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The Old God has left the world and the pretenders are awakening and coming out from hiding. You start the game by designing one of the pretender gods that will compete for true ascension to godhood. The type of god can range from a magically powerful arch mage to an ancient kraken or a mystic monolith that people pray to. Your pretender controls one of over sixty different nations and with the help of that nation he will spread his word and battle the other pretenders. Dominions 3 is a turn based strategy game. You can play single- or multiplayer (1 - 23 players) with simultaneous turns. There are more than 1500 different units, 600 spells and 300 magic items in the game. The game also features a medieval musical score by Erik Ask Uppmark and Anna Rynefors, both awarded the title of Musicians of the Realm by the Swedish Zornmärkeskommiten. Dominions 3 is a highly detailed game and a 300 page pdf manual is included in the download.

Forum Thread
SummerTimeMA- Oscarius / Sylvania Wins! (Games : Dominions 3: The Awakening : Forum : Multiplayer : SummerTimeMA- Oscarius / Sylvania Wins!) Locked
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May 30 2013 Anchor

General Game Information

Name of the Game - SummerTimeMA- Yay! Summer is here, or near enough. Celebrate by staying out of that dreadful sun, safely inside playing dominions! This is a newer player, high commitment game, with Sombre's Mod Compatibility Project nations allowed!

Network or PBEM - Llamaserver PBEM
Hosting Schedule - 48 hour first turn, 28 hours thereafter until players need more time, schedule and delay policy is relaxed and extensions are generally always granted
Number of Players - 6-11
Skill level - New players (but may not be best for first game due to inclusion of mod nations)
Expected Commitment Level - High
Age - Middle

Game Settings
Independent Strength - 5
Research - standard (normal)
Magic Sites - standard for age (40)
Money - standard (100)
Resources - standard (100)
Supplies - standard (100)
Random Events - common
Score Graphs - on
Hall Of Fame - 15
Re-Naming - on

Nation Selection - All non water middle age nations, including mod nations from the SMC project. I retain final say over certain mod nations, and may request certain pretenders to not be used, or may make changes discussed but not yet implemented by mod authors.

Map - StreamLands

Mods - SummerTime Combo

Victory Conditions - Control 4 capitals for 3 turns
Diplomacy - Machiavellian with binding trades (In this game, this means trades of gems, items, and gold for gems, items or gold are binding).
General Rules- General MP rules for the forum

And importantly- THIS GAME MAY BE HIDEOUSLY UNBALANCED DUE TO MOD NATION INCLUSION. Observing, noting, and politely discussing your observations on the mod thread for the appropriate mod is fine. Being a douche, whiner, crybaby, or other pejorative term about it is not ok, and this will not be tolerated.

Also, as this is a High Committment game, I will do my best to prevent any and all stales, however, if I am auto-delaying the game regularly for you, expect that favor to end. Repeat stalers may be subbed out, depending on the in game situation.

Disallowed Exploits (Copied from Calahan) -
1. Copying the script orders from Bogus and his friends to others commanders (ie. The 'Fire Commanders' orders).
2. Overloading other players labs by sending them lots of items they did not request. Be they worthless or valuable.
3. Intentionally exploiting the fort lock-down bug with freespawn commanders or items. (contact the admin if someone is using this!)
4. No using keyboard shortcut commands to issue orders that are not available via the orders menu. This includes Blood Hunting underwater. Patrolling with immobile units. Breaking siege with immobile units. Patrolling to break siege (unless it's to workaround the fort locking bug. Please contact the admin!). Site Searching while besieging or whilst being besieged. And any other such exploitative keyboard shortcut that I am either unaware of, or can not currently recall. There are to be no exceptions to this rule without my permission, and I am only ever likely to give my permission in situations where using a keyboard shortcut is needed to counter an exploit.
5. Exploiting obvious mod bugs. If you find something which is obviously wrong or looks wrong then you have a duty to report it, and not exploit the bug until the admin makes a decision on it.
6. No move-blocking by probing enemy armies with lone commanders. If you want to probe an enemy army then hide a Scout in that province and use the "Attack Current Province" command, as that runs no risk of blocking enemy movement. Any player that uses move-blocking is in immediate violation of the next rule.
7. Being a general douche bag is not allowed in this game. This is probably the most important rule of the game, and if you break it then you can expect to be kicked out.

Admin - bradicus13 (not playing, just adminning)
Vice Admin - I will likely ask a punctual player, preferably out of my time zone, to help keep timer watch. But I will be the final authority on all in game matters.

Player List
1. Ogaburan- Skaven
2. Vauron- Aurum
3. Dhostar- Bretonia
4. Beelzeboss- Black Ulm
5. Khal_drogo- Altdorf
6. Goldboy- Sylvania
7. Mongler- Chaos Undivided

Game Link

Edited by: bradicus13

May 30 2013 Anchor

Put me in as Marignon.

May 30 2013 Anchor

All those tasty mod nations, and you wanna rock Mari?!? Brave man!

May 30 2013 Anchor

You know what... You convinced me!

