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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 70)
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Xash3D support is getting a bit better. A little glimpse

In case of addiction probably you should look for another drugs. Perhaps, more social :)

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Xash3D support is getting a bit better. A little glimpse

>> Xash3D still doesn't read .scr-files, doesn't generate its server configs properly, doesn't display map preview images and has "DONE" button instead of "OK" in "Create LAN game" window

Probably they need "a small donation" to fix this issue or you should find how to make them (FWGS team) interested to do their job properly or both or something else.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Xash3D support is getting a bit better. A little glimpse

Me very nice to read this. Me do have a hope the next XDM version,, n.... whatever will be released out soon. Just wanna play and see everything myself.
I bless you not to stop and keep doing what are you currently doing, without any regrets what is the year today. Time does not matter, only the passion is appreshiated!

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ I'm out again. Projects halted. Apologies.

it was very rude, bro, if I properly got what you mean. in this case I wish you the same, sweety

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ I'm out again. Projects halted. Apologies.

I see only one option to continue. First of all you need to stop and take care of yourself. Cause no one does.
My regrets for the next, "the best" unfinished XDM issue.

Set your pev->health to pev->health_max

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ G-Man Invasion 2.6

I am waiting for the sweet moment to get an acess to the computer to play this mod!

Good karma+2 votes
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Expect.

Unbelievable! What else to update here?

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ How did I make this absurdly large map fit Half-Life?

Great job! I am also have "claustrophobia" syndrom and I really hate corridors.
I hope you will adapt Xash engine for your mod and this would be playable

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Tyrian:GroundAssault

Please, I need more details.
What kind of weapon models are not exists?

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Game rules you love the most!

You are totally right, people got tired of this numerous multiplayer scenes, mods and games!
But... You are right about to improve monsters AI. Write a message to Ku2zoff, he did a lot of work in that direction.

And... Personally from me: I do expect the more smart bots for the multiplayer experience and a few new game modes, like AsSasination and bomb defuze.

Good karma+2 votes
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ XDM CD cover

Outstanding! I feel back to good old 200-x ))
If I would be in Russia at the moment, I will come next to the metro station with the carton box as a table and sell these disks like a crazy as it was before

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Barnacles are your friends!

Barnacles are pretty cute and omnivores, but me... Still waiting for tne new "friends" in game. At least, revised and fixed to the new standard monsters from Alpha Version

Good karma+2 votes
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ XDM is running on this rare machine with Baikal CPU (pt.2)

Oh my! You are seriously intended to make full import replacement for your HDMI!
Started from Russian made game engine and ended up with Baikal. Fantastic!

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Heartbeat signal

X~, You have a fire in your arms, that's why your passion to CREATE comes out! It's great you are able to 'make' the new worlds.
From other side, while you are wasting your limited time in virtual reality, the reald deals in the Real World are going out of your control, of your attention!
That is why I suggest you, before it's became 'too late', use all of your creative power to make your real life better. Because you are The CONSTRUCTOR, you still have a fire in your arms to use it in a propper way!Bless you, my friend!

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ They Hunger: Source has been released

Скажи пожалуйста, каким образом тебе удалось получить исходники карт they hunger? Ведь для портирования на source, насколько я знаю, нужны нескомпиллированные карты

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ How to turn playtesting into CT(WT)F madness

I do expect more game modes in XDM in the future updates, such as "assasination" and "bomb defuse" ones! Should be more fun playing these.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Going deeper open-source, need your opinion!

I am absolutelly sure that these map sources WILL help to someone how to make REALLY good maps.
I give my vote for 100% opensource!
The art MUST belong to the every human being, not only to the greedy corporations, who have only one goal - to enslave all of us.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ XDM needs more! Testing, I mean.

Zbot code is reverse engineered, so there is no anything illegal in it, don't worry!
Second, mister LLarb, as far as I know, wrote a huge amount of a new code, did alot of bug fixes and wrote new algorythms for these bots, and, of course, drunk alot of moonshine during this process! So, all of this means that the new code, based on reverse engineered zbot code belongs now only to mr.LLarb, nothing more to say here.
for those who didn't get it - I recommend GTFO!

