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Weapon Test Dummies is an action packed strategy/puzzle and tower defense game with over 40 unlockable turrets and abilities. Each unlock has a unique purpose, and there are dozens of strategies that can be used to beat the same level.This isn't your average tower defense either. Its not uncommon to kill hundreds or even thousands of Dummies in just a few minutes, all in the name of science!

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Patch 0.13 Roadmap (Games : Weapon Test Dummies : Forum : Game Progress : Patch 0.13 Roadmap) Locked
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Dec 21 2012 Anchor

Hi all, I will be posting these roadmaps periodically so you can see what I am working on. If you aren't familiar with the term road map, it is commonly used in software to describe the goals of a project over a period of time.

Here is what I am working on currently:

1) Enhancing level selection screen, and allow for navigation between floors on this screen. This will make it easier to add new levels.

Edit 1/14/2013: I'm going to avoid temporary features and instead focus on permanent improvements to the game. Difficulty may come back in a few updates when I have better ideas for rewards for the system.
2) Adding difficulties to the game, these will most likely be chosen on a per level basis to increase/decrease the challenge. This difficulty system will most likely be temporary, but it will give some replayability until i have much more time to dedicate to this. The first phase for difficulties won't have any enhanced rewards as of yet, just greater challenges. (This will change in the future). The simplest way to increase difficulty will be just to increase HP of dummies, first phase will just do this. In the future you might fight different types of dummies.

I haven't tested these yet, but it will most likely look something like this:
1) Easy (the new default)- 70% Dummy HP
2) Normal (current default)- 100% HP
3) Hard - 150% HP
4) Impossible - 225% HP

3) New levels - There are only 7 in the game right now with just 1 tileset, I plan to add at least 5-7 more for 0.13.

4) Add more detail to levels currently existing - Some of the levels are pretty plain and don't have many doodads laying around(rocks, bushes, cool gadgets, etc.).

5) Linux and Mac... soon!

I am trying to get as much as I can done during the 4 days I get off for Christmas, and from there I will be able to better gauge when 0.13 might be ready.

Want to vote on what I work on next? Check out this poll!

Edited by: Myoid

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