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I am currently disabled after working as a stage carpenter and set builder for professional theater for many years. I have been fooling around with computers and games since the Commodore 64 days. You know, when bands had big hair and MTV showed actual music videos. Currently I use my spare time writing and helping mod authors proofread their text. Yep, "a grammer nazi" as many of the illiterate and poorly educated call me.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 146)
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ The Iron Dream - Last Light

Okay, what's up here? I have many questions.
I thought the teaser was good as an introduction to the project.

However, the actual game intro should grab the viewer by the shirt front and exclaim: "You ain't done yet recruit! There is more for you to do!" -Enclave Drill Instructor

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ [Fallout: New California] State of the Mod January 2018

Medicaid, ... apply for that, I did and it paid for everything, except Lyrica, I have to use other stuff, like gabapentin and cannabis, but those work just as well. (I was a contract worker with no insurance, worst decision I made, but the Theater wasn't hiring Union workers so, ...)

Once you get a diagnosis, you can apply for SSD or SSI, a very lengthy process, but you get all the money "back paid" from the date of your first application. The first application 9 times out of 10 will get rejected, no worries, just get a Lawyer, they take a portion of the "back pay" as their fee if they win, but you get to keep the rest and the monthly SS payments.

In this case, "living in America" isn't so bad.

Also, consider making Fallout:New Cali available to Bethesda and Steam libraries, ... like the makers of the Black Mesa mod for HL2 (19.99 USD), you might get something back for all your hard work, ... just something to keep in mind.

I know people(consumers) don't like "paid mods", but cheese louise dude, six years of your hard work should count for something, right? Long hours, and sweating it out to get the audio dialogue?

Then you can put something together for a Kickstarter campaign, you have that other project on the back burner right?

If anything else, just be careful with that "witchcraft" stuff, okay? None of it is FDA approved due to all the strange and bizarre side effects:

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ [Fallout: New California] State of the Mod January 2018

OMFG, it is nearly complete? Just a couple of tweaks away? Excellent work my friend. I have been following this since your first Vault concept test way way back when (pre-2012).

(btw: my father was a welder, and I turned to carpentry before becoming disabled, ... vocational "life skills" help ensure you are fed and happy.)

Side Note: Thaiauxn, check with a doctor for "fibromyalgia" as you should not be this tired. I read up on everything you said, but still, ya know?

I had the same thing happen to me, I was working as theater tech and stage carpenter when suddenly I noticed that I was tired all the time and sore everyday, checked with a doctor, visited a specialist, turned out I had fibro.

Now if you are saying "tired" and "burned out" for dramatic effect(completely understandable), then please disregard what I said.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

I have a question. It is about the Military Jeeps you find and can use from Darkscape, ... why do the front bumper and spare tire always fall off?

Both Jeeps that I found were in perfect condition and never incurred any damage, never bumped into anything, and I didn't even take them off the road yet, but, ... those parts always fall off very soon after you begin to use them? (They work just fine without those parts, just curious about why they always fall off.)

The two cars that you find are alright I suppose, they use less gas maybe? but they do not have a high enough wheelbase to get over or through some of the obstacles you encounter in various maps, which is why I prefer the Jeeps.(an option to "customize" the vehicles would be awesome, but not really needed)

Anyway, this is a great mod, a game unto itself with an amazing amount of work put into it. Good Job!

Good karma+2 votes
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

yeah, no, not "tgm".
-for the Xray engine, it is 'g_god on'
-to turn it off, it is 'g_god off'
-you can use 0 or 1 in place of 'off' or 'on'
-there is also a small mod which gets rid of the "drunk" camera sway, it still leaves the "double vision" when you are close though.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ [Fallout: Project Brazil] State of the Mod for April 2017!

Amazing article and a brave one at that, letting people see it from your POV. I have been watching this development since the first experimental Vault appeared for FO3, what an amazing road this project has followed, ... and it is nearly complete! You can actually see the "2 miles to Exit" sign.

And you have another very interesting project for transition. I would really love to see Shadow Star become a breakthrough Indie game, even possibly a Steam EA?

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ Maxwell's World

Whether you intended a direct rebuttal or not, 7 paragraphs later, one gets the feeling, ya know?

You misunderstood what I said. For me personally, Nuka World wasn't bad, but neither was it great, it was just "meh?", so-so, and more could have been done with it.

Look, I don't hate FO4 or Bethesda in general, I just don't think Bethesda was very consistent with their story backgrounds and art concepts from one title to the next. I am speaking of FO3 to FO4 only(New Vegas doesn't count as that project was sublet to another studio for development)

... and THAT is a subject for an entirely different venue.

As stated, my impression is that Maxwell's World appears to have much more interesting story behind it. I am looking forward to it and generating a little comparison hype for it isn't such a bad thing.

I like Trainwiz's work and think he and his cast have a lot of talent, (he should start his own indie studio), can we just leave it at that?

