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ModDB welcomes a new video into the video family. Say hello to the Mod Countdown!

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With the vast amount of mods released on ModDB its hard to tell which mods from which genres are worth your time and bandwidth. Sure the new releases are covered in the highly popular Monthly Spotlight but what about old gems that are forgotten over time? Allow me to introduce the brand new video segment into the ever growing ModDB family, the Mod Countdown.

So what is the Mod Countdown? Think of it as a massive selection of only the crème de la crème of mods released this year and everything before, only with a twist! YOU! Yes you can nominate mods that you feel are most deserving to be placed within the halls of the greatest mods to grace us with their pixlated prowess! Each installment of the countdown will give you a topic for you to nominate mods into. After that just fill out a brief post giving us all the goss on why you choose the mod, its that easy folks! If in the event of a tie the staff will duke it out for the final votes.

Ok now for the first ModDB Mod Countdown theme we have a holiday special. As most of you will know Halloween is coming up on the 31st just in time for this little video to role out the door! So we are after the "SPOOKIEST MODS", so the mods that made scream, shout, jump and hide. The ones you wanted to finish but couldn't due to you being scared of your own shadow. Thanks for your votes guys!

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iMoo - - 92 comments

Strider Mountain ftw

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radutanasie - - 949 comments

Afraid of Monsters DC

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ÐiamonÐ - - 1,017 comments

AoM DC hands down mother *******.

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TheHappyFriar - - 519 comments

this is going to be like walking in to a vegetarian restaurant & asking if someone prefers tofo or steak. :o

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radutanasie - - 949 comments

Yeah, but its going to be fun ^^

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KILLER89(FIN) - - 2,311 comments

Bite me. :V

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INtense! Staff
INtense! - - 4,098 comments

no this is all about scary mods - so there is no point nominating something not scary.

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TheHappyFriar - - 519 comments

I was referring to that majority of people here user/make & want Valve game based mods. So it's pretty apparent it's going to be between two or three mods.

I'm more interested in mods for games that don't already have the "horror" element in them. I've always found it interesting to see how people take something that isn't horror-ish & make it that way. IE Quake 2, far cry, stalker, hl1, etc. Things like doom 3, hl2 & others already have parts like that, not as exciting to see what's done.

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Otreum - - 767 comments

Half life 2 had horror? Where? That game was a walk in the park and a complete waste of time :P
I think Far Cry and Stalker made me more frightened than half life 2 ever could have come close to.
Doom 3, I will admit did make my blood churn in the beginning parts, but then fell apart later on with frantic monster popping. FEAR was probably the only game that got under my skin.
As for mods...I would have to say that although it is a multiplayer mod, The Hidden: source was the only one that turned my flat belly into a 6 pack before I could say "You're next!". In other words, it was the only mod i've played so far that made me tense.

Afraid of monsters didn't do anything for me except frustrate me :P
It was well done, and it did make me jump at the crazy fast zombie animations, in pitch black darkness, but other than that, I got BORED of the mod rather than scared, and I ended up getting over it and not even finishing it.

To be honest, I don't think any game or mod out there has really given me that real scared feeling, maybe except the realms of the haunting when I was just a wee little lad, but even that didn't make me tense or make my eyes feel a bit watery.

So to finish up, The hidden: source gets my vote, sure it's an old mod, but it's just so damn awesome...hmmm, now I want to get back into that mod and start hunting some I.R.I.S members again :D

I know a mod that would be SUPER scary...A pokemon mod!...Q4 style (even though I hate quake games :P ).

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Peter12378 - - 18 comments

Ravenholm in HL2 did scare the **** outta me at the time.

I guess Zombie Panic Source can be pretty creepy in a good game.

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Togranigdo - - 851 comments

Really agree... Because AOM is.... so bored.

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Tommy-TBone - - 10 comments

I doubt many people will know about it but the Marathon Evil mod used to scare me shitless back in the day.

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lodle - - 204 comments

Yes, i remember playing that when i was 14. Dam those black things!

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DrDerekStiles - - 20 comments

HalloweenHL2PN. It gave me a few frights here and there, but i think it's the ideal halloween mod.

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danw13335 - - 232 comments

Too bad it's mods that have already been released. Mentality for HL2 is definitely one of the scariest mods I've played, but so far they only have a short (but scary) demo out.