Put me down as Skaven!
Chose them coz i used to play skaven in bloodbowl.

May 30 2013 Anchor

Alright, Ogaburan, you are now the Rats.

May 30 2013 Anchor

are you going to play brad?

May 30 2013 Anchor

Parone- alas, no. I can't really claim to be a newer player anymore. And I'm a bit overbooked at the moment anyways. Just adminning this one.

May 30 2013 Anchor

Does Aurum sound ok?

May 30 2013 Anchor

Of course. Actually doing some SP testing with them right now!

May 31 2013 Anchor

put me in as T'ien C'hi (I think that's how you say it)

It is my first game multiplayer, but sounds like it should be fun
Actually, if anyone has any tips for this nation, can you post them?
The wiki isn't very detailed on this

Edited by: lukasr


I dislike emotes, so will generally use things like =) rather than :)

May 31 2013 Anchor

Can i sign up as Bretonnia maybe? I do love all those horsies!

May 31 2013 Anchor

lukasr wrote: put me in as T'ien C'hi (I think that's how you say it)

It is my first game multiplayer, but sounds like it should be fun
Actually, if anyone has any tips for this nation, can you post them?
The wiki isn't very detailed on this

You might find this guide to be helpful:


May 31 2013 Anchor


I am entirely too drunk to deal with admin stuff right now. I will add the players tomorrow and offer comments and such. Brettonia is fine, by the way.

Until the morrow,


May 31 2013 Anchor

Drunk admin!?
Hip Hip Huzzah!

May 31 2013 Anchor

ok brad. next time you join up, maybe drop me a line. be fun to play against you.

everybody remmember to be polite and thank your admin. it's a thankless job.

Brad-my evening was apparently similar to yours.

May 31 2013 Anchor

I might nation-switch if i find their mid-game impenetrable, but that T'ien C'hi guide is really helpful, even if their name is a pain to type.
Thanks, mongler


I dislike emotes, so will generally use things like =) rather than :)

May 31 2013 Anchor

Alright, lukasr and Dhostar, you guys are in.

Please take a good long look over the rules. This is a High Committment game, which means I expect anyone signed up to fight to the bitter end, not pout or leave the game if things start going awry for you in game (RL stuff is different, and I can't fault someone for needing out due to that), and generally do your best to attempt to win.

And generally, regarding guides, please note the date on that thread and remember several iterations of CBM have come and gone since that was written. Particularly out of date is anything relying on mass forging using Dwarven Hammers (which are unique nowadays, meaning only one in play).

May 31 2013 Anchor

Allright, that is great, and dont worry i will fight to the end, i think Oga knows that

Jun 1 2013 Anchor

I would like to join as Black Ulm. I could help to keep an eye on the timer. The time zone I live in is GMT+1 (CET).

Jun 1 2013 Anchor

Welcome Beelzeboss.

Thanks for your offer, but I prefer to wait and see how the players shake out before I ask for a helper. Not that I doubt your commitment, but I've generally had the most success by looking for a co admin after a dozen or so turns are in and the game has really gotten some momentum. I'll certainly keep you in mind though, as your time zone and enthusiasm fulfill two of the criteria I use.

We now have 5 players. Do you folks prefer a smaller or larger game? My in inclination is to leave sign ups open over the weekend and see where we end up, but I am open to hearing opinions.

Jun 1 2013 Anchor

Well the more players, the more nations, the more fun... I think :P

Jun 1 2013 Anchor

Yeah. There is some hard-ish limit (as I remember being told) on the number of sprites that can be loaded in game, but we should be ok here.

Jun 1 2013 Anchor

The limit is about 15K units and 3K commanders for the whole game, but i doubt We'll get near that.
it only really happens with LA ermor and Ry'leth, and even then only in large games, so we should be ok


I dislike emotes, so will generally use things like =) rather than :)

Jun 1 2013 Anchor

lukasr wrote: The limit is about 15K units and 3K commanders for the whole game, but i doubt We'll get near that.
it only really happens with LA ermor and Ry'leth, and even then only in large games, so we should be ok

I think those are the old units limits, that have since been increased in a patch (although someone like Edi can likely confirm this better than I can, since this is more his area than mine). (Edit - fairly certain they are the old limits, and that 15k is 150k. As I have seen multiple games where the army graphs have maxed out at 32k for freespawn nations, which is a good 16k of size 2 units. So many games would have broken if the limit was 15k)

What bradicus is referring to is the limit on new sprites, which is totally different to in-game unit limits. Most mod nations use new sprites, and so any game that is making heavy use of mod nations might run into the hardcoded new sprite limit. (and IIIRC the most recent CBM also adds new sprites to the game, so that has to be taken into account as well if the game is using the newest version of CBM)

Edited by: Calahan.

Jun 1 2013 Anchor

thanks, i got confused, must have misread it and removed a 0 from the end.
interesting to know anyway.

Also, I don't really mind if the game is large or small

Edited by: lukasr


I dislike emotes, so will generally use things like =) rather than :)

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