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Interests: Modding old games such as Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Jagged Alliance 2/UB, Panzer/Pacific General.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 115)
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

I can't say if any of the 25 year old savegame editors work, or if they ever worked, as I never used them.

Probably not what you're hoping for, but as far as I know the only way to accomplish what you desire is to restore from a saved game before the levelup where you took the unwanted perk.

If you're restarting, many people overlook the modified bunker maps available in the "Bonus" folder of the mod download, which contain in-game usable items to help you modify your characters to whatever precise specifications you desire.

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

Try putting in an active item slot/hand, then you should see the effect.

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

No updates for this mod are currently planned. There is a small accumulation of new material that does not justify all the effort required for a release. Maybe someday there will be a new version, but I'm not currently working on it.

There are several ways to get into the Kerr room, but finding alternatives may require taking a close look around the map.

I appreciate all your other comments below, I read them all but won't go through point by point except to say that playing in "Tough Guy" mode is never recommended, and not much more than a way to guarantee frustration. The Tough Guy mode was broken on the day the original game was released, and not much can be done on that point. No one should ever use "Tough Guy," as you don't actually receive the correct xp-- which may have been some of your issue with random encounters, as the larger ones regularly give 10000-30000 xp.

Thanks for the comments, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed playing.

Good karma+3 votes
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

I do appreciate you writing out all those suggestions, but I am happy with the way things are in the mod, and would never make such changes. It's a science fiction fantasy game set hundreds of years in the future, so "real world stuff from late 20th century" has no place in the game.

When FOT was released 20 years ago, the game was rightly and widely ridiculed by Fallout fans for the inclusion of "real world" guns and ammo. Duckandcover.cx I specifically spent a great deal of time getting rid of all that, and replacing it entirely with fantasy-fiction stuff. My view is that the use of "real world" data in the original game was silly and anachronistic, and their inclusion was bad judgement and poor taste on the part of Microforte.

Thus my reply is that I would never even consider doing what you propose. However, as I say, I do appreciate your interest in writing all that out, and if you'd like to make your own changes, this would just be a matter of editing text files in the game folder, such as found in core\locale\game.

Good karma+3 votes
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

Thanks, glad you enjoy the gameplay. As to your question, this is a matter of great complexity. Text displayed is determined by the text files of the game, to have results in a different language all of those files would have to be translated, which unfortunately isn't anything I am able to do, nor would I. If you tried to use your original game files in a language other than English, there would be lots of garbling and errors because of all the new information added by the mod, so that technique would not work very well.

As for display fonts used, you might find some relief playing around in the game's files in core\gui, but offhand I can't think of any easy solution for what you seek.

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

If you replaced bos.com you'd be back to risking crazy high frequency of random encounters, and probably get a crash when finding a special enouncter. Other than than, you could experiment, other problems might occur.

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

Fixed in unreleased material for future update.

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

This is a common question, due to some old comments in material never released. In general, if you'd like some stat-adjusting items to customise your team, there's an alternate bunker one in the "bonus" folder of the mod download which contains such things, but unfortunately you'd have to start the game over to see an effect from changing out map files.

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

There aren't any inherent problems there, so you must unfortunately have suffered some random glitch. It's an old game, such things happen sometimes. I'm guessing you meant to write you had a bug with the recruit master. If for some reason you have a corrupted file and can't pick up a needed recruit to fill out a short team, there's a provision to pick up a replacement teammate after entering Vault Zero.

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout: The Sum / Nous Aurons

I wrote a gameplay and strategy guide for The Sum for those who may have trouble figuring out what to do with the game. The guide is available at the Fallout Modding Wiki, Falloutmods.fandom.com

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics: Crusade

I tried this today. I can see and appreciate that you've put a considerable amount of effort into this project. The maps look good, and the story seems ambitious and intricate.

I can't comment on any of the actual gameplay or tactical prowess in the mod, because I didn't make it far enough to see any of it.

Unfortunately, the dialogue system-- a key interface-- is not working at all for me. I tried coming and going from the first several maps, not saving, etc, and it just doesn't work. The npcs never react to any stance changes, and never change their initial click speech nodes.

I see in some older comments here this problem was in some way already identified, but neither corrected nor was there mention of it in the mod's documentation or in-game. I think you'll have to address this in some way, or most potential players will give up (as I did) right away thinking they have better things to do than trudge through something that's obviously broken in an important way.

If the dialogue trouble is related to reliance on tag names, there are a lot of alternative solutions developed over the years that you could implement. For example, basing trigger checks on the value of the hidden and otherwise useless internal Camouflage stat, or basing them on character age, or by assigning hidden/nonlootable inventory items whose tagnames will never be lost and whose possession can be checked.

This mod has a lot of potential, and I congratulate you on what you've done. If the dialogue worked, I'd be offering you enough praise to make you blush. But sadly, in its current state this mod is unplayable. Nor is it reasonable to suggest players jump through contrived secret hoops in order to maybe get some vital functionality that should flawlessly work "out of the box."

You've already done the hardest parts (making maps, writing a story), so I encourage you to make some effort on reworking these dialogue related triggers in order to have a final result that can get you some acclaim for your efforts.

Good karma+2 votes
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

It's somewhat complex, but can be done. Modify the text file "campaign.txt" found in core\tables. You'll then need to import this into bos.cam, and start a new game from the beginning to see your changes. In other words, you probably don't want to do all that.

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

Thanks for the details. Always interesting to read tales of battle. After taking a look at the map in the context of what you described, I now see the issues, and they are mostly resolved easily.

The actual bug you described, which caused the game to freeze, can be fixed by activating click-to-talk windowed speech for the Mayor only after the raiders are dispatched. Thanks again for pointing this out-- even though I've played this map dozens of times, I never considered this possibility.

