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Welcome to StaudSoft's Synthetic World 0.2! It allows you via a seed to create a unique landscape with mountains, oceans, trees and beaches. Although it looks like a normal game engine, everything in the game is based on voxels. So everything you see can be changed. You can cut down trees, build a house or dig into the ground!

Post tutorial Report RSS How to play the game

This is a short introduction to my game. And there is also a list of cheats.

Posted by on - Basic Design/Concepts

How do I play this game?

As I didn't wanted to copy a other game I implemented my own gameplay. Here are some important tipps:

  • Safe Zone: When you first start the game you are in a safe zone. In this save zone aren't any monsters. The radius of this area is 64 m. So fell free to start your camp here.
  • Weapons: Craft as fast as you can your first weapon: A stick
  • Crafting: Create an construction set to craft additional things. Note that you can also craft with the table and the 3D printer.
  • Smelting: There is no tool to smelt. Instead place a block of wood on the ground. Then put a block of iron ore on the wood. Then use the lighter (you need to craft it) to set the wood on fire. The heat will then turn the iron ore into iron. Then collect your new iron.
  • Learn: Collect learning points and invest them to be abled to place smaller blocks or to increase your technological level.
  • Electric Wires: You will need a certain technological level and a 3D printer to create them. Current is transported instandly, regardless how long your cable is.
  • Water: Yes, I know I should work on the dynamic water. A implemented one but it was simply to slow. So you have to wait for a later release.
  • Dying: If you die you will lose your backpack. Collect it to retreive your items again. You will start again in the safe zone.
  • Carrying: You can only carry a maximum amount of weight.
  • Bed: Use a bed to sleep till the morning.
  • Graphical Error: As you can place an unlimited amount of light sources and your computer can only handle a limited amount, the engine will automatically reduce the rendering quality if you place to many lights.


Open the console via F2 and then enter them.

setGodMode(b: boolean);
setBuildMode(b: boolean);
setNoTarget(b: boolean);
setFly(b: boolean);
setDebugMode(b: boolean);
setGravity(b: single);
addItem(name: string; amount:integer);
addAbility(name: string; amount:integer);
loadMap(name: string);
loadSynMap(name: string);

„boolean“ means you can use „true“ (on) or „false“ (off).
=> setGodMode(true);

„single“ is a number:
„integer“ is a natural number: 1,2,3,4,...
„string“ is a text

=> addItem('Iron', 64*10);
This will add 10 blocks of iron.
=> addAbility('gameabilities_learningpoints', 40);
This will add 40 learning points.

Build Mode

setBuildMode(true); makes building easier.

And for the interested: There is actual a fully feature self developed pascal compiler in the game who interprets your commands. So the syntax is pascal (a programming language). This means you could also write something like this:

addItem('Ir'+'on', 10+63*10);
which is equivalent to:
addItem('Iron', 64*10);


