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Optic is a puzzle game where the main mechanics are based on the laws of physics. Dispersion, reflection, refraction, lenses. The plot of the game is the story of the development of Optics as a science from antiquity to modern vision, and the narrators are popular bloggers in various fields. Although the game is completely based on the laws of physics, it is not completely scientific. Our idea is to use popular bloggers in the categories of science, games, and travel for each language. Each of them will tell about the game from their sides. If scientifically popular bloggers will mention formulas, then game bloggers will make references to other games, and travel bloggers will tell what is interesting in this or that place that is mentioned in the game. It is important to leave the freedom of conveying information in the style in which these bloggers run their channel.

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Project Science: Optic || Devblog #1

Project Science: Optic || Devblog #1


I want to tell you about our game, which we have been developing for a very long time.