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Conquest of Elysium 3 is an old school fantasy strategy game. You explore your surroundings conquer locations that provides the resources you need. Resources needed vary much depending on what character you are, e.g. the high priestess need places where she can gather human sacrifices, the baron needs places where tax can be collected and where iron can be mined. These resources can then be used for magic rituals and troop recruitments. The main differentiator for this game is the amount of features and special abilities that can be used. The game can be played on Windows, Linux (x86 and raspberry pi) and Mac OSX (intel and powerpc).

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The Modding Discussion Forum (Games : Conquest of Elysium 3 : Forum : Modding Discussion : The Modding Discussion Forum) Post Reply
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Feb 25 2012 Anchor

Welcome to the Conquets of Elysium 3 modding discussion forum. This forum is intended for the discussion of modding Conquest of Elysium 3 and trading tips, tricks and knowledge related to modding issues.

Completed mods should be posted on the separate Mods forum, but works in progress and discussing them belong here.

Note that at present CoE3 does not include full scale modding capabilities. There are some basic modding commands for altering some aspects of existing monsters and some commands that support modifying the visual elements of the game. More will be added later.

There are already some GUI mods for CoE3 available in the Mods forum.

Edited by: Edirr

Feb 27 2012 Anchor


Is there anyway to change the costs and stats of units? For example could you make 50gp buy 10 spearmen instead of 5 etc? If not are there plans to make this moddable?

Feb 27 2012 Anchor

As the opening post in this thread states, modding capability is not present in CoE3 at this time.

In plain English, that means no. Modding may be added in a patch later, but there is no schedule and Illwinter has not so much as mentioned the subject yet.

Since people were already making the various GUI mods, there was a call for this subforum to be added now rather than later. If or when modding is added, there will already be a venue here. And this subforum is also suitable for discussing how the different classes could be modded or should be modded to achieve specific ends (e.g. balancing things against each other etc.). That way those threads will all be in a category of their own and it will be easier to find any given topic.

Feb 27 2012 Anchor

Thanks for the reply.

I did read the opening post, but as I am no expert in modding I was not sure if there was a simple file that contained things like stats that could be changed. I understood that the mechanics of the game could not be modded.

Feb 28 2012 Anchor

It's like in Dominions, things are not in editable files. Dom3 mods were text files, which created an overlay on existing units (where those were modified) or created new units, which the game then implemented according to the standard unit structure format, by applying the enabled commands.

If there is to be CoE3 modding, it is going to work the same way.

Feb 29 2012 Anchor

Just saw this in the changelog: * Very limited modding support is starting to appear.

Mar 1 2012 Anchor

Yes, it is. So we will have modding, but it will appear piecemeal, a few commands at a time. Patience is the key here. Remember that the game has been out for less than two weeks, so it will be built up over time and several patches.

Apr 25 2012 Anchor

What would you say the modding capabilities of COE3 are as of now (25 April 2012)? A number of new commands have been implemented, and we are now at version 3.07.

Apr 25 2012 Anchor

StevenAus, I would suggest hold off until the next version is delivered. Modding of monsters and races is a bit not-worky at the moment. I have been working on graphics and stuff in readiness for the modding available with the next delivered version.

Apr 25 2012 Anchor

Can you test a lot of that by using selectmonster instead of newmonster?
There are many monsters that are "available" but not yet complete or in the game. Using Unicorn, Pegasus, Pixie, Leprechaun, Spriggan, Redcap, Brownie, Faun.
There are more if you need them

Edited by: gp1628

Apr 25 2012 Anchor

I will give that a go. Good idea, cheers

Apr 25 2012 Anchor

Has someone made a "make Chosen of Dvalin be Front rank" mod? ;)

Are mod instructions available to the public somewhere?

Apr 25 2012 Anchor

Illwinter's own CoE3 page.

Apr 25 2012 Anchor

all 3 manuals are available here
which tends to be the latest you can get

Apr 25 2012 Anchor

PvK wrote: Has someone made a "make Chosen of Dvalin be Front rank" mod? ;)


Does it work? No!

I think it will be helpful to see some examples after the next version.

Apr 26 2012 Anchor

Thanks all!

Apr 26 2012 Anchor

gp1628 wrote: Can you test a lot of that by using selectmonster instead of newmonster?
There are many monsters that are "available" but not yet complete or in the game. Using Unicorn, Pegasus, Pixie, Leprechaun, Spriggan, Redcap, Brownie, Faun.
There are more if you need them

I do need them. Give me more :P

Seriously though, about another 8 would enable me to flesh out my other units.

I'm not sure what method you are using to figure out which ones are unused?

Apr 26 2012 Anchor

I dont do modding much. I do map commands. There is a forum for maps and scenarios on www.CoE-3.com forum where we can do deeply into it.

<br />mapsize 11 11<br />terrainrow 0 67,59,59,59,59,59,59,59,59,59,68,<br />terrainrow 1 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,<br />terrainrow 2 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,<br />terrainrow 3 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,<br />terrainrow 4 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,<br />terrainrow 5 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,<br />terrainrow 6 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,<br />terrainrow 7 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,<br />terrainrow 8 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,<br />terrainrow 9 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,<br />terrainrow 10 66,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,64,<br />fixedplayer 0 14 0 0 0<br />fixedplayer 1 11 7 1 1<br />fixedstart 0 1 1<br />fixedstart 1 9 9 <br />

Save that as something like testty.coem into your maps directory.
Add to the end of that
startevent 2 1 1 0 "Bullywug"

Add as many as you want then just Start New Game->Load Map
Here is a list of everything the game recognizes that can go between the quotes.
I dont think the Firbolg's, Tuatha's, Deer Tribe, and Wolf Tribe units are in use in the game.

CRAP dont use that code. This forum wont let me edit it to fix it.
here is the map....
mapsize 11 11
terrainrow 0 67,59,59,59,59,59,59,59,59,59,68,
terrainrow 1 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,
terrainrow 2 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,
terrainrow 3 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,
terrainrow 4 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,
terrainrow 5 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,
terrainrow 6 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,
terrainrow 7 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,
terrainrow 8 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,
terrainrow 9 57,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35,56,
terrainrow 10 66,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,64,
fixedplayer 0 14 0 0 0
fixedplayer 1 11 7 1 1
fixedstart 0 1 1
fixedstart 1 9 9

startevent 2 1 1 0 "Bullywug"

Edited by: gp1628

Apr 26 2012 Anchor

PvK wrote: Has someone made a "make Chosen of Dvalin be Front rank" mod? ;)

Here it is:

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