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Join Clive, an anthropomorphic rabbit, and Wrench, the literal monkey on his back as they travel through time and space in a lead-lined 1950's fridge. All in pursuit of the evil Dr Daucus and his plan for a rabbit-ruled world! Featuring time travelling, plenty of collectables, enemies, mini-games and tight controlling platforming.

Forum Thread
02-12-18 First Impressions (Games : Clive 'N' Wrench : Forum : General Feedback : 02-12-18 First Impressions) Locked
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Dec 10 2018 Anchor

Please please please enable vsync, its very choppy with the frame rate bouncing from 80fps to 100+fps on a 60Hz screen.
Strangely it doesn't seem to make any difference what resolution I run at, 1080p or 2160p have identical frame rates.

Changing the graphics setting seems to result in DoF/focus issues, I'm guessing you haven't tweaked those yet?
Can you perhaps lock out the higher settings for the Alpha to avoid people accidentally using them?

The volume mix is WAY too loud. I had to drop the setting on my receiver by 10 coming to this from Assassins Creed Odyssey and there seems to be some distortion at times like its clipping the audio, although its quite rare.

Strange things happen when you start the game with a dualshock 4 plugged in and try to find what is mapped to start. ;)
I managed to end up with the screen frozen but sounds still playing as if I was still controlling the game.
When I found what start was mapped to it would bring up the Xbox pad mapping screen but the game in the background started moving again.
I had to Alt+F4 and restart with an Xbox One controller plugged in, then everything was fine.

I'm not a fan of how the right stick camera control works. The way it zooms in and over the character, especially as sometimes it will then instantly jump to zoomed into the back of the characters head or even underneath them. I'm used to the camera being relatively fixed and just being able to pan around the character, its playing havoc with my muscle memory.

There are also some issues with how it auto zooms in and out, but that's to be expected I suppose as the camera is probably the hardest part of a game like this to get right. One particularly annoying thing though is how occasionally the DoF will focus on the background instead of the character. Not sure if its just in certain places or a certain graphics setting as its not happened since I left the graphics settings at the default.

A consistent problem with the camera though is that when jumping the platforms across the bog in Cajun Mob Bog the platform you are about to land on actually drops off screen mid-jump ,so its awkward to judge the landing properly.

I realise the camera is probably the hardest thing to nail, so maybe allow automatic camera and DoF to be disabled entirely for now so its easier to test how the game overall feels without these issues?

On the good side of things, the graphics and animations are really nice now and the controls don't feel as heavy as before.
I wouldn't say it feels as responsive as I would like, but its perfectly playable.
Although there is still a bug where sometimes when you move on the grass in Cajun Mob Bog, the character just slides across the floor before the walk animation kicks in.

The NPC subtitles on the bottom left doesn't feel right, is this just a placeholder?
Unlike the rest of the game it doesn't size properly when you increase the resolution so its REALLY hard to read at 4K as its 1/4 the size of 1080p. There also seems to be some lag/inconsistency with pressing Y to talk to NPCs.

I think we need the "Y" to only appear or to get brighter (its WAY too bright right now period, you can barely make out the letter) when you are in range of activating the conversation. Also, it would be nice if the NPCs stopped calling your name after you have
chatted to them.

Can we have the character auto-climb when grabbing onto ledges? As it is now if you press jump to climb up but do not press forward you just fall back down, and even when you do climb up it feels like you are going to miss. Overall it feels really slow climbing up ledges.

Edited by: alexatkin

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