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The Old God has left the world and the pretenders are awakening and coming out from hiding. You start the game by designing one of the pretender gods that will compete for true ascension to godhood. The type of god can range from a magically powerful arch mage to an ancient kraken or a mystic monolith that people pray to. Your pretender controls one of over sixty different nations and with the help of that nation he will spread his word and battle the other pretenders. Dominions 3 is a turn based strategy game. You can play single- or multiplayer (1 - 23 players) with simultaneous turns. There are more than 1500 different units, 600 spells and 300 magic items in the game. The game also features a medieval musical score by Erik Ask Uppmark and Anna Rynefors, both awarded the title of Musicians of the Realm by the Swedish Zornmärkeskommiten. Dominions 3 is a highly detailed game and a 300 page pdf manual is included in the download.

Forum Thread
Mytheology 3.12 (Games : Dominions 3: The Awakening : Forum : Modding : Mytheology 3.12) Locked
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Feb 26 2013 Anchor

Mytheology is a bit of a strange mod. A collection of random new pretenders from various sources, a few new spells and other additions. Over the years various people have worked on it, and I have taken it upon myself to keep it working.

I just made an update so it works for 3.28 and with CBM 1.94.

More information, and the mod here:

Please reply here or at the shrapnel forum if you find any bugs or issues.

Note, this mod is NOT compatible with [MC] Skaven or [MC] Lizardmen or mods that conflict with those two mods. (thanks Satansmechanic).

Edited by: Soyweiser

Feb 26 2013 Anchor

be lot of happy people about this.

Feb 26 2013 Anchor

Good on you. Any desire to try and balance it? My recollection is various things were wacky overpowered last time I tried it.

Feb 26 2013 Anchor

Feel free to list any balance issues. I already removed some of the balance issues. A lot still remain.

Feb 26 2013 Anchor

I'll see if I can give it a look this week.

Feb 27 2013 Anchor


maybe you can give me some help. This mod looks wonderful. Yesterday I tried to build some pretenders....just looking at the different new chassis and the possibilities. And at one point I am not sure if it is intended. When I try to build an EA Caelum pretender, then, as a possible chassis, a Queen of Thunder is shown (Summon Elemental Queen of Air). A similar thing happend with another EA Nation (I forgot the correct one, could check it this evening), where the King of Banefires was a possible chassis.

Is this part of the mod or abug?

Greetings from the Legion

Edith: Changed Storm Queen to Queen of Thunder

Edited by: Legion69

Feb 27 2013 Anchor

Part of the mod.

Edited by: Soyweiser

Feb 27 2013 Anchor

Thank you for the quick answer. It seemed thematically good, but I was not sure .....

Feb 27 2013 Anchor

I did something similar. I created a game, controlling multiple nations, to look at some of the different options that were available.

I did not really play any turns, other than to check out some of the summons and shape change commands.

I noticed that the Earth King pretender for Agartha starts with one eye, due to an affliction.

The Desire pretender for Man is a bit weird. In Middle Era she attracts Priestesses to her locale. In Late Era she attracts these freaking huge Wendigo units instead.

Other than that, it looks pretty interesting. I might play around with Kalaisa over the weekend and try out the Monkey King.

Feb 27 2013 Anchor

Wendigo? Gehehe that looks like a typo. It is certainly a bug. My fault. (Edit: yeah, my bad. Summons wendigo or unnamed heroes. depending on CBM. desire is a bit strange anyway, getting to much dominion and to much paths).

I also noticed some issues with some pretenders starting with afflictions for no reason. I have not found why. (my experience was only with the shard of the world tree in the 3.11 version). I will look at the earth king issue. It should not start with an affliction.

And indeed Desire is strange. This is not intentional from my part. It is just that the person who made desire didn't have a clear plan. This mod is a collection of 'junk' by various authors.

Edited by: Soyweiser

Feb 27 2013 Anchor

In addition to those afflictions there was another strange thing. When the pretenter selection comes there is always one selection as default. Sometimes it was a Chaos Mage with no magical skills. When I then tried to select another chassis then the Chaos Mage was not an option.

But as you said: various authors bring various problems.....

Feb 28 2013 Anchor

Chaos mage is the human form of the black dragon.