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ CTF_Bridge preview

Wow, finally this map has been completed!
Me very happy. Congratulations!

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Tyrian:GroundAssault

Ну, продолжать моддить я в ближайшее время даже чисто физически не смогу: я уехал из страны х.з насколько, без ноута. Даже этот релиз я с мобилки делал.

По монстрам да, было бы здорово как допилить имеющихся, чтобы более смышлёные были (Вроде бы как даже на hlfx кто-то из ребят пытался улучшить их. Не знаю, чем там дело кончилось - не слежу.), так и новых добавить, как раз из той версии, что Мастер забраковал.
Наработок куча, но, всё равно в одиночку долго делать.
Насчёт ботов - уже полгода как Мастер с Царём пытаются импортировать z-bot в новую версию XDM. Надеюсь, когда-нибудь это завершится успехом.
Ещё одна очень большая проблема - даже под FWGS Ксашем что старый XDM (на котором сделан Тириан), что новый, не слишком стабильно работают. А Мастер принципиально не хочет дебажить под Ксашем, ему хватает и того, что его мод работает под голдсорс движком.
Кстати, а можешь глянуть последнюю версию XDM, - как там ведут себя боты, имеют ли те же проблемы с загрузкой? Думается мне, что это из-за того, что не все конфиги загружаются.
Попробуй, если боты не загрузились, вбить в консоли exec bot.cfg

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Tyrian:GroundAssault

Спасибо за поддержку, и за загруженные скины. Думаю, они будут кстати!
Если подвернётся ещё что-то интересное на замену, то вэлкам.
Если не сложно, можешь сам Сталкеросу предложить? У меня в целом с промо и переговорами не очень.
Кстати, из какой версии скриншоты с новыми скинами? Вижу ошибку вывода на экран надаиси DMG:100%. Она должна быть вправом углу, над цифрами с количеством энергии.

Да, было бы неплохо в сингл запилить это всё, и новых монстров и оружие, но нужна куча времени на всё это, а его, увы, очень мало. В одиночку это пара лет уйдёт...

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ UT2k3 Lightning Gun for Tyrian: GS v2

Nice job. By what's about third person view models with 3 LODs?

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ XDM is back in 2022

Allright, focus on PrimeXT project (https://github.com/SNMetamorph/PrimeXT)
I was told they are quite nice guys, open for cooperation and not so arrogant as Xash creator.
So don't hang down your arms, keep moving, keep modding - you do have a good vision and sweet taste, nowadays you just need more modern engine. And let Buddha bless your efforts!!! All the best!

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ XDM is back in 2022

Good news, my congratulations. It's nice to hear the project is still alive same as it's author.
To solve the perfomance and a lot of other issues i would recommended you to get rid of the Valve's crap and to turn your wiev to Xash direction: This engine is Gold Source compartible, more modern, has a good perfomance, extended limits, and, what is very important, it is an opensource. So there should not be a big deal to migrate your MOD to it.
Regards and keep working. I hope the new, more clever bots will appear in the next release.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ New mod has been releaseed!

I just only made a link to this new project. However, some HLWE fans would find it interesting for them.
And, unfortunately, i forgot to make it in time, so i made this 2 years later :)

Good karma+2 votes
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Tyrian:GroundAssault

Возможно, в основном меню перед стартом карты надо поставить галочку напротив строки botmatch и еще поставить количество игроков больше одного.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ They Hunger: Resurrection

It's delayed. Unfortunatelly, right now and in the nearest future i have no time to work on it

Good karma+4 votes
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Release of HLDM GOLD century megapack - Best Half-Life Player Models v 1.1

Если бы все так качественно подходили к своим обязанностям, этот мир был бы намного совершеннее! Спасибо за проделанную работу!
А пацан-то к успеху идёт!

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Half-Life DM GOLD player models century megapack

Охуенныая подборка, бля я ебал!!!
Это страшнее прыжка с крыши
Это громче крика бешеного,
И это тише писка
Забитой мыши!!!

Так держать!

Good karma+1 vote
Ghoul-bb - - 70 comments @ Ghoul-bb

There is no bots in HLWE and the last version is very buggy, so don't play it, try my another mod, it's very similar to HLWE:

Good karma+1 vote