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The Old God has left the world and the pretenders are awakening and coming out from hiding. You start the game by designing one of the pretender gods that will compete for true ascension to godhood. The type of god can range from a magically powerful arch mage to an ancient kraken or a mystic monolith that people pray to. Your pretender controls one of over sixty different nations and with the help of that nation he will spread his word and battle the other pretenders. Dominions 3 is a turn based strategy game. You can play single- or multiplayer (1 - 23 players) with simultaneous turns. There are more than 1500 different units, 600 spells and 300 magic items in the game. The game also features a medieval musical score by Erik Ask Uppmark and Anna Rynefors, both awarded the title of Musicians of the Realm by the Swedish Zornmärkeskommiten. Dominions 3 is a highly detailed game and a 300 page pdf manual is included in the download.

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Team Games Would Be Awesome (Games : Dominions 3: The Awakening : Forum : Multiplayer : Team Games Would Be Awesome) Locked
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Dec 24 2013 Anchor
  1. So long as teams are balanced beginners can play with experts in the same game.
  2. Games like this would help beginners enjoy learning more than researching on Dom3-Mod-Inspector. Also play at higher level right away because basic instruction by teammates.
  3. In 2 team game, early game matters more 'cause one province gained is also one province your only opponent looses.
  4. Because of #2 & 3 game won't last long enough to get boring.
  5. Diplomacy matters much less if at all.
  6. A beginner getting stomped wont loose motive and stale away. He has his team to fight for and a chance to re-emerge.

I'm too new to host so could someone please host a team game like the one described?

Edited by: ran88dom99

Dec 24 2013 Anchor

Well, first of all, get Dominions 4, it has actual team gameplay. That's all I can say on the subject.

Dec 25 2013 Anchor

ran88dom99 wrote: I'm too new to host so could someone please host a team game like the one described?

There is barely anything technically hard in hosting.
It is almost as simple as going through several menus.
Arrangement of fixed starts for particular map could be a bit harder.

Like 90% efforts is a communication with future players. (What can be handled by anybody).
Decent games can be taken as a sample, check-lists and todo-lists.
If you are not certain - don't hesitate to ask like "It looks like xxx should be made next, then yyy. I'll arrange zzz after that", so if you are doing something wrong, others adjust you.

When the game starts once again - there is like 10% efforts on technical issues, and 90% will arise when someone drop out, or sub is needed, etc

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