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ A Quest for Heaven 3 - Deep Blue

Firelady passed away in 2010 as the result of a tragic car accident. AC was her level designer for AQFH 2 and AQFH 3 Demo (and her personal friend).

He used the Demo and her notes to flesh out and finish the 3rd part called Deep Blue.

For Fallout 4, Bethesda has rewritten much of the Fallout Canon (or ignored it completely) and introduced some odd game mechanics. It remains to be seen how or if the "Iron Dream" could fit in.

Seeing how AQFH 3 pushed Bethesda's modified Gamebryo to it's limits (and beyond) there has been some experimentation with the UE4 engine, possibly a new project? But that all still remains "up in the air."

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ A Quest for Heaven 3 - Deep Blue

truth, it was put on indefinite hold as the author has become involved with new projects, that and RL got in the way.

It also didn't help that Nexus tried very hard to squash all of his work, but that's a different story.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ Clown Power Armor

This is what happens when Bozo consumes too much Buffout.

Good karma+3 votes
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ Maxwell's World

... conceptually different maybe, but I didn't think NW was exceptionally good IMHO. I worked for a bit at a Six Flags park as a Pyrotech and I did appreciate the "over-commercialization" idea and the juxtaposition of a theme park and the ultimately paranoid military-industrial complex to be interesting, but beyond that? meh?

The only choice you were given: be evil, or be good. It also seemed a bit rushed and incomplete as there were some things that could have been fleshed out a bit more. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't exceptionally good either.

MW doesn't have to have more content than Nuka World, just a better story, and from all appearances to date, it looks like it will.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ Maxwell's World

One key hop at a time. ;)

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ Estranged

Thank You very much. Smart idea going with UE4, everything looks great and runs smoothly. Great work so far.

Good karma+2 votes
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ Estranged

Using a re-programmable keyboard (Corsair K70) I can reassign my keys, if I know what they are. I have these so far:
WASD for movement
Spacebar to jump
F turns the flashlight on

Are there more? I can not figure what the "use" key is, or what key is assigned to "pick up" objects. I found a battery and a generator, but how do I pick up the battery and place it into the generator?

Apart from the keys I have listed, what are the rest of the current keybindings?

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ Maxwell's World

This is going to be so much better than Nuka World, I can feel it in my li'l bones, really, ... would a hamster lie?

Good karma0 votes
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ Estranged

Apologies for the question, but what are the current keybindings? I figured out WASD and Space to jump, but the rest? There is no option in the main menu given for this, but since I have a Corsair K70, I can remap them myself.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ The Forgotten Ones

@TheUnbeholden: The loading screens had nothing to do with game optimization. I believe the loading screens were intentional and served to inform the player which part of the map they were entering and for some, it may have helped them to avoid getting lost.

Getting stuck on things, ...hmm, never had that problem. I was able to easily navigate the map, jump up on objects to get away from enemies, retrieve objects and operate devices.

@Pretador: A Steam Greenlight? It appears that, as a single author, you have done a great job. Certainly some things can always be polished and tweaked, but overall, a very good story.

I thought the lighting and sound design to be very well done.

I think I have the Moddb version, is the Steam version different?

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ The Forgotten Ones

see above comment. the game has many different melee weapons, which one do you mean?

Good karma0 votes
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ The Forgotten Ones

Yes, the early game melee weapons are not very powerful. I don't think they are meant to be. If the enemy corners you, the game is over, reload and try again.

Once you get to the mansion and find better melee weapons, you will find they work much better than the firearms, ... at least that is what I have found.

Good work Pretador, I can tell you have worked hard on this. Kudos to you.

Good karma+2 votes
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ A Quest for Heaven 3 - Deep Blue

... you should send me a mail, switched over to a new PC, been up to a lot of non-Bethesda stuff, including setting up a "hang out" site for general purpose nonsense.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ A Quest for Heaven 2 - Like a diamond in the sky

Hmmm, ...seems AQFH 1 and 2 are no longer hosted on the Nexus. This is the only place to get them. This site is now the only place to ask questions for each particular part of the story.

This is a top notch series, a truly epic story. I am in the middle of switching over to a new computer, ..."Big Mo", so I will be unable to offer any assistance if people get stuck. Sorry.

99.99% of the bugs have been ironed out and those that remain have solutions posted here. The series does contain puzzles and there are solutions to the puzzles, ... if you can not get through the story or solve the puzzles, it is not a "bug".

For those who claim that the series is "bugged", your arguments fall flat as many have had completed the series with little or no issues, so if you can explain how they managed to get through it and you can not, then ...?

Good karma+4 votes
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ Cordon, Rookie Village

Graphics Suite x7 ? Interesting.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ DOF & GOD RAYS

I am confused. This is only a mod for certain friends?

I am ambivalent about sunbeams. In certain circumstances they can be quite dramatic, say for instance streaming through the windows in an abandoned building or house. In other situations they can be distracting.