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WorthyRival - - 1 comments

Natural Selection when I first started playing it and had no idea what i was doing, aliens were jumping out of vents and dark corners.

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AJ_Quick - - 1,321 comments

[ insert some source mod here ] Frightens ME the most!

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sonicboy3060 - - 49 comments

Zombie Master is not very scary... Unless if its dark and a banshee jumps at ya out of nowhere. I might try reaverholm maybe, but i say zombie panic source is awesome.

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MrTambourineMan - - 717 comments

Well like every discussion where there's a montion of Source this is gonna turn into Valve fanboys vs. Valve hateboys :/

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FJS - - 839 comments

Hidden: Source or Zombie Panic: Source.

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Broadsword530 - - 156 comments

Ugh. Zombie panic is top dog because it has steam support. I was afraid that mod would win... Disgusting...
The Hidden is by far the scariest mod on that list.

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frikazoyd - - 43 comments

So wait, steam support makes Zombie Panic less scary?

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Metafiz - - 504 comments


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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

The hidden? Scary? I find people changing gamma, other setting and such to make the hidden more see-able just make it a reaction shooter. If there's more then 5 people the hidden rarely wins, specially since they usually just find a 1 way or cornered room and wait for him to try to enter (even with the hidden having a grenade).

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ebol4 - - 161 comments

Hidden and AoM DC are the best ones. And the Russian one.
ZP:S isn't as good as the zombie mod in CSS. ZM isn't exactly scary...

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radutanasie - - 949 comments

Aha!!! Afraid of Monsters on the 2th place.

P.S: Otreum, your right about AoM, but it was very well made.

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Shadow-san - - 58 comments

ZP:S is the only mod to allow player zombies? Ummm...Brainbread anyone?

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Henley Author
Henley - - 1,973 comments

only one on the list.

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xilefian - - 451 comments

I preferred the single player Killing Floor, that made me almost **** myself with fear. The new multiplayer only version just isn't scary when you have real people running around in circles firing at every angle.

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kohzan - - 12 comments

Yay, Hidden Source is in the Top 3. To be quite honest, I don't think Zombie Panic: Source is that scary. There isn't much suspense, I mean ... you die and you become a zombie with respawns. It really kills the atmosphere of a serious tone when you know there isn't any consequences for dying. I think it is fun, but it isn't the scariest.

Scary is suppose make your stomach churn, your hands sweat, while keeping you glued to your seat even when your bladder is exploding. ZPS is more of a party game, where everybody chills and have fun. Just stop mixing this "fun" with scary ...

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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

Zombie master is the only one to allow a controller over zombies? The Haunted maybe?. Killing floor takes my vote (soon black sierra might change that). ZP:S for HL2, and paranoia for HL1.

As far as mods go a lot in the top 10 really disappointed me. And about ZP:S being the only mod with player controlled zombies. Yes brainbread KIND of had it, but it really wasn't the same. ZP:S zombies don't move a million miles an hour like brainbread :\. Brainbread zombie players just seems like it was added last second because it really just ended up being retarded, clumsy, and glitched to hell.

ZP:S CAN be scary. Dark maps on OBJ mode in a server that doesn't allow humans to hear zombie voice chat. Thats where the intensity comes. 4 players vs 15 zombies on subway OBJ map with only half the objs done, that was a tense moment. We won tho :D. A zombie game is only as good as the shotguns it hosts and the decapitation it supports imo. If NoMoreRoomInHell had some more fan support and more dedicated team members it would have released and topped all of those. Resident evil twilight as well.

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klichka - - 138 comments

Left 4 Dead will hopefully take ZP:S's throne. The game has a lot more going for it than ZP:S ever did. ZP:S I've found always wound up being based on going to a certain position each map and usually camping or getting zombies to be forced through a choke point.

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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

I like everything about L4D EXCEPT for the shooting system. Its too much like CS. I hope somebody mods an ironsights or free aim (OR BOTH) into it soon after release.

