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“A Nation of Wind” is a video game featuring elements of gameplay from both “Arena Shooters” (like Geometry Wars, Super Stardust, and Asteroids), and “Real Time Strategy” games, (such as Populous, Starcraft, and Actraiser). Set in a world of floating islands and airships, the player is tasked with commanding a ship and establishing/defending colonies. Players will be forced to deal with the bizarre creatures that come up from the lower atmospheres to wreak havoc on their airship and settlements, while appeasing the god’s of the land and eventually bending them to the player’s will. “A Nation of Wind” is currently developed by one intrepid artist, Jameson Wilkins. He is a freelancer with several years of experience in the browser and mobile gaming markets, and has studied game design and art the entirety of his life.

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very laggy (Games : A Nation of Wind : Forum : Bug Reports : very laggy) Locked
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Jul 27 2012 Anchor

seeing as this is the first post, I cannot be sure as to how you want a report formatted.

The game will very often "lock up" so that the music stops, the last key pressed will "stay pressed", and the cursor becomes frozen. The game, however, continues.
The game usually recovers after a few seconds and either does it again or doesn't do it again for a while.
I currently have no idea what causes this, as it occurs seemingly at random.

EDIT: slowdowns occur most frequently around the start/end of the day.

Edited by: juegoman

NationOfWindDev "Wind Goddess" illustration.
Jul 27 2012 Anchor

What are the specs for your PC? Specifically the RAM? My laptop has had similar issues if I'm running several other programs, but 90% of the time it runs fine and that's with just 1gig of ram and an outdated video card. If I had to guess that's the cause. D: If not, let me know, because then I have no clue what is causing it and I'll have to look into whatever is going on!

Jul 27 2012 Anchor

NationOfWindDev wrote: What are the specs for your PC? Specifically the RAM? My laptop has had similar issues if I'm running several other programs, but 90% of the time it runs fine and that's with just 1gig of ram and an outdated video card. If I had to guess that's the cause. D: If not, let me know, because then I have no clue what is causing it and I'll have to look into whatever is going on!

P4 1.73ghz
2gb RAM
ATI mobility radeon x700

it's kind of a dinosaur.

NationOfWindDev "Wind Goddess" illustration.
Jul 27 2012 Anchor

Hm, that's probably the issue then. I don't have any clue on what the actual system specs are for the game, but I do know that another person with an older PC was an alpha tester and complained about poor performance as well, so that's probably all there is to it.

The reason that it slows down a LOT during the end of the day is because the game is saving then. Hrm. Annoying, but I'm not really sure if there's anything else I can do! It was hell getting the game to run even at 25fps on my laptop, as a result I had to implement all sorts of cheats to get it to work.

Sorry man, I don't really know that this is so much a bug as it is just the game not playing nice with your PC, my condolences, my laptop is not much better and I developed the thing on it!

Jul 27 2012 Anchor

I see. Thanks for the help anyways.

Jul 27 2012 Anchor

I know after Hours of playing this game, I really didn't have any problems with lag at all. Then again, I'm running a 2.6 dual core CPU, and 4 GBs RAM. (No GPU) So I do have to wonder if it's your CPU that is the problem.

Aug 5 2012 Anchor

I'm having just about the same specs as nicktendo and I lag sometimes too. Though most of the time it will run smoothly. But sometimes when I start a new map it will lag horribly, but just leaving and re-entering will sometimes resolve it.

It seems something is causing some generated maps to lag more than others...

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