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AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ The AMC Squad

So I got a question in regards to the latest 4.5 release. Are all of the classic soundtracks gone now like IE Corona Radiata from the Welcome to Millhaven level? If that is the case then that is extremely disappointing news to me. If that is true, I strongly suggest that you should keep both tracks in there and make it a togglable option in the settings menu in the next update. Corona Radiata and the other NIN tracks gave this mod a ton of atmosphere. It's on the same level of Afraid of Monster's Aphex Twins soundtracks interlaced with ambience imho.

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ The AMC Squad

Also, random suggestion here but I'd love to see a Mauser C96 with the classic attachable/detachable stock for Rusty Nails in perhaps episode 5. Recently played Cultic on Steam and I absolutely loved the Mauser C96 with how it was implemented. If you guys did a homage to the classic stripper clip "ping" from RE4 if you managed to add the C96 I'd lose my ****.

Good karma+2 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ The AMC Squad

I understand that most people would completely ignore a fire selector in a game like Duke Nukem, but the simple fact that there is so many key binds in AMC TC and since it is so drastically different compared to so many other mods I'm not sure if this counter argument can be made. The main issue I see with a majority of the cast that use hitscan weapons is that it seems like the pistols/shotguns in the mods are the "long range" type weapons while the assault rifles/machine guns are the "spray and pray" type of guns.

If there is no fire selection implemented in future patches or versions of the game, that is honestly fine. Slow down the ROF of the assault rifles, and reward players who use controlled stagger fire. I did a test with Jame's Steyr AUG vs 1911 at a long range on the Egyptian map, and it took me far less rounds to take out lower tier enemies with his 1911 vs the amount of rounds it took with the Steyr AUG to take out the same tier of enemies. The AUG's accuracy with the upgrades is atrocious even while crouching and using the zoom scope. The hitscan should be nearly pin point for the first round fired for any assault rifle, and then under full auto fire the groups can drastically increase. The Steyr AUG is a perfect example for this function since on the real world rifle, it has a two stage trigger and are known to be notoriously accurate rifles.

I really recommend you revisit a large amount of the assault rifles/machine guns in this mod. Keep the full auto function if players choose to spray and pray, but don't punish players who want to conserve ammo and use accurate disciplined fire for longer range engagements on the same fire mode.

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ The AMC Squad

Not sure if this was said earlier, but are any of the weapons getting reworks? I'd like to bring up the issue with James arsenal in particular. Most of it is absolute garbage imo. I think maybe a good suggestion is adding a fire selector switch for automatic weapons for the trade off for accurate semi auto fire would help negate most of the ridiculously high rate of fire in the AMC's cast of weaponry. I'd really like to see his Steyr AUG become more accurate instead of the spray and pray hitscan weapon that it is in the latest build. Since the AUG has a two stage trigger system, perhaps lower the ROF and reward players who take their time utilizing semi auto fire.

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon

I'd love to see an update with the Blade character chapter, where the cycloids/pig cops/ etc. are infected with vampirism and their death animations are similar to the movie series IE disintegration into ash when they are killed. I think the whole Blade crossover thing would work better if he was fighting more supernatural enemies than the Blade vs Cycloids imho. He's got a cool arsenal however.

Good karma+2 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ The AMC Squad

What's the soundtrack for the Zeta Base level in Episode 2? I absolutely love it.

Good karma+2 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Beyond the Grave

Finally got around to beating this. Great mod overall. I love the gothic western atmosphere, but just a few hiccups that prevent it from being a perfect 10/10 for me. If anyone does not want spoilers then stop reading here.

*spoiler* 1. What's up with the health regeneration power up being in the 2nd secret level before the final level of the game? Isn't that kind of counter intuitive since you can only enjoy it for the last level only?

2. The candy man hook power up was confusing since it stated that I had life steal with melee, which seemed like it was a passive armor regeneration instead. Was I supposed to use my fists/mighty boot instead of the Atlantean Sword/Machete instead?

3. Where do I put in the BDG code? I thought with Wolfenstein 3D it was a three button combination in game or at the title screen in the main menu.

