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Hello. I am just an average person. I play CnC Generals ZH, CnC Renegade, Call of Duty 4, Grand Theft Auto IV, Halo 3, and some other games. I have interests in Paintball, Some Hockey, Fishing, Model Building, Computer games, Soccer, and Dodgeball. You can say, I am pretty weird.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 75)
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Iron Grip: Warlord

Hmm this game looks really interesting... one question: Can you control vehicles, like the ones in the videos?


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Renegade X (UT3)

Do you think you could add a special "First-month release version" that has a limited time game mode called "Kill the Visceroid", where a group of NOD soldiers (players) have to kill as many Visceroids as possible before they die? And the winner who kills the most Visceroids gets something dumb? And maybe add a version that lets you be the visceroid and you have to stay alive the longest?

That'd be awesome if you could !!


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Mount & Blade

@Setis (Mar 10, 2009)

I'm kinda stuck too. When I first started playing, I became a Swadian Lord and killed all of Khergit Khanate. But then those silly ******** retreated to the edge of the Nord's territory and waited there so I couldnt finish them. So then I helped Prince Valdym the Bastard (Vaegir rebel) to get the Vaegir kingdom. It went good. Khergit Khanate still was not dead. Then Valdym doesn't give me any fiefs, so I rebel on him. Now I have my own kingdom, Khergit Khanate is finally dead, and I am at war with the Rhodoks, Vaegirs, Swadians, and Nords. This is bad. Which faction should I kill first? I'm in trouble...


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Mount & Blade

Response to Invunarble (March 2nd, 2009)

Why did everyone give me negative karma? I was just stating my opinion on what would be nice to add to the game. Sheesh, if you don't like it, then tell me!


Good karma0 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Mount & Blade

@Mkilbride (March 3rd, 2009)

Wow... only a husband and wife? I thot it was bigger. Sorry if my ideas offended them.


(PS. Sorry if I was late on the reply, a virus messed up my computer and I had to wait 3 days to get it fixed)

Good karma0 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ justgoaway


Hello! Do you play ZH? Or Mount&Blade?


Good karma-7 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Mount & Blade

I think for things to add, you should add the following:

- Add the ability to use Catapults and Siege Ballistas to destroy walls
- Add the ability to see upgrades to castles/villages (I.E. Watch tower/school/manor) when you choose the option to "walk around the village/courtyard"
- Add the ability to see normal troops in prison (E.G. Swadian Militia, Vaegir Archers)
- Add a character skill that gives you a 2% chance of killing a lord in battle for every 2 points donated towards the skill
- Add the ability to excecute prisoners
- Add the ability to be able to attempt to persuade lords to being on your team
- Add a double-bladed 1h and 2h axe into the game (Sorry, I just love those things)
- Add the ability to have Naval Warfare, and make certain parts of Caladria only available to ships.
- Add the ability to rob stores
- Add the ability to be able to dismount from horses while moving, resulting in damage
- Try getting rid of most of the lag in the game.

Otherwise, pretty awesome game!


EDIT: You should also add the ability (in a seperate mode) for you to be king, and also allows you to build your own villages.

Good karma-1 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Mount & Blade

Very nice mod... I downloaded a trial and one of my friends gave me the serial key... my credit card expired, so I have to pay him back later.
However, there are a few bugs in the game, I will list them here:
- You cannot aim your bow&arrow to the right side while on horseback
- Occasionally attacker's soldiers will run towards the walls of the castle instead of climbing the ladder/siege tower
- Fix the glitch where when you siege a castle and ask for ownership, it says 'a message from <king name>' "I am gladdened that you sieged this castle, however, you asked that you can own it, but I cannot give it to you. *Instead, I give it to <king name>" Instead, make the king say (from * point)"Instead, I will take it for myself"
- Fix the glitch where whenever jumping near walls, you can see the edge of the map (inside towns/castles)

I will post a reply of things I think you should add to the game...