AMMO9MMCLIP, Air, AluOre, AluOreUser, Ammo9mm, Ammo9mm_Recipe, And, BallJoint, Barkdust, BlackColor, BlackColor_Recipe, BlueColor, BlueColor_Recipe, BoneCorn, BoneCornSeed, Book_Tutorial, BoolProperty, BreakAble, BreakAbleEntity, Brick, BrickRound, BrickRound_Recipe, BrickStone, BrickStone_Recipe, Brick_Recipe, Button, ButtonRotation, Cactus, CactusSeed, Carbon, CaseRelay, ChromOre, ChromOreUser, Clay, ClayWall, ClayWall_Recipe, Coal, CoalUser, CobbleStone, CobbleStone_Recipe, Concrete, Concrete_Recipe, Copper, CopperOre, CopperOreUser, Cotton, CottonPlant, CottonPlantFinishWithSeed, CottonPlantSeed, CounterClass, CrossBowFlyingBolt, DiamondOre, DiamondOreUser, Dirt, Door, EffectEntity,Electronic_Black, Electronic_Contact_In, Electronic_Contact_Out, Electronic_Desc_And, Electronic_Desc_Clock, Electronic_Desc_FlipFlop, Electronic_Desc_NAnd, Electronic_Desc_Not, Electronic_Desc_Or, Electronic_Wire, Electronic_Wire_Recipe, EntityPlaceHolder, Farberwaid, FarberwaidSeed, Fern, Fern2, Fern2Seed, FernSeed, FernSun, FernSun2, FernSun2Seed, FernSunSeed, Flower, FlowerHeal, FlowerHealSeed, FlowerRed, FlowerRedSeed, FlowerSeed, FlowerYellow, FlowerYellowSeed, Frosch, Fungus, FungusSeed, Gold, GoldOre, GoldOreUser, Granite, GraniteUser, Gravel, GreenColor, GreenColor_Recipe, HealPlant1, HealPlant1Seed, HealPlant2, HealPlant2Seed, HealPlant3, HealPlant3Seed, HealthPackClip, HingeJoint, Hurt, IPSTART, Ice, Illusionary, Indigo, Indigo_Recipe, IntProperty, Intermission, Invisible, Iron, IronOre, IronOreUser, Item_Apple, Item_Arrow, Item_Arrow_Recipe, Item_AxeNew, Item_AxeNew_Recipe, Item_AxeOld, Item_BackPack, Item_BeakerWood, Item_Beer_Stein, Item_Board1, Item_Bolt, Item_Bolt_Recipe, Item_BowlWood1, Item_BowlWood2, Item_BowlWood3, Item_BowlWood4, Item_Bread, Item_Bucket, Item_Bucket_Recipe, Item_Cheese, Item_Earth_Tool, Item_Glue, Item_Glue_Recipe, Item_Health_Portion, Item_Ink, Item_Knife, Item_Knife2, Item_Knife_Recipe, Item_Lighter, Item_Lighter_Recipe, Item_Linen, Item_Linen_Recipe, Item_LongSword, Item_LongSword_Recipe, Item_Meat, Item_Meat_Recipe, Item_Medipack, Item_Mortar, Item_Nail, Item_Nail_Recipe, Item_Paper, Item_PickaxeNew, Item_PickaxeNew_Recipe, Item_PickaxeOld, Item_Pistole, Item_Pistole_Recipe, Item_Pitch, Item_Plant_Tool, Item_Plate, Item_Plate2, Item_Plate3, Item_Plate4, Item_RawMeat, Item_Sausage, Item_ShovelNew, Item_ShovelNew_Recipe, Item_ShovelOld, Item_Stick, Item_Stick_Recipe, Item_Stone_Tool, Item_Sword, Item_SwordOld, Item_Sword_Recipe, Item_Torch, Item_Torch_Recipe, Item_Universal_Tool, Item_Vine, Item_Wacholder, Item_Water_Tool, Item_Waterbottle, Ivy, Leaf, Leaf1_2, Leaf1_3, LeafBeech, LeafBeechSeed, LeafFir, LeafFirSeed, LeafOak, LeafOakSeed, LeafPalmTree, LeafPalmTreeSeed, LeafSmallPalmTree, LeafSmallPalmTreeSeed, Leafs, LeafsSeed, Lime, Lime_Recipe, Limestone, LithiumOre, LithiumOreUser, LowWaterPlant, LowWaterPlantSeed, MetalFloor, MetalFloor_Recipe, Monster_BlueFrog, Monster_Frog, Monster_Guard_Roboter, Monster_Newt, Monster_Rat, Monster_RedFrog, Monster_RedNewt, Monster_SmallSpider, Monster_SmallSpider2, Monster_SnowNewt, Monster_SnowSpider, Monster_Spider, Monster_StoneSpider, Monster_StrongerNewt, Monster_Wolf, Monster_Wombat, Multiple, Neutronium, Once, PISTOLE, PalmTreeWood, PathMover, PathPoint, Petroleum, PetroleumUser, Planks, Planks_Recipe, PlasterAqua, PlasterAqua_Recipe, PlasterBlack, PlasterBlack_Recipe, PlasterBlue, PlasterBlue_Recipe, PlasterFuchsia, PlasterFuchsia_Recipe, PlasterGray, PlasterGray_Recipe, PlasterGreen, PlasterGreen_Recipe, PlasterLime, PlasterLime_Recipe, PlasterMaroon, PlasterMaroon_Recipe, PlasterNavy, PlasterNavy_Recipe, PlasterOlive, PlasterOlive_Recipe, PlasterPurple, PlasterPurple_Recipe, PlasterRed, PlasterRed_Recipe, PlasterSilver, PlasterSilver_Recipe, PlasterTeal, PlasterTeal_Recipe, PlasterWhite, PlasterWhite_Recipe, PlasterYellow, PlasterYellow_Recipe, Player, PointInfo, PotteryAqua, PotteryAqua_Recipe, PotteryBlack, PotteryBlack_Recipe, PotteryBlue, PotteryBlue_Recipe, PotteryFuchsia, PotteryFuchsia_Recipe, PotteryGray, PotteryGray_Recipe, PotteryGreen, PotteryGreen_Recipe, PotteryLime, PotteryLime_Recipe, PotteryMaroon, PotteryMaroon_Recipe, PotteryNavy, PotteryNavy_Recipe, PotteryOlive, PotteryOlive_Recipe, PotteryPurple, PotteryPurple_Recipe, PotteryRed, PotteryRed_Recipe, PotterySilver, PotterySilver_Recipe, PotteryTeal, PotteryTeal_Recipe, PotteryWhite, PotteryWhite_Recipe, PotteryYellow, PotteryYellow_Recipe, PushAble, RedColor, RedColor_Recipe, Relay, RelayProperty, RotationDoor, Rotator, Sand, Sandstone, Sandwall, Schlehdorn, SchlehdornSeed, Shake, Shrub, ShrubBig, ShrubBigSeed, ShrubDead, ShrubDeadSmall, ShrubSeed, ShrubSmall, ShrubSmallSeed, ShrubSmaller, ShrubSmallerSeed, SiliconOre, SiliconOreUser, SliderJoint, Snow, SoundSource, SteelConcrete, Stone, StoneWall, StoneWall_Recipe, Stones, Street, Sulfur, SulfurUser, SwapRelay, Teleport, TempLava, TempWater, Tiles, Tiles_Recipe, Titan, TitanOre, TitanOreUser, TriggerAuto, TropicalPlant1, TropicalPlant1Seed, TropicalPlant2, TropicalPlant2Seed, TropicalPlant3, TropicalPlant3Seed, TropicalPlant4, TropicalPlant4Seed, TropicalPlant5, TropicalPlant5Seed, UprightJoint, VinePlant, VinePlantFinishWithSeed, VinePlantSeed, VisibleNeutronium, Voxel_3DPrinter, Voxel_3DPrinter_Recipe, Voxel_Barrel, Voxel_BarrelNew, Voxel_BarrelNew_Recipe, Voxel_Barrel_Recipe, Voxel_Bed, Voxel_Bed_Recipe, Voxel_Big_Sign, Voxel_Bookrest, Voxel_Bookrest_Recipe, Voxel_Box, Voxel_Box_Recipe, Voxel_Cabinet, Voxel_Cabinet_Recipe, Voxel_Candle, Voxel_Candle_Recipe, Voxel_Chair, Voxel_Chair_Recipe, Voxel_Chest, Voxel_Chest_Recipe, Voxel_Chest_Small, Voxel_Chest_Small_Recipe, Voxel_Construction_Set, Voxel_Construction_Set_Recipe, Voxel_Electronic_And, Voxel_Electronic_And_Recipe, Voxel_Electronic_Button, Voxel_Electronic_Button_Recipe, Voxel_Electronic_LED, Voxel_Electronic_LED_Recipe, Voxel_Electronic_Nand, Voxel_Electronic_Nand_Recipe, Voxel_Electronic_Not, Voxel_Electronic_Not_Recipe, Voxel_Electronic_Or, Voxel_Electronic_Or_Recipe, Voxel_Electronic_Switch, Voxel_Electronic_Switch_Recipe, Voxel_Electronic_Wall_Button, Voxel_Electronic_Wall_Button_Recipe, Voxel_Electronic_Wooden_Door, Voxel_Electronic_Wooden_Door_Recipe, Voxel_Explosive, Voxel_Explosive_Recipe, Voxel_Fence1m, Voxel_Fence1m_Recipe, Voxel_Fence2m, Voxel_Fence2m_Recipe, Voxel_Fence_End, Voxel_Fence_End_Recipe, Voxel_Hanging_Candle, Voxel_Hanging_Candle_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_05m_3Corners, Voxel_IronFence_05m_3Corners_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_05m_Edge, Voxel_IronFence_05m_Edge_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_05m_End, Voxel_IronFence_05m_End_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_05m_x_05m, Voxel_IronFence_05m_x_05m_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_1m_3Corners, Voxel_IronFence_1m_3Corners_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_1m_Edge, Voxel_IronFence_1m_Edge_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_1m_End, Voxel_IronFence_1m_End_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_1m_x_1m, Voxel_IronFence_1m_x_1m_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_2m_3Corners, Voxel_IronFence_2m_3Corners_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_2m_Edge, Voxel_IronFence_2m_Edge_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_2m_End, Voxel_IronFence_2m_End_Recipe, Voxel_IronFence_2m_x_2m, Voxel_IronFence_2m_x_2m_Recipe, Voxel_Ladder_1_2m, Voxel_Ladder_1_2m_Recipe, Voxel_Ladder_1_4m, Voxel_Ladder_1_4m_Recipe, Voxel_Ladder_1m, Voxel_Ladder_1m_Recipe, Voxel_Ladder_2m, Voxel_Ladder_2m_Recipe, Voxel_Lamp, Voxel_Lamp_Recipe, Voxel_Metal_Crate, Voxel_Metal_Crate_Recipe, Voxel_Old_Wooden_Door, Voxel_Old_Wooden_Door_Recipe, Voxel_Origin, Voxel_Painting_Duck, Voxel_Painting_Duck_Recipe, Voxel_Painting_Landscape, Voxel_Painting_Landscape_Recipe, Voxel_Road_Sign, Voxel_Shelf, Voxel_Shelf_Recipe, Voxel_Sign, Voxel_Stool, Voxel_Stool_Recipe, Voxel_Table, Voxel_Table_Recipe, Voxel_Target, Voxel_Torch, Voxel_Torch_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_05m_3Corners, Voxel_WoodFence_05m_3Corners_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_05m_Edge, Voxel_WoodFence_05m_Edge_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_05m_End, Voxel_WoodFence_05m_End_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_05m_x_05m, Voxel_WoodFence_05m_x_05m_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_1m_3Corners, Voxel_WoodFence_1m_3Corners_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_1m_Edge, Voxel_WoodFence_1m_Edge_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_1m_End, Voxel_WoodFence_1m_End_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_1m_x_1m, Voxel_WoodFence_1m_x_1m_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_2m_3Corners, Voxel_WoodFence_2m_3Corners_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_2m_Edge, Voxel_WoodFence_2m_Edge_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_2m_End, Voxel_WoodFence_2m_End_Recipe, Voxel_WoodFence_2m_x_2m, Voxel_WoodFence_2m_x_2m_Recipe, Voxel_Wooden_Door, Voxel_Wooden_Door_Recipe, Wall, WallToggle, Water, WaterFinit, WaterInfinite, WaterPlant, WaterPlantSeed, Wood, WoodUser


