. The text just went on and on and on and on and on which would have been funny one time. maybe two. but every single person you came across had 5 minutes of text. The gameplay was horrid but I don't think this was a game about gameplay, but instead was supposed to be a interactive comedy but it wasn't funny either.

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ STALKER Complete 2009

This mod makes SOC look better than COP. Can't wait for the CS fix. I still haven't played it because of the early release bugs and decided to wait for you to complete it first.

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Alien Harvest Reveal / Spark Q&A Part 2

at Varsity. You realize the aliens are not from earth, hence aliens. Maybe their planet has less gravity and it doesn't take much effort for them to stand upright. And then later on they evolved after invading other planets to stand upright even within gravity forces like ours. Maybe they were originally under water creatures or hung from ceilings or lots of other things. They aren't mammals and they aren't from earth.

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Gamma-correct lighting

not into s.w.a.t and cod type games?? umm what game do you think this is?? i'm pretty sure this is a 3rd person hand to hand combat game. Not a first person shooter.

Good karma-4 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ farken wingdoze again

Im puzzled at how you've only had windows for a week and you already have virus's and bsod? No offense to you but maybe its your habits that are causing these problems. If's its vista the bsod might not be your fault but the virus's are. Virus's don't come out of nowhere. Either you've visted the wrong websites or downloaded the wrong things, and by wrong i mean virus infested.

Good karma+2 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Infected Animation (Textured)

what do u mean sorta diablo 1 music??

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Orion: Source

first off. Love the mod. The combat is great. the maps i've played so far are great. But. The server crashes are aggravating. And i have to create a server and dissconnect before i can join a game. Thats all.

The sniper class seems kinda overpowered right now. He has a smg that can rip enemies apart at close range. He can snipe without scope and mid range. and zoom in for long range. yea the assault can click down to semi auto on his main rifle and zoom and get the same effect but it doens't compare to the snipers. The snipers smg is better than the supports main gun imo.

Good karma-1 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Character Stats vs. Player Skill

STATS > skills. You mentioned diablo and i have the say that although diablo is mainly stat based it still takes skill to play and not continually die over and over (diablo 2 more than the original). Why u say? the exact same reason ut requires skill. Analog aiming. Diablo requires it. Maybe not to the extent of ut. But other than that diablo requires skills as to how to approach a situation. Which enemies to attack first. Should u run and live or fight and possibly die? But then it boils down to those not being skill and actually being knowledge learned from previous experiences.

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Warsow

yea they really need to remove the PC, WII, XBOX, etc from the navigation at the top of the page. seeing how they have never worked.

Good karma+2 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ TRE - Last Life Part 1 released

Looks good. The voice acting could use some work. Sounds forced. And that crawling thing doesn't look so good at the end.

Good karma+4 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Provenance version 1.0 released


to everybody having trouble with the strider. You have to attack the charged energy blast before it hits the train to derail it i guess. Forcing it to miss you. Tho for some reason it still destroys the machine gun. Then after it destorys the mgun you still have to use your guns to do it one more time when going up.

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Provenance version 1.0 released

is it the end when everything is just black and music keeps looping over? or do i need to wait?

And when i first spawned in the almost pitch black room my flashlight didn't work. It didnt' work till i recieved the crowbar. I had to mat_fullbright 1 just to figure out where to go.

My review. Combine parts were pointless. The headcrab part was long and boring. And the strider part was pretty boring too. The only good combat parts were short. Could have been way better. Looked good tho.

Good karma0 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Leaf translucency

translucent grass ftw. Also I love theses updates about how your improving your tech.

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Natural Selection 2

crap on a stick is the oct 2009 release still practical?

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Earth's Special Forces

looks like trunks. But i thought he was already in the game

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines

i thought need for speed carbon used live actors in front of a green screen then passed shaders on top of them.

And like someone said. If you get this game make sure to get the latest UNOFFICIAL PATCH.

Good karma+2 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ Morning Faith

the story line sounds Very Very VERY familiar. Like a recent xbox 360 title

Good karma+1 vote
mothmann - - 62 comments @ M&B Closed Beta Invite

hey lets all post our cd keys on a nonsecure page so anyone capturing pakcets on mine or their network or my isp or their isp or well anything between me and them (the world) can steal it and when the multi player expansion comes out my cd key will be blacklisted making me have to buy all the original games over again.

Good karma+2 votes
mothmann - - 62 comments @ NEOTOKYO°

I like how the full soundtrack wasn't included :(

Good karma+2 votes