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Conquest of Elysium 3 is an old school fantasy strategy game. You explore your surroundings conquer locations that provides the resources you need. Resources needed vary much depending on what character you are, e.g. the high priestess need places where she can gather human sacrifices, the baron needs places where tax can be collected and where iron can be mined. These resources can then be used for magic rituals and troop recruitments. The main differentiator for this game is the amount of features and special abilities that can be used. The game can be played on Windows, Linux (x86 and raspberry pi) and Mac OSX (intel and powerpc).

Forum Thread
Version 3.09 won't start on linux (Games : Conquest of Elysium 3 : Forum : Bug Discussion : Version 3.09 won't start on linux) Locked
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May 10 2012 Anchor

If you have this problem:

lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found

Then that's because of a unwanted glibc dependency that snuck in when I updated my development machine to xubuntu 12.04. It has been fixed and version 3.10 will no longer have this problem. It has been sent to Desura is is just waiting for their authorisation.

For the technically interested programmer: It turns out that you cannot use memcpy in Linux any longer as that function is no longer compatible with older glibc versions. Luckily there is still memmove that can do the same thing.

May 10 2012 Anchor

(qualifies as technically interested programmer with expierience in C++ )

*uses horrified face* the horror, the HORROR!

memcpy(), let me guess: legacy code from reused software snippets?

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