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Current I am an IT Director. I have a background in System Engineering, Linux, CDN's, Perl, and cPanel.

Comment History
bvierra - - 5 comments @ Brutal Nature

We uploaded v0.34 to Desura, IndieDB, and BrutalNature.com a little over 24hrs ago.

Brutalnature.com has v0.34 live already (since it is a direct upload).

IndieDB went live yesterday as well.

Desura however is awaiting confirmation from their staff as it is manual on their end. We did not realize that it would take so long to go live on Desura otherwise we would have held off a little bit for the others so that there were not 2 version out there. We are hoping that it will not take too long due to all of the Holidays coming up however there is no way for us to tell.

We are also evaluating other ways of getting updates out to everyone due to this issue, however even if we implement another method (such as putting a launcher on Desura and having it grab update files), we would still have to wait for them to approve it which will not solve the current issue.

TL;DR It's out on 2 of the 3 distribution points:
* indiedb . com/games/brutalnature/ ( remove the spaces around the period, desura rewrites the URL)
* Brutalnature.com
We are still awaiting approval from Desura since they do it manually.

Good karma+3 votes
bvierra - - 5 comments @ Brutal Nature


Thank you for the feedback and please don't ever dread giving feedback! We put the game out there in order to receive it and we need to know what you do not like as well as what you do.

First of all we are glad that you like the gameplay! That to us is the most important part of the game and what we have been focusing on.

As I am sure you know Brutal Nature is still in early development. Currently the focus for Brutal Nature is on the gameplay and the technical aspects of the game. Most of the artwork and textures that appears in the game are just place holders that will be replaced later in the development cycle. We currently do not have a full time artist working on the game and the plan is to contract out a majority of the graphics to start with. Once the gameplay is getting closer to finalized we will be getting these made and added in. Graphics are expensive (which is one of the main reasons we have started taking pre-orders for the game, to help finance them) and we would hate to go overboard now and end up with graphics for things that end up getting cut out of the game.

The current GUI is also temporary while the gameplay mechanics are flushed out. We have already discussed this issue and plan on completely replacing the interface as well as the HUD. This is most likely going to happen much sooner than the rest of the graphics as it will be more static and have a smaller chance of getting changed drastically.

As for the hotkeys they are modifiable, however you have to edit your 'Data\KeyBinds.as' and set them as you would like. If there are functions you are missing please let us know what they are so we can see about adding them in.

Please let me know if any of this is unclear or you have any more questions / comments / feedback for Brutal Nature!

Good karma+4 votes
bvierra - - 5 comments @ Dungeoncraft

I had this issue as well, running it a few times seems to have fixed it.

Good karma+1 vote
bvierra - - 5 comments @ Patch 246 and Devlog #2

Patch 246 just went live :)

Good karma+2 votes
bvierra - - 5 comments @ Patch 246 and Devlog #2

It doesn't appear to be available yet, however I have noticed that Desura manually verifies all patches. I would not expect it until Monday because of this.

Good karma+3 votes