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Zombie Grinder is the debut game of TwinDrills, an indie game development duo made up of Tim 'Infini' Leonard and Jordan 'Jordizzle' Chewning. It's a multi-platform (windows, mac, Linux!) (also Free!) cooperative multiplayer arcade game, reminiscent in style and gameplay of retro games like 'Zombies Ate My Neighbors' and 'Super Smash TV!', but with the added benefit of some newer game mechanics - achievements, ranking, player-customization, rpg style stats and so forth. The game sports a variety of different game modes, from co-operative 'campaign' style levels, to wave maps and even the classic 'pvp' style game modes - deathmatch, capture the 'bag' and so forth. All of these mods are bristling with a variety of weapons and items, all lovingly displayed in Jordan's classic quirky pixel-art style.

Forum Thread
WHYY (Games : Zombie Grinder : Forum : Modding / Map Design : WHYY) Locked
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Feb 19 2013 Anchor


i worked on that for like 10 hours, then WHAM update, what, didn't we tell you it DELETES your stuff?


Feb 20 2013 Anchor

Check your source directory, you'll see there are archived /bin directories

Infinitus Developer
Feb 20 2013 Anchor

What jordan said.


Feb 20 2013 Anchor

I didn't save it in the Bin yet, it was still not finished, so it never got archived

...by that i mean it was saved outside of the bin folder, and not inside (cause that last post sounded like i didn't save at all)

Infinitus Developer
Feb 20 2013 Anchor

:S You should never save working maps outside Bin\Maps unless as backups.


You might be able to recover it with an undelete tool?

Edited by: Infinitus


Feb 20 2013 Anchor

Dawnbomb - yeah, I did the EXACT SAME mistake. Ask Infini if you don't believe me. I lost 10+ hours on dm_graveyard just because of that.

But yes. Always ALWAYS save outside of the ZombieGrinder/install.public folder. I only save a map in Bin/Maps when I'm completed that map and it's ready to upload.


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