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hammeroz - - 9 comments @ Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon

Awesome release as always got me back into another dn3d session.
Only issue I am having at the moment is when using the executioner as I do not know why but it absolutely tanks the game when I use dropping heavily in fps when fired.

Any insight as to what might be going on/ways to fix would be appreciated

Good karma+1 vote
hammeroz - - 9 comments @ Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon

After a bit of thought this is more of a minor thing since no other levels in the base game strip your weapons. Still this can kill a first episode run of you are unlucky.

Good karma+1 vote
hammeroz - - 9 comments @ Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon

Loving the new gladiator episode had a blast but there is one thing that is a touch annoying. With the new enemies some of them can completely break the difficulty of the game for instance having bootleg sith enemies spawn during the second level of episode 1 while I only have a pistol and a shotty just turns it into a dieing simulator. is it possible to tone down these enemies spawning during the early levels?/would be good to have this feature in a future update.

Good karma+2 votes
hammeroz - - 9 comments @ Half-Nuked 0.6b

I have just arrived and the zen levels with this wonderful peace of art and it certainly makes the game alot more fun however there is one thing that has bothered me so far.

ammo in xen seems to be none existent except for a couple of the ammo capsules that have devestator rounds and most other ones I pick up only contain pistol ammo is this by design so you cant roflstomp your way through zen or just something that needs attention?

Looking forward to seeing this beautiful creation for the other half life expansions and black mesa if possible :)

Good karma+1 vote
hammeroz - - 9 comments @ Ketchup v5 Gore Mod

Since updating my gzdoom version I am unable to use V5 of ketchuptest and keep on getting the following error
Script error, "ketchupV5.pk3:decorate.blood.txt" line 545:
Expected ',', got 'l'.

I realize that this will probably not get looked at so any methods on fixing it myself would be much appreciated :)

Good karma+2 votes
hammeroz - - 9 comments @ Operation Eisenfaust : Origins

Just had a crack at this mod and I am enjoying it so far :). Since the release of ECwolf you ever thought of attempting to port it over to it?

Good karma+1 vote
hammeroz - - 9 comments @ Operation Serpent

I only just recently gotten into ecwolf so I will definitely give this a try.

Good karma0 votes
hammeroz - - 9 comments @ The Dark Army: Uprising

Greetings I have played rtcw to death and was on the hunt for something new and I happened to stumble on this gem :) Looking at the video I am more than impressed.

As I said I love rtcw to death and when this come out will definitely keep me interested in it :D. Do you guys do modding for other old school titles or just rtcw for the time being.

Good karma+2 votes
hammeroz - - 9 comments @ Vice Cry

Greetings I recently had a problem with this mod and I am trying to remove it using add/remove programs(since it came up on the list of things to uninstall) but it wont let me remove it keeps giving me this error.

This action is only valid for product that are currently installed.

On top of that I tried reinstalling vice city and now it just freezes during the main title screen of the game.
Some help would be nice please :)

Good karma+1 vote