4. Lastly, what the **** was that hitler face thing in the hedge maze in area 19? Was that supposed to be some kind of jumpscare, or does it have some kind of significance since there looks to be a switch behind it?*/spoiler*

I felt like the weapon balance was really good, although if you do decide to make a sequel I would like to suggest other classic western firearms like the Springfield Trapdoor, Mauser C96, Mosin Nagant m1891, and maybe the LeMat Revolver that has a secondary shotgun firing mode. Really solid classic western firearms for what the mod had.

The enemy roster seemed balanced for the most part. There were a few bs moments that were due mostly to my own mistakes, but nobody seemed overpowered for the most part. Music in the mod was hit or miss on some levels (some of it was a little too upbeat and out of place imho) I'd give it a solid 9/10. It was a really fun experience, and thanks for getting me into Fabio Frizzi's Zombi 1979 theme. It oddly fits a gothic western theme, and would have been epic when Sartana fights his brother in the final level. This is by far my favorite cover of the song Youtube.com

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon

So a few quick questions in regards to future updates:

1. Are you going to consider adding a semi auto function for Bombshell's M4a1? Perhaps have it activated when holding down alt fire to cycle weapon firing modes. Imo would be a neat feature until players get their hands on a railgun.

2. Any plans for iron sight options for duke's 1911 and bombshell's desert eagle?

3. I'm going to guess that the alien rape sprite animations were reduced to alien fondling with one of the later updates, lol. What patch did this happen?

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Total Chaos

So for the Director's cut, I have a few questions:

1. Is there an experimental drug or any sort of pills in the game that permanently increase total weight capacity?

2. If there isn't, will there be a future update that will address the critically flawed weight of items with the inventory system? IMHO shotgun and pistol ammo should weigh 0 lbs like the smg and revolver ammo considering that there are no penalties on stocking up on the smg/revolver ammo.

3.Am I supposed to purposely discard weapons like the shotgun in favor of the new director's cut weapons? Since weight scaling is all over the place for the weapons in the game, I highly recommend that you revisit the weight scaling of all items that would scale with a more realistic logical scale. IE a Sterling SMG is not going to weigh 20 pounds (it should be 6 - 8 lbs), and only 8 shotgun shells shouldn't weigh over 8+ pounds.

The weight scaling of all global items is really my major criticism of the mod. If that is negated later on in a future update then I would say that this has been one of my favorite doom horror mods that I have ever played.

Good karma+3 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ AMC TC v3.6.5-4 PATCH - DEPRECATED

My game is crashing after completing Island Facility in Ep. 2. Whenever I switch from James over to a new character, and when I attempt to test out a full arsenal in the Armory after an inventory refill, it crashes the game. This is the first fatal error I've encountered in the mod so far.

Good karma+2 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ The AMC Squad

I don't think he disliked the experience, although he was abit harsh on some parts and aspects of the mod. He gave some valid criticism and he did overall recommend the mod.

Good karma+2 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ AMC TC Character art comparison

So who was the dark souls looking knight guy in front of Highwire in the new sprite set? I can't find him anywhere and was wondering if he was removed from the game.

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ The AMC Squad

I hope you guys add a bardiche polearm for the knight class, Merlijn. Always love a knight that uses a polearm in his arsenal.

Good karma+3 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Supreme Mech Commander

I hope you guys update your in game Rifleman IIC model with the real PGI model in a few months when it goes public. Mwomercs.com

Good karma+3 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ MechCommander Omnitech

Where you ever thinking about porting this over to android/iphones? Since MC:O is mostly touch based, I think this could work great as a gapp since the mod itself isn't all that hardware intensive. Could anyone think of a way to port this over to android?

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Beyond the Grave

Did you by any chance reduce the tempo of the original song and/or cover the song by yourself? I've opened up Iconoclast by Icon on youtube and the song has a quicker time signature it seems. I like your version better; It feels more dark and grim which suits the overall moodiness rather well.

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Beyond the Grave

Nice mod so far. So I have a few questions.

