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Corelious - - 290 comments @ 1.0.0 Release Details: NATO Overview & Introduction to New General Power's Set

"The Defense Department has a long-standing relationship with Hollywood. In fact, it’s been working with filmmakers for nearly 100 years with a goal that’s two-fold: to accurately depict military stories and make sure sensitive information isn’t disclosed.

While Hollywood is paid to tell a compelling story that will make money, the DoD is looking to tell an accurate story. So naturally, there can be challenges in combining the two.

“There are compromises on both sides. There’s a point where we just have to say no -- ‘It’s either going to happen like this, or it’s not going to happen at all,’” Hyde said, although he admitted it rarely comes to that. Production agreements require the DoD to be able to review a rough cut of a film, so officials can decide if there are areas that need to be addressed before a film is released."

There was research in the 50's that showed our subconscious minds can't tell the difference between reality and TV/media. So this makes sense given all the mind control research the CIA did.

You should read annonymousconservative - he talks about this kind of stuff a lot. Good research dude.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ 1.0.0 Release Details: NATO Overview & Introduction to New General Power's Set

"Although the term has only gained popularity from the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the idea could also be used to describe the US atomic of boming of Imperial Japan. The idea is to bomb the hell out of the enemy infrastructure in the shortest peroid of time in a "show of force" to break their ability and willpower of the enemy to continue fighting. If that failed, just rinse and repeat until it works duh."

It gets worse than that, fun fact - we had a declaration of surrender from Japan and a promise of an unconditional one at that a few weeks before we nuked them.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ 1.0.0 Release Details: NATO Overview & Introduction to New General Power's Set

"Many of whom became part of NATO and NATO adjacent entities i.e. the Western Powers, serving many important roles including the likes of Adolf Heusinger as NATO chairman, Walter Hallstein as one of the founders of EU and Kurt Waldheim as secretary-general of the United Nations and president of Austria and many more.

They (a bunch of Nazis) then integrated the crucial components of the original Blitzkrieg Assault tactics in NATO's war doctrine which has been frequently exercised until today at least a modern form of it: Modern Blitzkrieg Assault."

You also nailed this - ever wonder why the US so quickly brought in Nazi scientists during operation Paperclip?

Not a well known fact but several major companies like Chase and Ford approached one of the US generals prior to WW2 and tried to convince him to rebel and over throw the US government and replace it with a Nazi one.

Though this was stopped and the general refused - but because they had the right friends/bribes they weren't prosecuted. Though this further drives the point home that the US has had an internal struggle between good patriots and those few wealthy families who seek to drive us (as they successfully have) into ever growing wickedness.

Also loved the point about the Nuremburg Trials and what a sham they were. Dude - you're smart. You've just missed the whole picture. You got a good chunk of it, but this is so much bigger than West vs. the rest of the world. These folks are going to kick off WW3 on such a scale it'll drive people insane - and they plan on letting us, the US, die. What they build out of the ashes will look like Utopia, but it'll be a lie like what they sold us on. It'll just work better since they have AI and virtual reality/high technology.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ 1.0.0 Release Details: NATO Overview & Introduction to New General Power's Set

As long as this author has been posting long winded soap box commentary... yeah I think it was about time someone said something. Sure, I'd love it if it was just about the mod. He does good work. Most mod authors don't do use their creative platform (outside of discord)like this mod author does.

Good karma+4 votes
Corelious - - 290 comments @ 1.0.0 Release Details: NATO Overview & Introduction to New General Power's Set

"Make no mistake, NATO is the armed force of the capitalists, imperialists, colonialists with one goal; the preservation of neo-colonialism in the global south. Without cheap raw materials, over-exploited resources and labour forces to produce luxury goods i.e. inexpensive capital to make huge profits, the money will stop flowing so to speak."

You are 100% correct here - but you're leaving out half the story. The PEOPLE of the world are justifiably angry at this evil and injustice - but your nations are in on this too. Not the people, the governments. Most of you have obscenely wealthy families that are in the club and the rest of us aren't in it. So while you sit here and write your constantly long diatribes against the US and NATO - you're blind to ever evil outside of your narrow cone of focus. You rant about trump, but what about the House of Saud who's money is every where in the US? What about the wealthy families of Russia? Why don't you look where their money is. Or check in on Turkey, India, China. Money tells a story and it's worse than what you're selling on your moddb page.

Our nation is going to fall - but your world isn't going to get any better. In fact, it will get worse. Much worse. And if you're around long enough as things continue to heat up around the world, you might just figure that out. Sure, you might have time to celebrate at our downfall - but the tidal wave of chaos that's unfolding will come to your door to. China? Russia? India? All just as greedy. And they're all playing a role in this narrative. China is massively oppressive of their people as is India. The middle east? A hot bed of injustice - but you don't seem to mention any of that. Women and children being slaughtered apparently only matter if it's a western nation doing it - which I will emphasis is wrong and horrible. But it isn't an exclusively US/NATO issue. Tell me - who's hands are not covered in blood today? Who is righteous enough to condemn others with impunity? Certainly not you or whatever nation you come from.

So either you're just blind to how bad the whole world is and can't let go of a personal obsession with blaming a single nation group... or your helping craft the global narrative intentionally.

Good karma+2 votes
Corelious - - 290 comments @ 1.0.0 Release Details: NATO Overview & Introduction to New General Power's Set

"Wait, hang on a minute. Why would they (the Western Powers) even need to defend against the USSR??? USSR defeated Fascism (the Axis AKA the baddies) and liberated people from it. What are they even worried about??? The good guys won????? That's a little strange but anyhow... NATO is a defensive alliance"

All that said - I love what you're doing with the mod over all. Damn good work.

