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Hello. I am just an average person. I play CnC Generals ZH, CnC Renegade, Call of Duty 4, Grand Theft Auto IV, Halo 3, and some other games. I have interests in Paintball, Some Hockey, Fishing, Model Building, Computer games, Soccer, and Dodgeball. You can say, I am pretty weird.

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Im sorry guys... but stuff happens

Invunarble Blog

Hi everyone!

I'm sorry, but I have bad news.

Several trojan horses got inside my computer, and whenever I would log on, I would have no access to the internet, I would have no start bar, but only a grey screen. My mom's boyfriend's friend wiped the computer's memory, leaving me with nothing. Idk where my C&C TFD disk is, and the map is completely gone. Atus might have it, but otherwise, I am done with mapping. I had to get my computer a second memory wipe again due to problems with my printer, speakers, webcam, and microphone. But now everything is good. And even if I do get it reinstalled, I will not have enough time to work on it, because I am doing 3 projects this week, and they are ALL DUE NEXT WEEK! Gasp!

March 25th, 1994. That is my birthday. Guess what? Today's the 27th! pPpppPppppPpppPPPPh! My birthday was two days late. I had an awesome party on the 21st. I got $30, $60 EB Games card, and a BlackBerry Curve. Holy shit, am I ever lucky! I even heard my dad is buying me a PS3.... hmmm.... dot dot dot...

New faviroute band : KEVIN RUDOLF!!!! WOO!!! HE ROCKS!!! AND WOCKS!!! whatever the hell that means...

Nuclear Arsenal - Teaser :P TEASED YOU!

Invunarble Blog

Hi everyone here is a new spoiler for my map!

The map (Nuclear Arsenal... my project) is going to either be a 1v1 or a 2v2. It will have a large body of land on the outside of the map, and a large river flowing through the center. At the center of the map, the river will flow into a lake that surrounds an island. There are 2 PT boats, a Battleship (lol, build a nuke silo and launch a nuke at this thing, see what happens :P), and several Tugboats. There are no supply piles at the player spawns yet, so you will have to send several supply gatherers into the island, which is connected by two bridges, to obtain the supplies. There is going to be some Amphibious Hovercraft which will have animations moving around. Mainly, in the center of the island, a Nuclear Missle silo will be captureable. This will only be a vanilla China one. However, there are several Nuclear bunkers and a nuclear truck so be careful if something blows up there!

Im not going to tell you anymore, as for two reasons:

A: I dont want to give away my release
B: Atus still did not send me back the map, fixing some glitches, so I have to wait >:(


The Map: My ideas, but when the hell will it be done?

Invunarble Blog

Hello everyone!

Currently making my map now, I have a test coming up so I will be a bit busy, but I will try to get it done ASAP.

I think now I am going to try to make an amphibious mission map for CnC ShockWave, which you have to use amphibious or aircraft to do it. I'm still not sure.



Invunarble Blog 1 comment

Hi everyone!

Sadly, right now I am going to take out CWC due to... umm... boredom. However, I might make a SW map in the meantime, as for I do not have any ideas yet. Please tell me if you have any ideas for the CWC or SW map!


P.S. Please tell me about what you think I should make a map out of!!!

P.P.S.S. Please tell me fast!!

Oh noes!

Invunarble Blog

Hi everyone!

After going into the first ten miniutes of building my map, something screwed up and the border was messing around aswell as the roads.

Instead, I am going to make a different mission map, this time not copying Call of Duty 4. I am pretty sure I will hopefully think of something


Umm hello

Invunarble Blog

Hi everyone!

As previously said, I am a big fan on CnC Generals ZH, and CWC, aswell as ShockWave. Right now I am using CWC, and I have plans to turn it into Call of Duty 4! I am currently making a map that will try to replay the last level of Act III with Atus. Please tell me what you think of this!

(Note that I am not the best mapmaker, so it might turn out a bit rusty, but will slowly improve!)

Or Dan