1. What do some of these pick up items do like the owl eyes, crystal ball, etc? I activated them in game and they appear to wear off rather quickly. Maybe add tombs or an in game item that explains what they do?

2. How does dual wielding work? I can cycle to my right and left handed weapons but it appears i cannot use both revolvers at the same time. Is this a feature I can unlock on a later level (on level 2 atm)?

3. Are there any keys to assign strafing to? It's kind of difficult dodging for cover with the basic move forwards, backwards, turn left and right keys. You might want to add strafing in a later build.

4. What's the main title music from? I'm really digging it. If that is an original track you made then thumbs up.

Overall I'm enjoying what I've been playing. Really liking the Blood aesthetics and dark tone of the mod.

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Mechcommander Omnitech 539

Thanks for the suggestions. I posted my issue with screenshots with the site you linked me to. I also tried your suggestion, but unfortunately Forced Resolution sets my game into a 256 resolution where I cannot do anything. So I had to uninstall and reinstall for it to reset. If you want to take a look at yourself be my guest.


Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Mechcommander Omnitech 539

I'm still experiencing issues with the screen cutting out to the right. I can't go forward or play any missions. Any solutions?

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Assault Tech 1: Battletech

Anyone know how to play this mod offline? I really want to try it out. Been a huge MW2 fan ever since I was young.

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Cry of Fear

Is anyone having problems with the cry of fear launcher? It's saying that "the system cannot find the file specified". Is the CoF launcher looking for the half life.exe file? I did install everything correctly and AoM works fine for me. Help?

Good karma+2 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Cry of Fear

A release date around by birthday? BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT EVER :D

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Cry of Fear

Really like the Co-op gameplay, although I have one thing to say about the recoil system just for constuctive criticism. In my opinion i think it's a little over dramatic. Dont get me wrong Rumpel I know you went to a shooting range and used that experience to contribute to the project. I think TMP's are a little more controllable even in substained full auto fire since it is a 9mm. They tend to have a muzzle rise when shooting full auto going upward, but the foregrip on the TMP is there to help control this. Take a look at these videos and you'll see what I mean. Youtube.com Youtube.com With the ruger sr9 pistol, the recoil is just a little more dramatic.I suggest making semi-auto weapons a little more controllable while full auto weapons make it more uncontrollable IMO. I know just by the gameplay video its going to be frustrating to fight against the recoil and the bouncing camera. So maybe if you have a semi selector on the full auto weapons(maybe you do already, IDK) and make the semi-auto a little bit more controllable I think you'll have a great mod. Really looking forward to this.

Good karma+3 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Cry of Fear

lol 5000 likes to unlock a release date? Well, im off to create 4000 facebook accounts then....

Good karma+5 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Cry of Fear

Wow, I really love the glock model that you used for this. Just a question though, is simon both left/right hand dominant? I've noticed the monsters in the vid have the same mask as you do for your sweatshirt promotion, lol. Also that guy with the gas mask is a ****. I hope I can blow his *** away with the m16 :D Really looking forward to this.

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Cry of Fear

Do we get to shoot Justin Bieber in this mod?

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Cry of Fear

Yeah sorry about that, 50% of the sequel is done. I got up til the red skull key and found out I couldnt do much after that. In the meantime check out happy times circus 2(a really disturbingly scary wad) and ghouls forest 3 if you havent already.Im glad to see theres still some classic gamers out there.

Good karma0 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Cry of Fear

Ok, while everyone is waiting for this mod, I came across another fps survival horror mod for doom 2 called "unloved". Its sequel came out yesterday called "unloved 2". I suggest everyone waiting for this mod to be released to try it out. If your bothered by old outdated graphics then dont play it, but if you want a creepy atmospheric game that will keep you on the edge of your seat then check it out. You'll need a doom engine like skulltag to run it for open gl and doom 2. Its fun as hell.

Good karma+1 vote
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Cry of Fear

Hey quick question Rumpel, will this be in cry of fear?

Good karma+6 votes
AiCforLife27 - - 54 comments @ Cry of Fear

Hopefully the day that this is released, is the same day that Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga gets stuck by lighting. God I only pray now.

Good karma+6 votes