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I am founder of IAMentertainment. I currently on the lookout for members of my team. Go to the Job listings and look at what's needed.

Comment History
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Point Zulu

So I know it has been a long, long time since I have posted an update and I'm sorry for this. We have completed a total of 6 levels and are working on gathering some marketing assets (screen shots, demo, etc.). I posted this game at the very beginning of development to show you all just how long it takes to create a game (especially with only two people). We are focusing purely on development and are not worrying too much about sites and promotion (we are still on the early stages). Our next update will be scheduled for 2 1/2 years. That may seem long, but by that time we will have a proper demo, our own website, plenty of screen shots, and much more available to the public. Other factors are in the way as well. School and being a father has not given me the time I need, and my associate is busy with work and a project of his own. I thank you for the support and I assure you the game is in development. Hang in there.

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Point Zulu

Sorry to everyone. It's still in progress, just taking it slow.

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Point Zulu

Sorry I posted that wrong. I will be purchasing a Royalty License upon release of the game.

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ STALKER Complete 2009

I just realized I didn't have it patched, thanks.
Will it work for 1.0006?

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Missing Information

ah okay.

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ STALKER Complete 2009

Every time I start my game, it plays the splash screens, then crashes to the desktop. Any ideas?

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Missing Information

I keep getting an error that says: Engine Error Could Not Load Library Client. Do I have to have steam to install this mod? or did I do it wrong?

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Point Zulu

eh, we'll see.

Good karma+2 votes
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Point Zulu

Hey everyone, Point Zulu will no longer be free. I will be purchasing the Royalty License on Thursday and will set a price when the demo is released. That means that all IAMentertainment team members will be compensated for their time. This is how the pay structure is currently:

Team members will be paid a one time fee at the 1st quarter of the year that the game is released.

3D Modelers/Animator/Programmers receive $500
Voice Actors/Testers receive $100
Concept Artist/Composers receive $200

Positions we have open:
3D Modeler
Concept Artist

send an email to IAM7890@hotmail.com with history references, and a sample of your work if you wish to apply.

Good karma-1 votes
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Point Zulu

Next time you insult someone do your homework.

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Point Zulu

First off, don't get all upset about a game. I never said that communism is reserved for dictatorship only now did I? I know a lot about government, and what I'm doing is showing how the past repeats it's self. If you would have noticed, the game is about Vietnam. What war happened that America lost in again? Oh right it was the Vietnam War. Wait, why did we send or boys over there. Right, the fight for "democracy" but was that the real reason? No it wasn't. So what in God's name makes you think that the real reason for this game is conflict between Democracy and Communism? Maybe you should just stay in school because it's obvious you have no idea what your talking about, don't muck up my page with your bs. I don't disagree with your theories, hint the reason for this game. I believe you owe me an apology because I was trying to keep the plot disclosed but you just practically hashed it out in your pathetic rant.

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Point Zulu

Haha, yeah I know, I'm not going to be using GIMP, I'm getting a guy to do that for me. I just need to find him...
Thanks, I think the plant life is the most important part. You spend 90% of the game here so I need it to be in tip top shape. I try to make the plants different but not at the same time.

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Point Zulu

I liked the way it looked like ribbon.

Good karma+1 vote
daddyroosta7890 - - 15 comments @ Point Zulu

Right now it's all I have. I promise to have screens up with models and what not soon. No it's not done in paint. It's done with GIMP with the calligraphy pen.

Good karma+1 vote