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ИАТМ Истинный ариец. Характер - нордический, выдержанный. С товарищами по работе поддерживает хорошие отношения. Безукоризненно выполняет свой служебный долг. Беспощаден к врагам Рейха. Отличный спортсмен. Холост. В связях, порочащих его, замечен не был.

RSS Reviews

Battlegrounds of Eldhelm

Game review

Hi to all!

My name is Kaloyan Zlatkov and I'm on of the developers of the game. I want to post very interesting information in response to all those of you, who claim that the game is "pay to win". In our current ranking list, from the top 10 users:
1 user has paid $102
1 user has 2 heroes in top 10 and he has paid $2
7 users have never paid a cent!

So, obviously the most winning players in our game are non-payers and obviously this is NOT a pay to win game. So before giving low rates and hateful reviews with wrong claims, give a shot at the game. It is quite complex and strategic and I expect that most of you just won't like its complexity, which is totally ok. But just because you don't have time/wish to give it a try doesn't mean that you already have figured it's "pay to win" status out.
