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CazTZK Blog

finally can go back to school. i was suspended a loonnggg ass time for being caught with a roach (weed ) . they put my ass out of MSB hell ffast. but i dont care. my mom idk she was upset but shit. whatcha gonna do eh? my whole suspension all i did was smoke and skateboard. shit was super fun.btw you can only catch this zany (skectch) shit at my deserua blog so yea share this and whatever. and shit yea.oh yea an add me so we can play games together. anyways fuck it im a badass #ofwgkta #allday #yoloswagg #swaggins #yesboi #cazzyg2014 #gabenewellnubsaucefightme #realnigga4life


CazTZK Blog

idk why im writing this, im high. anyways idk why im on desura. its so weird and clunky. and very anti-social. its so hard to add friends and stuff. theres not even an IM.. . but i really do like all the old games, like xonitc, OpenAreas, DDay-Normandy, and things like that. the quake mods and stuff. but it seems its also a depot for good and bad indie games. the bad thing is all their all in the same place. its not really defined. idk im jus ranting happy 4/20