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ S.W.I.N.E

Bah wtf this thing has talking pigs and dogs and at 04:10 that fat pig is urinating all over a frog poor thing... What kind of company could make such a ridiculous game?


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Quokka!!

LOL its a giant "Quokka" and all those little specs on the floor are cities aah!

Anyways it looks cute :P Meow... my cats would problably eat it 0_O


Good karma+6 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ CH-47 Chinook

Oh yes all the aircraft in this mod have been resized and scaled to realism, unlike all the vanilla ZH models.


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ USSR Medic

Mr. Medic just because you are allowed to carry medical packs does NOT mean you can shove them over your boobs and try to say "im a guy".


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ USSR Officer

Duuuuh he looks like he is drunk "Grhesatings Chomrhade! Zhere is ze tank zhumming to rhun me hover!!!! DSHGDFHGSDHGHFGS!" And then his limbs look like they are plastic barbie limbs but he still looks good ingame :P lol


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ USSR Shmel Soldier

LOL he "Shmels" because he "Shmit" his pants thats how Russians talk lol


Good karma+2 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ USA Airfield

Geek, it doesn't have to be perfectly realistic for it to be a good mod, it still looks nice.


Good karma-4 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ C&C Wallpaper

I KNEW IT! That thing on the left is from C&C ShockWave!! Argh!!!


Good karma0 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ C&C Wallpaper

From left to right: Hot Hooters chick, Kane trying to look cool which he isnt, Soulja boy with armor and a weird nod trinket.


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Renegade X Wallpaper

Once upon a time an alien named Scrin vomited all over an asteroid. Then two seconds later it lands on earth. Then his toxic vomit spreads into crystals and kills everyone. The end. Thats the story of Command and Booger.


Good karma0 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Tiberium Milk

I wonder if Visceroid CO. will make Tiberium Pepto Bismol...


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ My *New* Theme + Tiberium Milk

Mutated cows are the only things that could do such an evil thing to milk!!


Good karma+2 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Keep of the grass.

Hmmm what if there was a tiberium and it said "Keep off the grass" and the sign said "Awww"


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ GERONIMO!!!


* Two GLA men are listening to their iPods while driving a Scorpion *
Driver: *sings along* Baleh bah, be baleh bumbleh bee!
Gunner: Doo doo doo! doo doo doo doo! doo doo doo!
* In the meantime, an overlord is watching the Scorpion tank and hearing the pesky iPod music *
Chinese chicken: Hey I think im colorblind
Drunk Chineseian: What the hell is a chicken doing in my tank???
Chinese chicken: Oh look there is KFC (Scorpion tank) in that water (ground)
Drunk Chineseian: What the f---!!!!!! Youre going off a cliff!!!
Chinese chicken: GERONIMO!!!
* In the meantime, in the Scorpion *
Chinese chicken: So that is what they were listening to, "Baleh Bah by Saddam Hussane".


Good karma0 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ GDI Celebrating Christmas!

Mmmm... Tiberium Milk... nice and green... :) (Yes I am a Visceroid)


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ GDI Delivering Justice

Because EA sucks and they want to remove good games to **** people off.


Good karma+3 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ RA3 uprising (expansion-pack) pics

Yes okay lets put Japanese Dinosaurs into RA3... thats really brilliant (sarcasm)


Good karma-1 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ The Black Hand

Invunarble: I will eat you for DINNAH!


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ RA3 uprising gameplay pics

This is ****.


Good karma-2 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Find IT! - New Units Edition

All this mod practically has is just other team's vehicles put onto a different team with different weapons, still all the same skins. Nothing special


Good karma+1 vote
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Beam Truck

You could call it the Chicken!!


Good karma+2 votes
Invunarble - - 75 comments @ Holocron/KotOR Hunt modes

I already played it... but the 1st one doesn't work on my computer anymore, and the 2nd one has a big scratch going thru the center of the disk, so I can't play it >:(


Good karma+1 vote