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Game review

Amazing game. It is a real improvement since Nexuiz 2.5.2. This game is so awesome. I can play single player and while I do it I learn most or all gametypes. It reminds me about Unreal Tournament as other people have mentioned that this game reminds them of.



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It is a great improvement to previous releases. I like the new skill system. I also like the shared stash. Hey, even my characters can switch items between each other because of this shared stash so if you find an item you can't use, just put it in shared stash and then you can pick it up with another character which can. That's special.

Though greatest on the list must be the waypoint feature! No longer the boring 'ok, let's spend five minutes going all the way back to town'. Now it is rather 'spend half a minute finding that waypoint...'. With waypoints we can forget about town portals, but hey maybe they'll be implemented at some point too... The shortfalls are broken links that at some points there should be levels but they haven't been developed yet. Like over the southwestern bridge that goes to "unknown destination".

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