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Zombie Grinder is the debut game of TwinDrills, an indie game development duo made up of Tim 'Infini' Leonard and Jordan 'Jordizzle' Chewning. It's a multi-platform (windows, mac, Linux!) (also Free!) cooperative multiplayer arcade game, reminiscent in style and gameplay of retro games like 'Zombies Ate My Neighbors' and 'Super Smash TV!', but with the added benefit of some newer game mechanics - achievements, ranking, player-customization, rpg style stats and so forth. The game sports a variety of different game modes, from co-operative 'campaign' style levels, to wave maps and even the classic 'pvp' style game modes - deathmatch, capture the 'bag' and so forth. All of these mods are bristling with a variety of weapons and items, all lovingly displayed in Jordan's classic quirky pixel-art style.

Forum Thread
An IRC Shortcut... (Games : Zombie Grinder : Forum : Suggestions : An IRC Shortcut...) Locked
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Jul 7 2013 Anchor


It's a bit annoying to access the irc through the menu while playing. So what about creating an IRC shortcut ? It will be faster and easier to chat.

Thank you.

Infinitus Developer
Jul 8 2013 Anchor

There already is, when using the in-game chat box prefix your messages with /irc to send them to the IRC channel.


/irc Hello IRC!


Jul 8 2013 Anchor

Ah 'kay, didn't now that.

Thank ya.

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