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Conquest of Elysium 3 is an old school fantasy strategy game. You explore your surroundings conquer locations that provides the resources you need. Resources needed vary much depending on what character you are, e.g. the high priestess need places where she can gather human sacrifices, the baron needs places where tax can be collected and where iron can be mined. These resources can then be used for magic rituals and troop recruitments. The main differentiator for this game is the amount of features and special abilities that can be used. The game can be played on Windows, Linux (x86 and raspberry pi) and Mac OSX (intel and powerpc).

Forum Thread
Dwarf Commanders slow in version 3.11 (Games : Conquest of Elysium 3 : Forum : Bug Discussion : Dwarf Commanders slow in version 3.11) Locked
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Jun 8 2012 Anchor

Dwarf Commanders slow in version 3.11 (map move 2 not 3).

This seems like a bug because it is inconsistent with the speed of their other units, which didn't change too. That is, all dwarves have been speed 3 except the ones with heavy (1+) armor and large shields. The Dwarf Commanders have armor 1 and just a normal shield, which is the same as the regular Dwarves, who still have move 3. Seems to me that it is inconsistent for Dwarves and Dwarf Commanders to have different speeds.

It is also a pretty big reduction in Dwarf abilities, because that's the only flavor of commander, and the only mobile starting commander, so it will reduce their ability to expand/explore and to generally move units around. Also because of this, it seems pretty silly, because it implies that the dwarves are too silly to realize this and lighten their leaders' loads enough to let them lead their faster units at full speed.

Jun 9 2012 Anchor

they're not slow. Must be a mistake of a mod or sth.

I remember having put a wrong movement sum in one of my mods. Could be the reason, if you're using one of them.

Jun 11 2012 Anchor

Aha! Thanks ulius4, you are right. I didn't realize I had two mods enabled that had no icons.

Jun 11 2012 Anchor

If it was mine, sorry for the inconvenience ;), but the current version doesn't have that mistake anymore.

Edited by: ulius4

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