ZP:S doesn't have a thrown. Its a great game with a great concept, and its backed by its solid gameplay unique features, and classic zombie killing carnage. Barricading should be a must in basically any zombie based game. Even in ZP:S ppl army around in groups killing zombies. It's just if they split up they get picked off one by one. Really if they made zombies weaker but somewhat faster (humans faster too) and added a feature where zombies could grab people, making them unable to fire just mash clicks to escape before they die or are saved y a teammates attacks, it might become much more interesting as a horror game(scarefest!). Currently its an arcade style zombie shoot em up featuring classic weapons, sounds, and scenarios, and overall rises far above the expectations of a player only (NO AI) zombie based game.

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flameknight7 - - 619 comments

woot for ZPS! i bet everyone viewing this will probably get L4D XD

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Henley Author
Henley - - 1,973 comments

Guys remember that the community voted on the mods, if you dont like the list maybe you could have nominated a few different mods?

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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

We weren't supposed to nominate a library Henley. Its just the fact that I've played basically all of these and they just didn't work up to my expectations.

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Henley Author
Henley - - 1,973 comments

what do you mean by library? You could have voted for any mod of any game... I dont think the nominations where that difficult to do.

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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

I meant library as in... game library? like a whole whack of mods.

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Henley Author
Henley - - 1,973 comments

you can only vote for one, if its more then one its not really a vote now is it?

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FriedchikenCamo - - 139 comments

"you can only vote for one, if its more then one its not really a vote now is it?"
Well, then it would be called an approval style voting process. ;)

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BuZZeR - - 636 comments

2008 - the year of zombie mods! :D

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VagabondPraetor - - 158 comments

I would vote KF.

Zombie Panic Source is a bit too clean looking for my liking.

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ruMpel - - 1,060 comments

Well, I'm happy with the results. As long as people are enjoying themselves playing mods, it's good (horror mods ftw!). :)

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Mr.RoBoT - - 45 comments


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Antig3 - - 11 comments

Gah, it's really hard to pull off a 'scary' MP mod. Only SP mods can truely be scary sometimes.

Also once ZP:S got steam support, their player numbers jumped by thousands. It's probably this that was why ZP:S got so many votes. Think about it, how can anything be creepy if you got a guy yelling comically in the voice chat, or just in general, chat?

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Tatsur0 - - 1,068 comments

Natural Selection is scary as hell, AvP2 mp was pretty good and scary, Killing floor looks like it's scary, L4D also seems to offer up some scares. As a founding member of ZPS I've played it quite a bit and yet I still get spooked and lose all hope when I get cornered. A 12 year old spamming the mic can be muted and most games I've played, the users have taken the game seriously (grateful considering how most MP games are ruined by overly excited mic spammers). Our popularity may have gotten us the votes, but it doesn't make the gameplay less scary. Though we're all welcome to our opinions.

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ruMpel - - 1,060 comments

You are right, but I think he means that steam made it have loads of more players, which then can vote on it. Imagine every steam account in the world have ZPS on their list.

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tnathan475 - - 395 comments

Very glad that Dear Esther made the list, the game had a really creepy atmosphere to it, and the music and voice acting is so well done

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darktimes - - 34 comments

im seriously disapointed whit the list.

it just got so many votes becouse everyone played it and farted then, and declared it as "scariest" mod eva whitout looking at other mods.
zps is to slow, and to clean to be scary, and when you see a crouching and hopping zombie whit rap music in the mic in the corridor you can just laught... a very very hard, unfunny laught.

ZM: hahahahahahahah scary. hahahahahahahah srly. visit the forums before voting dudes!! 4chan and lol rofl and fun is ZM, ZM is the fun, exiciting, faster paced ZPs, ZM make fun of itself, and its fun to play it, ZPS try so ******* hard to establish a "horror" feeling that it almost breaks the game and make people bore.

AOM. huh, dark rooms whit zombies in it. <-- thats it, its not scary, its just boring.

my NUMBER 1.
paranoia (russian mod)

its realistic touched, the atmosphere is creepy as hell, and there are ******* moments i almost ****** myself. its far FAR more scarier as any other mod in the list. and.. L4D isnt a mod imo.

number 2.
hidden source. it is not just a invisible man.. its like a hulk strong, wide pounching invisible man. and its challinging.


Killing floor; creepy enemy disign and strong colours which couse the right admosphere.

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Henley Author
Henley - - 1,973 comments

I have to remind you this is a community voted list. If you dont like how it turned out maybe you should have voted?

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