In exterior locations, there might be a Fire anomaly or Inferno anomaly nearby putting all that particulate matter or "haze" into the air, which in turn, under those conditions, you would see the sunbeams caused by trees or other objects casting shadows in the particle laden air. The air would have to be very still to cause that though.

Good karma+3 votes
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ Sky Fix

The atmosphere is really awesome and pulls you into the story, great work! Been tracking this for a while now.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ DOF & GOD RAYS

No, I don't think he deserved it. The question was asked about the reasons why some did not like them, and he answered the question honestly and with valid personal reasons, unless it was just a trick question?

The reasons many think "God Rays" or sunbeams are so beautiful is partly due to their rarity in nature, they occur under specific circumstances in the environment, like high humidity, dust or smoke, and even during high tree pollen days. If they occurred all the time, they would be quite mundane and people really wouldn't think much about them.

Good karma+3 votes
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ DOF & GOD RAYS

Yes, it is a game, but why go to all the trouble of making things look as "realistic" as possible then? Certainly, the "Zone" and all of its anomalies are not realistic, but the weapons, weather, and the environment they occur in are made to look close to real?

Perhaps there is a balance, you want the player to be drawn into your version of the game, right? That is why you work hard on all the details and try to make everyone happy by making certain effects optional, so far, you are doing a great job.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ A Quest for Heaven 3 - Deep Blue

That's fine. Glad everything is okay. The mod is a final version and will not be updated by the author in the foreseeable future as he has moved on to other projects.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ A Quest for Heaven 3 - Deep Blue

Yes, I understand. That is normal for those animation scenes, actor control is suspended until the scene finishes. It helps if you have the dialogue subtitles enabled from the main game menu to see when the scenes are finished.

But, what you are describing is a previous event (or scene) interfering with a current event(or scene), ie; some earlier quest stage was not completed properly.

THIS SCENE: You first meet Morgana under the Pentagon, you have a conversation with her, then you return to Outpost 23 with Morgana. Gabriel asks why you brought her, then more dialogue occurs between Morgana and Gabriel after you are given a radio that needs to be positioned at the Shuttle Launch facility. You head off for the Train Tunnel ...
...IS INTERFERING WITH THIS SCENE: You meet Gabriel AND Morgana at the Shuttle Launch facility after positioning the radio, there is a dialogue between Gabriel AND Morgana that needs to finish before you head back to Outpost 23.

If you have a saved game from the Pentagon quest, try that one and let the scenes with Morgana and Gabriel finish before heading off to find the Shuttle Launch facility.

In the Player Guide, if you go back to the part about the Pentagon quest, it will tell you exactly what is supposed to happen.

I will say that the AQFH series is "quest sensitive", that is, if you break a quest stage somewhere the following quests are generally broken as well, not always but generally.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ A Quest for Heaven 3 - Deep Blue

Yes, that is certainly a messed up problem. You say that Morgana meets you at O23? That is screwy as you are supposed to talk to Morgana (or wait for Morgana and Gabriel to finish talking) before getting on the Vertibird to go back to O23. It sounds as if there is a mixed up, or messed up Quest stage.

AQFH 3 is fairly forgiving when it comes to playing with other mods installed, but again, it appears that a possible corrupted saved game or Quest stage is broken. When this happens, it is impossible for the game script to recover and it will lock up.

Computer screen data? do you mean the text? Those are simply text files and should not affect the scripts.

If you have an earlier save point, use that while checking it against the Player Guide.

Good karma+1 vote
BuffHamster - - 146 comments @ A Quest for Heaven 3 - Deep Blue

Yeah, no, quest mods sometimes do not give you anything very special, except maybe a special armor or weapon. I played all three of those quests.

Alton, IL doesn't add much of anything that I remember.
The Librarian Enclave PA mkIII and the Tesla Charge Canon are available separately.
The Institute does add some things.
Still your choice.

"Blackened FWE + MMM + EVE + Project Beauty + Destruction.esp" (you are using those 5 mods)was not in your list.

Again, you did ask what might be causing some issues, and returning from the alternate world back to the Aurora Core is memory intensive. Your "work around" points to relieving system memory just enough for the Aurora Core cell to load successfully.

You also didn't say whether you had a AMD ATi Radeon HD 5750 or a 5770 card, and whether it had 512MB or 1024Mb memory, ... ?

Yes, up until you played AQFH 3, you were not experiencing any instability, but you did ask. "unwieldy" does not mean "unstable", it means too big or badly organized to function efficiently.

Fallout 3 can handle up to 254 plugin files, but the phrase "less is better" holds true with huge "mod stacks" and many find that using Wrye Flash and Mod Organizer to merge plugins gives them much better performance, in addition to troubleshooting mod conflicts.

A good page full of tips: Wiki.step-project.com

Good karma+1 vote