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Me, Me, Me :)

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 143)
0800 - - 143 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Is there a way to disable the Fractures/Izloms? I find they break the excellent emersion...
Thanks :)

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

I'd really love to see an official absolute textures mod :)

Good karma+5 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ 1.4-population_control

This is Genius! :)

Good karma+3 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

I think you people need to get a sense of humour ;)

Good karma+5 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

Using AO3

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

When you disable the "Miracle Machine"/Psy emmitter in Yantar's lab, the game repeatedly crashes when the player passes out.
Savegame: Filedropper.com

intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 479181 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_2
compiling shader model_distort4ghost_2
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_4
compiling shader model_distort4ghost_4
_bp: ph_button:use_callback: [lab_primary_switcher_0002] used by [actor]
compiling shader yuv2rgb
* [win32]: free[2111456 K], reserved[101644 K], committed[1981140 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[757405 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[512698 K], game lua[51181 K], render[1036 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[26666 K], smem[11071 K]
_bp: ph_button:use_callback: [lab_primary_switcher_0001] used by [actor]
_bp: ph_button:use_callback: [lab_primary_switcher_0000] used by [actor]
_bp: ph_button:use_callback: [lab_primary_switcher_0003] used by [actor]
* [win32]: free[2148664 K], reserved[98524 K], committed[1947052 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[749577 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[495359 K], game lua[52878 K], render[1105 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[26930 K], smem[11050 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 30154 objects are successfully saved
* Game henri - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file '_appdata_\savedgames\henri - quicksave4.scop'
axr_main: saving custom data _appdata_\savedgames\henri - quicksave4.scoc
adding complex effector [agr_u_fade], id [nil], from [x16_space_restrictor_0000]
run tutorial called


[error]Expression : xml_doc.NavigateToNode(path,index)
[error]Function : CUIXmlInit::InitWindow
[error]File : ui\UIXmlInit.cpp
[error]Line : 80
[error]Description : XML node not found
[error]Argument 0 : global_wnd
[error]Argument 1 : ui\game_tutorials.xml

stack trace:

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

When shooting at zombified members of a previous faction in the Yantar psy zone, your reputation worsens :/

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

Heres another non-repeatable crash right after when at the Military Warehouses, in the bloodsucker village near two fleshes (Using AO3):

intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 654165 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
compiling shader hud3d
compiling shader hud3d
* [win32]: free[1548076 K], reserved[92188 K], committed[2553976 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[959245 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[649431 K], game lua[68683 K], render[3225 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[27655 K], smem[11621 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 29849 objects are successfully saved
* Game henri - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file '_appdata_\savedgames\henri - quicksave5.scop'
axr_main: saving custom data _appdata_\savedgames\henri - quicksave5.scoc
* [win32]: free[1535256 K], reserved[102092 K], committed[2556892 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[960439 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[635772 K], game lua[63834 K], render[3434 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[28119 K], smem[12793 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 29849 objects are successfully saved
* Game henri - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file '_appdata_\savedgames\henri - quicksave1.scop'
axr_main: saving custom data _appdata_\savedgames\henri - quicksave1.scoc
~ cannot remove restriction with id [4896][mil_zone_field_thermal_strong] to the entity with id [39684][cat_normal_d39684], because it is not added
~ cannot remove restriction with id [4896][mil_zone_field_thermal_strong] to the entity with id [39685][cat_weak_d39685], because it is not added
stack trace:

0023:06E6E510 xrGame.dll, CxIOFile::Open()
0023:06E6B56B xrGame.dll, CxIOFile::Open()
0023:00445972 xrEngine.exe, IGame_Level::OnFrame()

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

Unhandled Exception crash when approaching bandits, stalkers and freedom in the Militry warehouses map towards the houses next to the fire anomaly, by the entrance to Rostok. The crash won't repeat itself, so I haven't uploaded the save.

Using AO3:

! WARNING: SV: can't find children [38450] of parent [1637516056]
* [win32]: free[1367348 K], reserved[81360 K], committed[2745532 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[1022268 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[680743 K], game lua[99362 K], render[8093 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[28944 K], smem[12908 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 29882 objects are successfully saved
* Game henri - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file '_appdata_\savedgames\henri - quicksave1.scop'
axr_main: saving custom data _appdata_\savedgames\henri - quicksave1.scoc
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [44598] of parent [1637037928]
stack trace:

0023:06EBE510 xrGame.dll, CxIOFile::Open()
0023:06EBB56B xrGame.dll, CxIOFile::Open()
0023:06EBB6FE xrGame.dll, CxIOFile::Open()
0023:06EC249E xrGame.dll, CxIOFile::Open()
0023:06E34109 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:06DA2654 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:06CC574E xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:06C40EA8 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:06E34297 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

I find that when using full enhanced dx9, loading times are really quick, but with dx10 really slow.

