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RSS Reviews


Game review

I bought this game out of blue, just from curiosity and nostalgy for the old games. So I expected absolutely nothing from it... And had found a beautiful jewel, proudly shining through the pixels of sepia-colored design.

I don't want to talk about the plot - you should walk through the whole story by yourself, to feel & understand the world and its inhabitants, to see the whole story from your point of view and to decide, what will happen at the end. I will just say that if you're looking for a game with not-so-simple story, with ability to choose how to solve difficult situation, with an almost alive (figuratively, of course) characters - this game is what you are looking for.

P.S. If you're scared off by the drawing style - believe me, it's bringing absolutely unique feelings about this game. It's totally charming and I couldn't imagine this game any other way.



Game review

I was intrigued by trailers and description of this game, but I'm pretty sure I fell in love with "Contrast" at the moment when I heard main menu music. Charming, velvet woman voice sounded like a promice of something sweet, precious and slightly dangerous... And all of those things create the world of contrasts, in which our heroine, Dawn, helps her friend Didi to find out her family's mysteries.
I really love atmoshpere of "Contrast", dark streets with neon signs, unseen colors which blossoms in the streetlights (when graphics set on "low" worls appears much more colorful; I like darker city better, but I think it's interesting to play with both settings - just to see differences and to decide which world you find suitable for this story). Little things you will find - photos, newspapers, letters, etc. will make you better understand Didi's parents and the whole concept of traveling between 2D and 3D realms.
Puzzles are not very hard, but quite nice and sometimes rather challenging. I love almost all of them (except some parts of shadow theater).
I like that the game has quite opened ending, and I like that there still are some questions left to be aswered by the player themself.
Only one thing I didn't like in this game - I had leave game too soon to my taste. I'd love to spend a few more hours with Dawn and Didi. And I think so will you after playing this great game.


The Blackwell Trilogy: Remastered

Game review

I came near this story for accident, but in fact I've found a series which I love much more than some mega popular games. Story, characters, music, athmospere... All of this are amazing. I really loved playing as Rosa and watching her slowly change her life and open her mind to new things little by little (and that's what all of us should be able to do). Blackwell family has many secrets, but not all of them are dark; and I really recommend you to discover them by yourself.