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Comment History
Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion

Transfusion is still underdevelopment.
If you have any questions or would like to contribute to its development, pleas visit us at Forums.transfusion-game.com

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Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion

Transfusion uses the DarkPlaces Quake engine, and as such is cappable of acting as a dedicated server with the "-dedicated" command line option.

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Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Lemat

suprise! Can't wate to see it in action.

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Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion


Yes, we have replaced all the Quake weapons with Blood weapons. The damage values still need refining however and certain effects could use some work as well. But yes the Blood weapons are there. Pitchfork to Voodoo Doll.

Good karma+1 vote
Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion 1.1 Beta3

Hey cool, glad you guys like it. Stop buy our forums and say "Hi"

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Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion

No, we arn't dead yet. We have been proceeding at a snails pace, however things have been picking up again. We are getting close to releaseing a new beta so there may be some news in the near future.

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Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion

DarkPlaces' load time does seem a bit excessive, 33 seconds on my Duron 700, though it takes just about that long to load the UT2K3 demo on my box as well. We just don't have anything entertaining to look at in the between time...

If you really want to cut your load time, open up the pak0.pak file and delete out the demo1.dem and demo2.dem files. That will cut your wait time to something much closer to instantaneous. Though bare in mind that it will still take it's time when loading a map in game.

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Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion

I still think Q2 would be better.

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Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Vagrant Story Quake

Sounds interesting. I had a lot of fun with VS and always thought they should have done more with it.

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Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion

I have to apologize, the last I tested transfusion with the DOS Quake.exe was during RC4 and it ran fine then. I guess some where along the line a texture was added to a few maps to break compatibility and no one picked up on it. I'll have sort out the offending maps and make a note of it, but they are probably limited to the most recently edited for Transfusion 1.01. After deleting a few suspect maps from the pak0.pak file I successfully tested bb2, bb4 and bb5 with DOS Quake.

Some questions about QuakeC, bear in mind I'm not a programmer, I've just been the guy that has been testing the differenced between Quake and Blood. Some of these questions have roots in what I've been told about Quake's limitations.

Quake's network is very sub par compared to Q2. Can that be fixed in QuakeC?

The way Quake handles the model's binding box seems to remains static. So a simple QuakeC hack to make the player appear to crouch would be useless since he'd take up just as much space as he would standing up. Can that be fixed in QuakeC?

The ammo display seems to be limited to 255. Can that be fixed in QuakeC?

The limitation with the number of sounds Quake can address. Can that be fixed in QuakeC?

CheapAlert, I appreciate that your trying to share your experience with Quake with us, but we've been messing around with Quake for quite a while ourselves, we aren't making this decision blindly.

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Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion

Beg pardon CheapAlert, but we've already altered all those things you've mentioned. We've really pushed the mod to Quake's breaking point, yet we have still maintained Quake1 compatibility. When I say Quake compatible I mean that it will play on vanilla DOS Quake 1.08. When we started the mod there were a lot of altered Quake engines out there but few were little more than GLQuake. So to make a long story short we just stuck with Quake compatibility.

I don't know what it, but it seems like many Quake programmers think that Quake1 is the be all end all of all Quake code. I struggle with this idea simply because Q2 plays better than Q1, it plays closer to Blood. It's not just the gravity and speed, it's other things like the step value and the way the player flows over the terrain. Not to mention rotating brushes, crouching and a whole host of other things stock Q2 has that were also in Blood but were lacking from Q1, and are still lacking in many Quake1 engine mods.

People might have there preferences but we have our own preferences too. We really do want Transfusion to be a remake of Blood, not just Blood on Quake.

Good karma+1 vote
Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion

In a word 'Burnout'

We've been working primarily with DP for about a year, and Project Twilight before that. DP does a lot of nice things very well, but it can also be very buggy and unpredictable.

One major problem has been with network code, and trying to connect with anything other than broadband with a direct IP pipe to the Internet, so if you have a firewall or are on a modem, your pretty much SOL.

There are other issues. Items will fall out of maps, making it fairly difficult to make a successful build of a map. The old transparent color that use to work with older DP and was included in about half our maps no longer works with the more recent versions so we have a number of wall textures that will have these pink or black outlines where they were once transparent. In short with just about every release of DP we've had something that breaks on us and we spend the month or so fixing it. We are just tired of tweaking things all the time and would really like to get a dedicated engine that will focus on Blood's game play rather than keep compatibility with Quake.

As stated before, for the most part, Quake2 has a closer game play to Blood. It's also a lot more stable than many of the more recent Quake builds, with more reliable if not better net code.

Good karma+1 vote
Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion

The screen shots are from Q1 yes. (Dark Places more specificly) We've been working on the mod for almost two years now. The Q1 part of the project was compleeted at the end of the year. It's basicly MultiPlayer with FricBotX added in for when you cant get a game online. Unfortunatly the network code is fairly rough under Quake and it's prity hard to get a connection with the version of DP that's included. That might chance in the future, but it's out of our hands as we don't have a hard core engine coder at our disposable, hence the request for help.

Graphicly, Q1 has moved ahead of Q2, but for game play Q2 is a bit closer to what we are looking for.

Good karma+1 vote
Cruaich - - 14 comments @ Transfusion

We didn't take the Doom2 (Doomsday I assume) engine, simply because Blood took full advantage of the room over room as well as other tech that the Build engine had to offer. It was a seriouse consideration a while back tho. Even the Keven Build engine needs alot of programming to get it to where it would be feasable to redo Blood on.

Game mechanic wise Q2, is almost talor made for Blood. The only thing it really lacks is the use of an activat button for doors and switches.

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