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

Im finding the mutants to be getting consistently stuck in Wild Territory; i.e. Ive encountered pseudodogs, blind dogs, boars and fleshes to be in a persistent running animation on the spot, without ever chinging direction or moving at all. Its like theres something invisible blocking them?

I've encountered this just outside the fire anomaly tunnel up the sloping ground.

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

Sorry, I was approaching the bloodsucker village in military wherehouses. Theae crashes seem quite random, in that I can never get the same crash like this to repeat upon loading the last save game.

Something else I've encountered was that the military or bandits enhabitimg the agroprom underground seem the aim, but never shoot at you. Mutants however behave perfectly.

I'm using AO3 and the new configure and script files provided FYI

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

military warehouses

stack trace:

0023:06F4E510 xrGame.dll, CxIOFile::Open()
0023:06F4B56B xrGame.dll, CxIOFile::Open()
0023:00457FD5 xrEngine.exe, CSheduler::Update()
0023:06D966B0 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:675B3F25 MSVCR120.dll, vsprintf_s_l()
0023:675CE3EA MSVCR120.dll, vsprintf_s()
0023:00443651 xrEngine.exe, CGameFont::Out()
0023:06D554CA xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:0044547A xrEngine.exe, IGame_Level::SoundEvent_Dispatch()
0023:0046B579 xrEngine.exe, CApplication::OnFrame()
0023:0040C131 xrEngine.exe, xrSASH::operator=()

Good karma+2 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

A suggestion would be set the Arena weather to indoors/underground, to stop the unrealistic and overwhelming fog during fights.

Good karma+2 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ [BETA] Patch 1.4 RC 4.1 (Official)

Crashed when approaching Rostok from Garbage

Log: Textuploader.com

ERROR: CGameObject:net_spawn() Object with ID already exists! ID=19503 self=sim_default_duty_119503 other=sim_default_duty_119503

*Using AO3

Good karma+2 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

The more votes the better: Moddb.com

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Started a poll here, to find out who is affected by weather brightness problems. Please vote people :)


Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

I'm finding the weather brightness to be very polarised. Even after trying various mods, 'Raining' is far too dark, and 'Sunny' is far too bright with very overcontrasted shadows :/

Is anyone else experiencing this, or is it just me?

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ Warfare 1.4.22 - v2 (updated 3/1/17)

Is it possible to make all of the traders unique NPCs, and for them to move with the squad? E.g. Sultan moves with a bandit squad, and relocates to different smart terrains when the squad does.

Each Trader might have to be made immortal though, to not scew up the long term reliability of a playthrough.

It would make the game totally dynamic :)

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ Map of the Zone

I somehow feel that Yantar should be joined onto Rostok city, as another hostile area similar to Wild territory. It just feels to be in the wrong place, like its part of the same city :/

Good karma+5 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ M.E.H.U.D.

Links are fixed, sorry about that :)

Good karma+3 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ M.E.H.U.D.

Try opening as administrator

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Vote given :)

Good karma+6 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ M.E.H.U.D.

Yup, install it ontop

Good karma+2 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ Project Diablo

Thanks, I never really knew that that site existed. I may post it there when I have the time :)

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ Project Diablo

Well it would be a hell of a lot of work to make a total conversion, and currently im still very unfamiliar with GUTS. At this stage I can't say yes to your proposal because i'm starting my second year at University, and I have other commitments. Also the TL2 modding community seems to be rather dead ATM; so far I've had virtually no feedback from the community, so I'm actually debating whether or not to finish the last 2 towns. Also my moddeling and texturing skills are quite poor:( however I am quite familiar with the basics of blender and have no problem working with it.

So for now its a possibility... Also thanks for your offer to help!

Please keep in touch, do you have an official account?

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ SynergiesMOD

Love this mod! I'm currently working on a Diablo mod, check it out here: Moddb.com
I'd be very grateful for a few more comments and ratings :)

Good karma+1 vote
0800 - - 143 comments @ Hand Drawn Graphics texture upgrade (Ink'd)

Well done on this. Best mod for torchlight by far. Its a shame really, that this mod is getting such little attention, because its my favourite one to date :)

Good karma+2 votes
0800 - - 143 comments @ M.E.H.U.D.

New version of the MISERY edition MEHUD has been released; its fully compatible with the latest version of MISERY 2.1.1, unlike before :)

Good karma+3 votes