Because if you know squat about history then you'd know the USSR did crush Germany - but no more than the US did AND they murdered millions of their own citizens prior to the war. There was justifiable cause to be concerned about them as a political threat. Or we could just look at every other example of communism in any other country and the death toll there. The USSR had already shown aggression in the past (the war with Germany was only defensive because German intelligence caught them prepping for a full ground invasion and acted first), murdered millions upon millions of their own people. There's plenty of material to read that shows a justifiable concern - but that takes a little more work than reading wikipedia. Additionally, communism requires perpetual conflict to justify things to the citizenry - which is why the USSR collapsed. Without conflict it doesn't survive. China survived because they adapted their model of communism to incorporate the worst that Capitalism had to offer - which is also why NATO became the thing it is.

NOW - before you get all ragey at me. What NATO became, the people they've killed for corporate greed, is absolutely evil. Good people were lied to and weak people bought into greed/power and our nation has had its soul sold.

Unpopular opinion, the last two worlds wars were set up by a unified group of people - just as WW3 has - to drive nations into conflict and create the strife necessary to fully establish a New World Order. Your USSR and your NATO were all, unwittingly (and in some cases willingly), serving the same global agenda.
But sure, keep bashing NATO and America as if that was the source of all this strife. Whoever your politicians, your military leaders, whoever they are - they're every bit as complicit. It is more than greed/power - it's religious.

Good karma0 votes
Corelious - - 290 comments @ The End of Days - 0.98.5 Patch 4 - Full Version

I was asking incase I had installed it wrong, I meant no disrespect. What you've done with the mod is truly excellent. I have no experience with coding, modeling, or design work. Otherwise I would be happy to help. My expertice is in relationship development and marketing

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ The End of Days - 0.98.5 Patch 4 - Full Version

Are the European forces not in the mod yet?

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

Can you fix the mod already so it stops crashing on GC after 150 days? Like dude, it's been a year.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Red Alert 20XX - Version 1.0.6b

Does this include a campaign mode?

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Command & Conquer Tiberium Apocalypse

Last updated 12 years ago.

Good karma+3 votes
Corelious - - 290 comments @ C&C Tiberian Odyssey

Dude isn't going to release anything lol. It's been like... 10 years.

Good karma+5 votes
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Tiberian War: IonShock

So the mod is dead yeah?

Good karma+3 votes
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Tiberian War: IonShock

Where did you get a copy to play? The last version was archived

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

Based off of your work thus far I'd love to see you're take on the cabal faction.

If you have time that is. I know how labor intensive and time consuming what you've already done has been.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

Have you tried coding the bombers to have more ammo, and each ammo is an individual shot? Rather than multiple projectiles per ammo.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ USS Ohio Launching Tomahawk and Trident

Those missiles should be larger, and have a initially slower launch as their rocket boosters ramp up power output. Then they accelerate quickly towards their targets. Would be harder to code, but would visually match the already stunning atmosphere you guys are building.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ C&C Untitled V3.85 Standalone

Bro the graphics on this version are terrible - what happened to the 1920x1080 option? Or did EA Uff us over again with some moronic update.

Good karma0 votes
Corelious - - 290 comments @ C&C: Untitled

So for some reason the graphics are really bad - even on max settings. Any advice?

Good karma-1 votes
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Unification v6.9.0 Installer (Part 1)

Am I the only one who's noticed in army painter that they modelled the engineer infantry for Kriegs legs a little further back at the knees than they should be?

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Fleet Ops Roots 3.0

... you removed the veterancy. And ships. Nooooo!

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Fleet Ops Roots 3.0

Can you send me a link to this? It appears their original site has gone down for good now and I can't find the discord.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Ages of the Federation

I love the coalition and the new federation. I love the mechanics that you implemented for each time period. The unique mechanics for each time period, the UI... everything is brilliant.

I dont like that the original 4 year ships, with a handful of exceptions, are being left in the dust as is the art style for that era. I really dislike that - but it is your creative baby so you can do what you want with this. What youve done is really incredible. I am going to humbly ask, that at a future date you reocnsider this decision. I recognize this project and the sequel are priority right now - so I have no illusion that this will change ever. But - the artwork for the ships, the models, that true 4 year war stule based off of Axanar... there is nothing like it. No other team has achieved what you have in that regard. Even now, you have out done yourselves in the UI, both in game and in general menus, mechanics, etc.

My request aside, this is the pinnacle of what Sins modding is. A standard has been set - bravo.

Good karma+2 votes
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Ages Of The Federation V2.05

Im guessing you're running out of memory or something. I have a pretty beafy system and I've had zero crashes.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Ages Of The Federation V2.05

That is truly unfortunate. Im curious why the 4 years war is being left behind? Thats what this mod was originally about - so is this stepping away from that?

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Ages Of The Federation V2.05

Nice upgrades - but I do miss a lot of the ships you had in the original version. Particularly 4 year war hulls.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Combined Arms

Getting a weird glitch where I invaded a capitol planet - didn't like the results so I reloaded. After reload all invasions using the invasion key now cause all medium or larger freighter - including troop transports to move as if there was a hyperspace disruption or whatever. Does not abate with travel and bombs the economy. This issue spread to all saved games I loaded - and when I restarted the game it didn't load the mod so I had to reenable it which still produced the issue then.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Mars Alpha is released!

Why did the team gut the ship hulls? You removed all the best ones and extra factions.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ BlackBox

New space road logic is busted dude. I have 10+ subspace relays built by the automated system right on top of each other.

Good karma+1 vote
Corelious - - 290 comments @ Venus is Now Released!

Why did you remove Venus for download? Many of us don't like the tech tree changes in Mars - since combined arms gutted the ship hulls. And took out one of the species.

Is there a way to get Venus anymore so I can roll back the changes?

Good karma+1 vote