Note, I never been really happy with the implementation of desire in mytheology. I know the lore behind ... it. (It is the anthropomorphic personification of desire. Not the god of desire or something. No, it is desire. To see it, is to know desire, and to desire it). In the lore desire is also androgynous. Sadly the mechanics do not support it. (As you can either seduce males or females). The succubus like sprite is also a bit wrong.

From all the endless, desire is the most scheming one, so it is the most likely that it would become a pretender. (Dream also schemes, but in a subconcious way).

How to deal with the abilities desire has, the freespawn, seduction, etc. Has long been on my todo list, but I have never really dealt with it.

Edited by: Soyweiser

Feb 28 2013 Anchor

I don't know how shape change mechanics work, but is is possible to have different shapes with different genders? Desire would still not be asexual in that instance, but capable of being male or female, with otherwise identical abilities in it's different forms.

I don't have a problem with the concept, I just thought the LA Man version attracting Wendigo was a bit wierd. I guess the base Dominion is pretty high as well.

I don't think it needs to summon units. It's Seduction ability coupled with it's Enslave attack looks like an effective method of attracting new followers.

I should point out that I know as much about Sandman as I do Dominions 3, which is not that much.

On related topic, once one of the games I am playing has concluded, I might try and start a new, casual MP game using this mod. That might be a way to get some basic feedback.

Feb 28 2013 Anchor

I don't think it is balanced in any way for MP play, but feel free to try :D.

Mar 1 2013 Anchor

Hmmmm........Dominions 3 is balanced?

I thought it is a feature that it is completely unbalanced?

Mar 1 2013 Anchor

*laughs* Yeah, that is a feature. ;).

I'm going to release a quickfix for the desire problem today. version 3.12.1

Edit: done. See shrapnel.

Edit2. annoying that you cannot edit topic titles.

Edited by: Soyweiser

Jun 15 2013 Anchor

Had an odd occurance today. In a fit of ''not allowed to sleep for another 15 hours", I started up a game mixing Mytheology 3 with the All ages mod, and set up every nation as human controlled.

EA Arco got the following message on turn 1 : "Thalassa queen of the sea has dissapeared in a puff of smoke"

Rumours of her demise appear to be greatly exagerrated, because she sits safe and sound in EA Oceanias capital.
Unsure wether it's worth following up or not, but certainly an... interesting occurance.

Jun 16 2013 Anchor

Interesting. I wonder why it happend for EA oceania and EA acro. Will look into it. Thanks for reporting it.

Jun 16 2013 Anchor

Have the turn files if you want to see it. EA Arco was first nation as always, unsure if it's restricted to EA Oceania or wether it could happen to any nation using that chassis or wether it was a symptom of the stupid huge game.

Jun 16 2013 Anchor

odd, how did you give EA Acro, Thalassa? Or didn't you take Thalassa as Acro as well? Then it might be related to the upkeep bug.

Jun 17 2013 Anchor

Arco had the pankreator.

Being somehow related to the upkeep bug was my suspicion as well.

Edited by: SatanicMechanic

Jun 17 2013 Anchor

Hmm then it is only a display bug, and not a "your pretender dissapears" bug.

One issues which I have not tested yet is, what happens when your pretender when it is dead, and another nation summons it. Will test it.

I could not reproduce the bug, so save files would be great.

Also, if a unique is set as a pretender, you cannot summon it using the summon spell. So at least that works.

Edited by: Soyweiser

Jun 18 2013 Anchor

zipped up the game folder for you.


As mentioned, turn 1, the message is on EA Arcoscephele, and Thalassa is with EA Oceania.


New post

Ummmm, does the shadowcat by any chance cause misreporting of unit types?

Edited by: SatanicMechanic

Jun 26 2013 Anchor

Edit: should have read the whole thread first.

Edited by: wilsonmax

Jun 28 2013 Anchor

Regarding the edit and picture:

Satan, if you use mytheology with [MC] Skaven or [MC] Lizardmen these nations will be broken. Same with any nation that is also incompatible with either skaven or lizardmen. (I specifically used those mods to be incompatible with for a few reasons, 1) it is better to be incompatible with specific mods than just randomly be incompatible, b) mytheology fits the theme of warhammer very bad, so if you are going to break stuff, break the warhammer ones).

For people not understanding what is going on. Mods have a limited number of monster 'slots' (id numbers). The new pretenders in mytheology and the skaven/lizardmen mods use the same numbers. So the warhammer nations get pretenders as recruits.

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