gameabilities_Aikido(level, 4 Levels: (White: 10 LP)(Yellow: 10 LP)(Orange: 10 LP)(Green: 10 LP)
Faster Crafting:
gameabilities_Building_FasterCrafting(bool, 10 LP)
Master of Materials:
gameabilities_Building_MasterOfMaterials(bool, 10 LP)
gameabilities_Building_Precision(level, 4 Levels: (Novice: 10 LP)(Intermediate: 10 LP)(Expert: 10 LP)(Master: 10 LP)
Resource collection:
gameabilities_Building_Resource_Collection(level, 4 Levels: (Novice: 10 LP)(Intermediate: 10 LP)(Expert: 10 LP)(Master: 10 LP)
gameabilities_Building_Technology(level, 4 Levels: (Middleage: 10 LP)(20th Century: 10 LP)(21th Century: 10 LP)(Singularity: 10 LP)
Faster Learning:
gameabilities_FasterLearning(bool, 10 LP)
gameabilities_agility(int, 1 LP)
gameabilities_exp(int, 0 LP)
gameabilities_health(int, 0 LP)
Learning Points:
gameabilities_learningpoints(int, 0 LP)
gameabilities_level(int, 0 LP)
gameabilities_regeneration(level, 5 Levels: (1 points per second: 10 LP)(2 points per second: 5 LP)(3 points per second: 8 LP)(4 points per second: 10 LP)(5 points per second: 12 LP)
gameabilities_strength(int, 1 LP)

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