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The protagonist is called Nick. When Nick was a young child in the 70’s he wanted a toy animal for Christmas. Nick came from a working class family, which could not afford to buy toys for Nick at Christmas time. Nick was a smart boy; he figured out how to harness time. As Nick grew to be older, he created equipment that allowed him to harness and control time. He uses this equipment to steal rare toys from toy stores. Nick is on a quest to collect all the toys that he wanted as a child, to fill the emptiness inside of him.

Add job Report Animator needed for a FPS Game at Drixy Studios

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Drixygames.com on

Hello and thank you for taking your time to read this.

We're a small team made by 3 people, a modeler, a programmer and a texture artist. For the last few days/weeks we've been working on a game called Time Walker. It's a first person shooter where you can change the motion speed of your actions by using a few buttons. We've made a lot of progress in this game but now we're looking for an animator to help us. Animations are really important in this game so we would like to hire an experienced and skilled animator.

Requirements :

1. Animating Skills,
2. A software to work on(Maya,Blender,3DS Max etc...),
3. An understantable english,
4. A skype/hotmail/steam account to get in touch with the rest of the team,
5. Experience in animating, not needed as long as you're good at it,
6. At least a few hours a week to work on the game
7. Good behaviour (being able to have a good relationship with the rest of the team).

Payment :

The payment will depend on the game's profit. Each member of the team will be given a percentage of the game's winnings. The percentage depends on how much effort and help you're giving in order for the team to make progress.
So basicly : the more you do, the more you earn.

We got a publisher who's ready to publish our game through 70+ worldwide distributors such as Steam,Origin,GameFly, Amazon, GOG etc... That's of course only if we manage to make a fun and enjoyable game.

Info about the game :

The game's title is Time Walker. It's a first person shooter game where you have the ability to slow down or speed up the time. The amount of slow/fast motion can be changed by the player.
Time Walker will have a campaign in it and a maybe a soapbox mode.
The game has stealth possibilities, so you can sneak past your enemies and avoid conflicts.

Your job on this project

Basicly, you have to animate stuff. Starting from the weapon animations such as shooting, reloading then AI movement and basic combat.

We're planning to release a demo version of the game soon, and maybe release it on alpha but that's to be discussed.

Once again thank you for your time and we hope we'll find someone who's just as excited as we are. We believe that this project will be a great success but in order for it to become one, we have to work hard on it.

To Apply

If you're interested please contact me using one of the following methods :

skype: sun.siro
Steam : Steamcommunity.com
email : ermal.feratiii@gmail.com

You can also contact us at the following emails but lately we've been having some problems with our host so we might not be able to respond to you.