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Vikings. A name of terror. ...A name of battle. The warriors who sailed the seven seas. The barbarians who brought all of Scandinavia to heel. Indeed, the Vikings were enemies to be reckoned with. They were also totally rad. Whilst not pillaging their way through the homelands of those unfortunate enough to be deemed their enemies, the warriors kicked back and made the most of their downtime the only way fitting for the noblest warrior. By getting some air. It is a little known fact that it was the Vikings who first discovered the combination of skates and a board. Originally conceived as a siege weapon, the skateboard saw the Vikings through many long seasons, giving birth to the legendary race of the most awesome notoriety.

Add job Report Marketer at Terahard Ltd

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Marketing located Anywhere.

Posted by Terahard Ltd on

Hello all,

We are trying to raise awareness of our London based studio as we have a few games in the making which we think will blow everyone's minds but we need help to do that so we are looking for some people to join our marketing team.

We don't need previous experience but we definitely want enthusiastic people who can work from home and we are flexible with work hours. We have a couple of marketing people who will help the team focus but we definitely like and promote individuals to work out of the box and follow their ideas. We will be attending the EGX event at Birmigham this year and we think this will be a very good experience for anyone in marketing. Each individual's work will be reviewed every 3 months and we definitely try to keep everyone and promote them to a more permanent role after a while ( bear with us we are still small ).

The game we'll be focusing on is Era's Greenlight: Steamcommunity.com

Game's website: Era-game.com
Check us out on Facebook: Facebook.com
Twitter: Twitter.com

To Apply

Send resume to info@terahard.org