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Comment History
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

First off thank you guys making this mod as enjoyable as it has been. I know it takes a lot of time and effort but you guys are doing a phenomenal job.
The game play is running smoothly and such but when ever im playing the covenant and i have a HUGE amount of ships the lighting effects disappear. Like lance blast, plasma torpedoes and such. Is that normal? Is there a way to fix it, or does it have something to do with the fact the game just cant produce enough effects to keep up?

Again thank you guys for all your hard work and i look forward to the next release.

Good karma+2 votes
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

i played a game last night, it ran about 5 hours but it felt like 30 minutes. I love setting up a picket line of orbital platforms and watching the covies bash themselves upon them. Afterwards there is like a smoldering field of destruction that once was their fleet.

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Sins of the Prophets Rebellion Alpha v0.75.1 Released

Im having issues playing the game. if any one could point me to a forum or something so i cant try and resolve my issue. The game gets extremely laggy late game. I have set the particle rates up higher and it still it laggy.

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

i know im probably going to be crucified but, i know at one point you guys added the cso ship for the covy titan slot. I think it was for april fools, i cant quite remember but i had to wipe my computer and i lost the download. I know you guys said that it would be taken down and that no patches about it would be released, but if there is any chance some one has the download file i would really like to play it again.

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Sins of the Prophets Update 02.16.15

first off you guys are doing an amazing job on this mod. Huge fan. Now one thing i thought we be an awesome addition would be to incorporate the effect the corvettes have when they strafe targets. There moving constantly into the target and then they re engage the target on the next pass. How come you guys didn't use this effect for some of you smaller ships for either races?

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

hey guys first off great mod, i love what u guys have been doing to the game and i appreciate ur dedication to the community. I have been grinding the game pretty hard here off late and have noticed when ever ur fighting the comp and u destroy his carrier ships, there fighter/bombers end up flying out of the gravity well and end up flying indefinitely in one direction. Normally this wouldn't bother me but the ships that i leave in the gravity well end up trying to hunt down said fighter/bombers and chase em for ever. Is this an issue just for my game or is any one else having the same said problem.

Good karma+4 votes
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Dawn of the Reapers

A quick question is the style of warfare going to be similar to the old rebellion where your ship fly up an enemy and stay in a single position and fire or will it be more of a fluid motion where your ships and the enemy's fly around shooting each other. This question might have all ready have been asked but i didn't see it any where. Thanks alot guys and keep up the great work.

Good karma+4 votes
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Cerberus C.A.R.E. Package cannon Concept Poll

#2 cause it kinda has that babylon 5 look.

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Longsword Interceptor [Textured]

(-_-) i get on after a long day of work and this is the first comment i happen to read...... You guys just made my night. Night all!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

sigh... i wait till 12, when the internet is free to download, to download the patch only to find its been pulled. Oh well you guys have your reasons and i would hate to get a messed up patch. So i say, good luck guys and i hope you figure out whats causing the issue.

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Reaper Capital Shipyard

very sexy looking my friends keep it up.

Good karma+11 votes
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

yes it is my friend, yes it is.

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Covenant at War


Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Correspondence 5-0-2

Im sensing a countdown.... but a countdown to what might i ask? Only time will tell im afraid is the answer i will be given. Time is all i have.

Good karma+12 votes
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Slaughter Class

very nice work man good job

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ Dawn of the Reapers

Wow... just wow. Best game trailer of all time boss. Really out did ya self on that one.

Good karma+3 votes
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ 40 000 Sins

well in all honesty are u going to make ships in the pre or post horus heresy? I think you could draw alot of creativity from the pre, or during horus heresy. Just an idea.

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ I thought this was funny :P

i also agree, tis is funny

Good karma+1 vote
bubba4422 - - 19 comments @ 40 000 Sins

Been waiting for a 40k mod for sins a long time now. I look forward to seeing what lore u decide to throw in and what types of models u use for your ships. Best of luck. Also im a huge fan/nut for the warhammer universe, if u have any question on any thing i would be more than happy to help ya out.

Good karma+3 votes