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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 60)
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Echelon Fan Group

Does anyone know a way to decompile (and then recompile) .dat files of this game, specifically textures.dat? I'd like to have a go at increasing their resolution, but can't get them out.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Well, yeah I am. It's just that the progress is a tad slow.
The thing is, the version I'm working on now has a lot of new features, which means sh*tloads of time spent on streamlining, optimizing and bug testing.

Good karma+5 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Luxor144

Ehh, I'm pretty sure now you're just confusing my introversion with shyness. A lot of extroverts do that for some reason. Thanks for concern though.

And if everyone would not be friendly and act like everyone is an enemy, it wouldn't be a mess, it would be /b/. Or, more likely, my home country.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Luxor144

Heh, no need for that. I guess after all this time on the webz I've kinda grown suspicious of friendly people on the internet (ya know, spam, bots and all).
I guess that kinda proves your point: people usually aren't too keen on showing their friendly side to strangers online (at least at the pages I visit), so this is nice change.

Good karma+2 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Luxor144

Uhh.., yeah, I am, and thanks.

I still don't really know who you are, Miss...?

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the hospitality, just not used to strangers online being so...welcoming.

Good karma+2 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Well, I developed this mod without FAF in mind, so there is a possibility that some things are incompatible for some reason.
However, since my new computer has a grudge for this game, apparently using FAF is the only way I can play the game without causing sun to go supernova every time I turn bloom on. So, I'll probably be switching to that version for the next release (if it will even exist).

I did just try the mod with the FAF (downloaded the mod through FAF manager), and it seems alright to me, functionality-wise. There is that problem of castrated nukes present, but the game runs fine otherwise, so the problem could be something else related.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Polytheism

Ehh, why not.

Good karma+2 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Polytheism

And...why am I here?

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Alchemilla 1.1 is ready!

Will do and will relay results.
It'll take a few days though, as I'm not home atm.

Good karma+2 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Alchemilla 1.1 is ready!

Yep, says "Oculus Rift DK2 Ready", has a picture and everything.

Good karma+2 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Alchemilla 1.1 is ready!

Looks like a great mod

Good karma+2 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Alchemilla 1.1 is ready!

For whatever reason the game doesn't recognize my DK2 as a VR device. The Virtual Reality option in Video Options is disabled and says something about not finding any compatable VR devices.
I can run HL2 in VR, so I doubt the device itself is to blame.
Tried running the game with DK2 in both Direct HMD and Extended Desktop modes, through Steam VR as well, still the same problem. Any ideas where the problem might lie?

Good karma+2 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Wouldn't that look kinda....cartoonish?

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

To be honest, I'm not sure what to change about Aeon missile trails. They are a bit plain and boring, but I have no idea what other effect would suit Aeon sleek design. As for Cybran, I only modified tactical and strategic missile trails.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Arma 2 - Over The Top Trailer

Needs more zeppelins.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Well....um, yeah, that is possible. PM me which exact effects (tactile missile trails, strategic, etc.) you want in your pack.

Good karma0 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Wait, so you want a mod that makes the missile trails fatter and changes nothing else?

Good karma+2 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod 2.6 Beta Nuke Patch for Steam

Could you PM me the link of the mod and the version of the game you have? I might be able to build you a merged version of the mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Yeah, kinda..
We might make a video for the upcoming version, though.

Good karma+2 votes
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Actually, I've never seen that red ball start rising from the ground level. It's always been appearing one or two hundred meters above the ground.
So.. yeah, not sure about that, though I was considering upgrading the effects for strategic detonations, so I'll look into that.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Hmm, I was asked once about similar issue. Which version of the mod do you have? Any other unusual nonsense?

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Ehh, might as well. I was thinking about new particle textures anyway, and working together might be best for productivity and alike

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

You mean underwater wreckage and sinking planes and hover units?
If yes, then...well, yeah, I actually was thinking about that. Not sure how it will work, though.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Sorry to disappoint, but I doubt the new version will come out until the next year.
Thing is, I have few rather...ambitious ideas, and would love to make it happen in the next release. How, or even whenever it is possible or not I'm unfortunately not quite sure yet.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Yeah, it's a known issue. I think you might want to try the Nuke Patch for Steam if you haven't already.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Hard to say. I have to admit that I don't spend specific amount of time on my mod every day. It's more like spontaneous development, where I can go entire weeks without making any real progress, but when inspiration finally kicks in, I usually manage to finish half of the work in a couple of nights.
Also, as I keep mentioning time and again, I still have a lot to learn in order to modify the aspects I would like to, like water shaders and more detailed destruction. The latter can be quite a pain in the rectum sometimes, considering that all the effects needs to be as optimized and light as possible in order to not have a big performance impact. Also, even though specific effects might look quite well on individual units, game's tendency to evolve into massive battle in later stages featuring dozens of engagements at once, same effects can make the game look as a huge fiery clusterf*ck, and testing whenever that is true or not takes time...
Anyway, I can't promise anything, but I'll try to release the next version before the next apocalypse.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod 2.6 Beta Nuke Patch for Steam

Yeah, it's scale detection problem, same thing that makes Aeon T1 Transport and Cybran T3 Spyplane explode like there's nothing but gasoline and gunpowder inside. I'm not entirely sure what's causing the problem, but I don't really want to mess with each unit's files manually, as that would increase the number of compatibility issues.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod 2.6 Beta Nuke Patch for Steam

Erm..could somebody confirm if this is working correctly? Just to be sure.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Hmm...could be.
Thanks for reporting this bug, I'll look into it.

Good karma+1 vote
Luxor144 - - 60 comments @ Firey Explosion Mod

Well, I never tested my mod with FAF (then again, I actually never tried FAF at all). I guess it means that my mod is incompatible with it, though I'm not entirely sure how it is possible to achieve such result at all.

Good karma+1 vote