The secondary issue of having the Mayor say "let me help you with my well-manicured fists of fury" is a bit more subtle. For that to happen is clearly annoying. On the other hand, if we prevent all direct interaction between the raiders and the Mayor, the mission stakes are dramatically reduced (in other words the mission would fail only if the player-character perished, which for almost everyone means "reload a savegame").

In the FOT Editor all actors are assigned a team, and the hostility of these teams is assigned numerical values of intensity. Currently the mutual hostility of the raiders and the Mayor is maxed, but this could and should be dialed down so the raiders will prefer fighting your soldiers rather than the Mayor. I'll fix that for a future release. For example, the Mayor could be neutral to the raiders, so he does not attack them without provocation, and the raider hostility to the Mayor could be minimal, making them unlikely to target him instead of you.

This just leaves one other situation you described, where apparently the raiders attacked the Mayor while your team was still at a great distance. I've never seen this happen myself, but likely the final area zone definition can be improved to make it even less likely, so I'll take a look at that in the future.

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

Thanks, I'll take a look at this. You're saying you somehow snuck in to speak with the mayor before killing the raider bosses? If so, eliminating that possibility would be the best fix.

I don't ever recall having the mayor join in the battle, but locking him up in a cage would solve that potentiality.

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

Good questions. Thanks for your interest.

I'm not currently working on the mod, as I unfortunately don't have the time required. However, all my notes and materials are in order to resume activity if I ever get some uninterrupted time for it. As noted in the "August 2016 News" there is a modest amount of new material already finished, but still unreleased at this time.

I still take bug reports, and add them to my notes-- though in a mod this mature and stable, there isn't much that hasn't already been reported (except for unique oddities people sometimes have because they didn't install correctly). Any future updates would almost certainly include melindil's scripting mechanism to fix some otherwise unaddressable issues in the original game.

You could use the mod for MP play, but it's critical that all participants are using the mod. Otherwise chaos would ensue.

Good karma+2 votes
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

Thanks. Elder Jon is a bit too fond of Buffout, probably. But you should be able to Barter with him for a flamer pistol. I just looked, it's in his inventory, and it works for me-- but if you're using Equilibrium, I don't know, maybe things are different or changed in that.

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

Glad to hear you're enjoying the mod.

In the download, there's a folder called "Extra Stuff." In this folder, there's a worldmap image showing the new/changed Special Encounter squares for the mod.

I recommend to everyone to only go for a maximum of three SEs per square. If you go for four per square, you'll likely hit some expression of the SE bug (game crashes when loading encounter after all SEs are found), which has never been truly eliminated.

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

I've written many times that the game's Tough Guy mode has never worked right and never will, and should not be used. I understand some folks insist on using it anyway, but you're going to find oddities and unbalanced situations if you do this.

Good karma+2 votes
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

It's a gameplay mod, not a graphics overhaul. In the mod download is a folder called "Extra Stuff" where you'll find Mash's hi-res patch, which can be customized quite a lot for different display resolutions.

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

I never use Steam, so I can't say for sure how that works. Presumably, you'd have an option somewhere in there to sync your files with the original Steam versions.

When using mods of any kind for any game, always make a backup or make a separate installation of whatever game you're playing modded. That's the best practice.

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

That sounds about right. Were you playing CTB or turn-based?

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

I'm thinking Leader worked last time I checked it out, but I could be wrong. I often take Team Player, which definitely works as described. I'll put the leadership perk on the list of things to look at again in the future.

Some character races lack the animations to do certain things. For example, dogs can't climb ladders, which makes impossible a common request to allow the main player-character to be a canine (as you'd be unable to complete some laddery missions). Not much can be done about this unfortunately.

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

Yes, it's all free and for the people. :)

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

Most players have found the mod makes the game much more difficult. This is good and I consider it progress, because the original game was so easy that most people way back when played FOT one time, found it boring and formulaic, and never had any interest in playing again.

Good karma+2 votes
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout: Project Flagstaff

Good luck on your project, we can never have too many original SP campaigns.

Good karma+2 votes
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

This could be so many different unique issues with your setup, it's hard to generalize. Did you try running the game before installing any mods, to see if that worked ok?

In general, if you're having speed issues, the first thing to do is turn off/stop/quit other programs you may have running while FOT is active. Then play around with in-game graphical settings. Also, if you're trying to run the game in a window, let it run fullscreen instead.

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

I didn't do that particular detail myself, as it was something our Russian Fallout cousins came up with. Anyway, have fun. :)

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

If the map can't load, my first guesses would be either that you have a corrupted map file for the next area, or you have a corrupted media file that's trying to play, or possibly you're missing a sound file.

Try reinstalling material for mission 26 from the mod download. You want to copy/replace files in the following two locations:


core\locale\missions\mission26 (all files in folder)

Good luck. This is the sort of trouble that's hard to diagnose.

Good karma+1 vote
Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

That's a new one I've never heard of before. Either your installation is bad, or maybe your hard drive is failing and causing file corruption. Try reinstalling the game.

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Endocore - - 116 comments @ Fallout Tactics Redux

It's the way the original devs chose to convey narrative information that the Super Mutants are retreating after their beatdown from the Brotherhood. Probably the best way to think of it is a summary, so instead of watching dozens or hundreds of mutants flee you only have to see a few. Sort of like in Fallout 2 when you go to NCR, and you only see the small part of the city that is relevant to your quests, even though NCR has thousands upon thousands of citizens.

I remember spending a bit of time fixing bugs in this scripted sequence and getting that bit to work as intended, but it was in the first mod version before I kept records so I don't recall anymore exactly what all the relevant bugs were.

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