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Mayflower - - 11 comments @ Dev Log #21: Version released; also Greenlit!

BAGB has Steam keys available for this. I just activated mine.

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Mayflower - - 11 comments @ Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension

Considering Dom3 got on Steam, this getting in there seems likely.

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Mayflower - - 11 comments @ nydus worm

What I saw of Ghost it probably was for the better. The quality was hideous except for some few characters (the environments notably were horrible).

Good karma+1 vote
Mayflower - - 11 comments @ starcraft 2 vs dawn of war 2

A power armored regular human should be bigger than genetically engineered superhuman in power armor? What? If you watch the SC2 intro, you notice the armor doesn't give much any extra height to them.

Good karma+2 votes
Mayflower - - 11 comments @ More Starcraft comics

When I first played SC1 I thought they said "ire", which was really just gibberish even then >_>

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Mayflower - - 11 comments @ Star craft 2 Hybrid Reaver

Looks to be just some weird Zerg rather than one of the hybrids :\

Good karma+1 vote
Mayflower - - 11 comments @ Fixed for accuracy.

What do Warhammer 40,000 Ultramarines have to do with StarCraft?

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Mayflower - - 11 comments @ Hammerfight Demo v1.004

Look up Age of Hammer Wars, supposedly licensed port made by someone else than Koshutin. Though it seems to be somewhat different.

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Mayflower - - 11 comments @ Wanderlust in the IndieFort Bundle! [4/5/12]

Retribution, not Redemption. Not like that's anyway notable.

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Mayflower - - 11 comments @ Dwarf Fortress

Microsoft Security Essentials spotted Backdoor:Win32/Bisar!rts in quite a few files in the C-Hacks folder (detected in Feb 17 and Mar 13), but installing the game now no longer fires off that alarm.

Good karma+2 votes
Mayflower - - 11 comments @ I Shall Remain

Well, besides the fact that the controls are only listed in the tutorial, I quickly forgot most of the ones not available in other games. The prologue kinda went really fast in terms of the story _trying_ to progress, but it was way ahead of me. I was still trying to scavenge some weapons from the cars when it started talking about how I should hold that hospital or whatever which I hadn't even seen yet, and then it started going on about moving from hospital to save some fireteam even though I _still_ hadn't reached the hospital or whatever (I think it was hospital). My teammates weren't using the guns I gave them and they promptly died because I couldn't remember the keyboard controls to heal them (later, after they were all dead, noticed I could do this via inventory too). And the ceaseless horde of undead pretty much prevented me from progressing farther as I kept just gunning them down but since new zombies appeared by the time I finished with the old, I couldn't move at all. And then finally my lamp ran out of batteries and... well... it was night. I dunno if time progresses on its own or if it's based on story progress, but it lasted longer than I could survive in total darkness. Also, the flares are very unreliable. They seem to disappear somewhere half the time I tried them. End rambling.

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